Preserved Sheet Kiera Fareeda Al-ramoran

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Jan 15, 2018
Reaction score
Basic Information

ᗚ Full Name: Keira Fareeda al-Ramoran

ᗚ Nicknames: The Unmatched, Kei
ᗚ Age: 35
ᗚ Birthday: June 9th, 272 A.C.
ᗚ Gender: Female
ᗚ Race: Songaskian
ᗚ Sexuality: Bisexual

ᗚ Status: Unknown
ᗚ Preference: Females
ᗚ Weapon of Preference: Spear and shield, along with magic
ᗚ Religion:

Shambala - 8/10
Unionism 2/10

Skill Information

ᗚ Proficiency Points: 40

ᗚ Combat:
+10 Pole Combat Skill (+10 Points Spent)
+10 Shield Combat Skill (+10 Points Spent)
+2 Unarmed Combat Skill (+2 Points Spent)
ᗚ Study:
ᗚ 7 Diplomatic Case Skill (+7 Points Spent)
ᗚ Knowledge:
+4 Society Knowledge (+4 Points Spent)
Eastern Culture
+3 Historical Knowledge (+3 Points Spent
Dragon History
ᗚ Arts:
+5 Musical Arts (+5 Hobby Points)
+5 Dance Arts (+5 Hobby Points)
ᗚ Magic:
+4 Elemental Sorcery (+4 Points Spent)

ᗚ Body Shape:
ᗚ Physical Stat: (10 Pole Combat*1 = 10 BP) + (10 Shielding Combat*1 = 10 BP) + (2 Unarmed Combat*2 = 2 BP) = 22 BP
ᗚ Body Build: Ripped
ᗚ Body Fat: Extreme Low Fat

ᗚ Languages:

ᗚ Abilities:
Ancient Shift
World Flow Powers

Fire Element
Water Element
Earth Element
Air Element
Elemental Sorcery
Elemental Branding

Visual Information

ᗚ Eye Color: Fiery Amber
ᗚ Hair Color: White
ᗚ Hair Style: Kept long, uses gold hair pins to keep it in a bun
ᗚ Skin Color: Light Brown
ᗚ Clothing: Tends to wear loose fitting garb, though never a dress
ᗚ Height: 6'2

Personalities & Abilities

ᗚ Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Keira believes in lawful concepts such as honor, order, and tradition, but follows her own personal code that works alongside such concepts. Some may describe her as a soldier following her orders.
ᗚ Character Personality: Defender
Keira will do whatever it takes to defend those she cares most for, she tries to not let strangers know who she cares for because she doesn't want her loved ones to be put into any danger.
ᗚ Character Religion: Shambala & Unionism
Shambala - 8/10
As a songaskian, she believes strongly in the sun's power, and the dragon culture that works alongside it. Keira will avoid preaching her religion to the public because she does not wish to bring any attention to her within Regalia.
Unionism - 2/10
In hopes of being accepted among the Regalians, Keira made sure that before she traveled to the city that she had a basic knowledge of the faith. She also believed that as her family is aristocrat, that learning about Unionism might help their image.

Life Story

ᗚ Childhood:
Keira Fareeda al-Ramoran was born on June 9th, 272 A.C. within a military encampment, and was raised by her parents Sakara Mansurah al-Ramoran and Voderess Anwaar al-Ramoran who were both belonging to the longstanding lineage of warriors from the blood of Kash-Toraal The Black. As their firstborn child, Keira was treated like their little princess and was often found crawling around and causing mischief. When she was three years old, her mother gave birth to her younger brother, who Keira would often times blame for whatever she did wrong even though he was an infant. She spent much of her childhood exploring, fueling her curious mind. Keira began to learn about Shambala, as well as other Songaskian traditions, her mother taught her how to speak, read, and write in Sofaal but for the first years of this Keira's vocabulary was quite basic as she was very young. Keira would oftentimes be watching her parents as they sparred, taking an interest to combat from a very young age. By the time Keira had turned ten, her parents decided that she was old enough to begin training. It started out slow, with her using a wooden stave instead of an actual spear to avoid any injuries, but by the time she had turned thirteen she had began to use an actual spear, that was lighter and shorter than an actual spear to account for her small stature at the time. It was also during this time that she was acquainted to her paternal grandmother, Adama, who specialized in using Elemental Sorcery and was quite skillful with using it. The two became quite close, leading to Keira becoming Adama's apprentice and the beginning of her schooling under the sorceress.
ᗚ Adolescence:
When Keira turned sixteen, her horns had finished growing and she had finished her apprenticeship under Adama having learned Elemental Branding by her fifteenth birthday. Under the leadership of her parents, Keira would join the Songaskian Military, learning to use a shield to accompany her spear to offer more protection when on the field of battle. Her parents didn't allow Keira to enter any battles until she was older, as they believed her to be young and too inexperienced to join them. She understood, and continued her training, spending the next four years picking a fight with many of the songaskians within the encampment, earning herself the name of Fereeda, or The Unmatched, this stemmed from the fact that she was quite skilled for her age despite losing a few spars.
ᗚ Adulthood
During much of her adulthood, Keira was serving within the songaskian military, but she wasn't serving under her parents. Keira was part of a women only battalion, that encouraged romance between the soldiers as they believed it to strengthen the bond between the soldiers, Keira and one of her fellow soldiers Layla would begin a relationship that would last until the day Layla died in the Songaskian Civil War. Layla's death took a toll on Keira, as they were besides one another when it happened Keira attempted to avenge her fallen lover, stricken with sadness and fought with tears streaming from her eyes until she was finally taken down by a spear to the back of her leg causing her to collapse. After this, Keira was captured along with any other members of the battalion she was a part of, and she was imprisoned until the end of the war. After she was released Keira was on her own again, not knowing what had come of her mother who she believed to be dead, and with her lover Layla dead, she was alone. Keira moved back to what was left of her homeland after the war, moving back with her father and brother, putting away her spear and shield for the time being as she pursued other interests such as music and dancing. This kept her mind of the other things going on around the world, and she tried to hide the fact she was a soldier at one point in time from other people. Keira spent this time with her father and brother at their home pursuing more peaceful endeavors. She began to read about diplomacy, studying this subject and would use this to help in her day to day life when trying to defuse conflicts between people. Keira had thought that this whole time her mother had fallen in the field of combat after having not heard from her for a while. Keira remained there until 307 A.C. when something that she thought would happen finally happened.
ᗚ Present:
News reached Keira in Farah'deen that her mother, Sakara had become an aristocrat within the Crown Isle. She had not heard from her mother in years because Keira believed her to be dead after not hearing from her since the end of the Songaskian Civil War, when unbeknownst to Kiera, her mother had been exiled to the deserts. Keira then decided that she would pick up her belongings in the Songaskian Masaya, and seek passage over the sea and to Regalia. Once she arrived in Regalia, Keira would begin to seek out her mother and reunite with her in Regalia. She came alone as she wanted to make sure it was true before sending word back to her brother and father.
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@Surrealizm Please make these adjustments to your backstory, and tag me once you've done so.
-It seems incredibly unlikely she would have, in her 4 years of picking fights with those older and more experienced than her, gone entirely undefeated. Try to amend this to make it more reasonable, as she additionally would likely not be the only one utilizing magic or some variation of it.
-You mention when she returns she has no idea where her family is, and then two sentences later, say she stays with her father and brother. How did she reunite with them?