Preserved Sheet Kiirion Fellmirr

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Sep 19, 2015
Reaction score
Kiirion Fellmirr


Basic Information (Required)

Full Name: Kiirion Fellmirr
Age: 49
Gender: Male
Race: Cielothar
Main Ambition: To live a happy life with family and friends.

Skill Information

Proficiency Points) 54 points

  • +20 Sorcery Points (+20 from Proficiency Points)
    • Evergrowth: Nature Sorcery
    • Familiar Sensor: Nature Sorcery
    • Healing Grace: Lightness Sorcery
    • Hope's Beacon: Lightness Sorcery
    • Halting Infestation: Nature Sorcery
  • +10 Medical Sciences (+10 from Proficiency Points
  • +8 Visual Arts (+8 from Hobby Points)
  • +8 Musical Arts (+2 from Hobby Points, +6 from Proficiency Points)
  • +5 Natura Care (+5 from Proficiency Points)
  • +5 Anima Care (+5 from Proficiency Points)
  • +8 Lightgiver Ritualism (+8 from Proficiency Points)
Body Shape

Physical Stat: 0
Body Shape: Slim
Body Fat: Low Body Fat


  • Plains Elven
  • Common
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations:
  • 8/8 Lightgiver Ritualism
  • Sorcery Spells:
    • Evergrowth: Nature Sorcery
    • Familiar Sensor: Nature Sorcery
    • Healing Grace: Lightness Sorcery
    • Hope's Beacon: Lightness Sorcery
    • Halting Infestation: Nature Sorcery
  • Exist Purify (Mutation)
  • Exist Carry (Mutation)
  • Exist Crown (Mutation)


Visual Information (Required)

Eye Color: Light Green
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style: Medium length hair
Skin Color: Olive-tan
Clothing: Simple druid clothing
Height: 6'2



Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Lawful Good
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • The Mediator
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Cielothar Faith of Estel: 10/10

Life Story (Required)

Age: Birth-21) Kiirion was Born in the early springtime, between his Cielothar Parents. Their village was settled a few miles away outside the Alarenes valley Region, and quite near orc Territory. From a young age he saw many avant warriors brought in for healing from the defense of the villages, which eventually drove him to have a want to work as a medic for his village.

22-36) As he grew older, he partook in the study of healing and nature sorcery, becoming more intertwined with nature and the noble act of healing. While he never attended formal education, he swore to the popular vow of no harm, despite never intending it anyways given his pacifistic nature. Painting had become a general past-time for him, painting landscapes and the occasional portrait.

37-49) Times were well until the time of the Ranger crisis had come. As the ailor logging companies came, the village was at their mercy, forcing them out of their homes. Resistance not being put up, the Cieloth had begun their travels on the Trails of the Fallen Star. The trip was rather devastating to Kiirion and his family, Many members of his village dying along the route to the south. Even worse so as Kiirions father fell ill and passed away along this trail. The next few years were nothing but Hardship for Kiirion and his mother. As the two were found between traveling between overcrowded villages in Hyarroc to Elven slums in Teled. Eventually, the two found themselves with enough savings to travel to the Regalian Holy City. There the two met up with Kiirions Yanar Grandfather, Aster.


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My Review:
  • Anxious, Sensative and Mellow need at least one extra point of content.
Please tag me once the edits have been done in green @Tracenator1
Character was completely rewritten besides the aspects of personality and previous interactions
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@Tracenator1 My sole review point is that I do not believe healing can be a talent for him as he has no formal schooling with the Discipline of Medicine as found on the School of Biology page. Please change it and I will allow that talent to remain.
I realized I made an oopsie in my last rewrite, which was made to rank up to scholar. So change made in purple.
My single review point is that I ask you please add the total of proficiency points you have on one skill onto the front of that skill, like the example on the template has it, just so I can be assured of correct mathematics. Tag me once this edit has been completed.
What a twink~.