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Work in Progress Kiel Vuakudah

This sheet is a work in progress and should not be considered accurate or used actively in roleplay.
Dec 5, 2024
Reaction score
Full Name: Kiel Vuakudah
Heritage / Culture:
Age: 327
Gender / Pronouns: It
Religion: Evolism
Occult: Void
Character Occupation: Unemployed
Appearance Information

A dark suit of armor rattles in the depths of the vampyric district. Slowy lurching forward, boots hit the ground. A faint purple hue begins to swell from beneath plates or armor. From across the ancient expanse of the void, nestled a spirit into this mortal world. Though formless still, barely with a coherent thought. Through the passage of time, this creature had rarely turned its attention to the mortal realm. Curiosity drove it with restlessness, reaching out across the realms until a connection is established.

Eye Color: N/A

Skin Color: N/A

Hair: N/A

Height: 6'0

Body Type: The armors design appears to be extremely gothic, and held firmly, gabision and all by the spirit puppeteer

Additional Features:

Mystek: Puppeteer Spirit

Skill Information

Control Thralling: The Character can establish Mind Control over a Character with OOC consent (which can be revoked at any time). Mind Control can vary from the Target becoming completely unable to act and waiting for commands, or being mostly in control of themselves, but just not being able to reject commands from the user. Mind Control cannot be overwritten, and can be removed from any Knocked Out person (they will always violently resist being freed) by removing the device or substance that Mind Controls them. There is no upper limit to the amount of people Mind Controlled this way. Make sure to always communicate the level of (dis)comfort Players may have with Mind Control before engaging in it.

Magical Variant: Control Thralling can no longer be removed by just Knocking someone Out, they have to be freed from Mind Control through the use of an Ability or Mechanic that functions as a form of Exorcism. If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.

Duellist Invocation
The Duellist Invocation allows a Character to change the rules of (mostly) friendly combat in a scene. In order to use this Invocation, there must be a clear number of participants (either a group, or two persons), and a clear "ring" or "arena" in which the fight takes place. Then, the Invocation creator can set the rules of the fight in whatever way they like, this can include but not be limited to: ridiculously over-the-top anime-style theatric combat, increasing Proficiencies to 28, increasing HP to 30, changing Attack/Defense/Damage Stats, disregarding the Combat Roleplay system altogether and using logic dictation, allowing Characters to fly or transform and so forth. The idea is that reality can be defined by the person making the Invocation and that as the cherry on the top, the participants become effectively immortal. Even if they die as a result of the duel, they will be revived at the end and their bodies restored. Duellist Invocation cannot interfere with regular Combat Roleplay, participants must always be willing, and as soon as the duel has started, it cannot be interfered by outsiders until the duel is done.
Hobbies and Talents:
To be discovered

Puppeteer Mechanic I: While in or out of Combat, a Puppeteer Spirit can target an Ally's (not self) Radiant Magic Ability, force it to be Sinistral instead, and re-target it if necessary to a different Target, Twice per day.

Puppeteer Mechanic II: Puppeteer Spirits gain the Mindcontrol Pack Magical Variant for free. Additionally, they are immune to Persuasion Thralling themselves (unless they choose to be Thralled).

Puppeteer Mechanic III: Puppeteer Spirits can seal a spirit pact with a willing participant, some kind of mission, quest, or action. If they fail or attack the Spirit after, they take damage (discuss in Dm's what this means).

Puppeteer Mechanic IV: Puppeteer Spirits gain the Duellist Invocation Pack for free. Additionally, when using it, they can force characters within it to use Sinistral Magic, which does not count for God Magic corruption.

Puppeteer Mechanic V: Puppeteer Spirits are immune to anything that would read/alter their emotions or conscience, and if killed, can always respawn in a different place 1 hour later, but must find new objects.



What more could be said of primordial energy

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 7
Defense Stat: 5
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:

Strength: 7
[Bruiser Stance] [Bruiser Slam] [Counter Technique] [Bruiser Tackle] [Weapon Throw] [Technique Parry]

Constitution: 5
[Rebound] [Fortitude] [Counter Technique] [Shield Cover] [Shield Slam]

Intelligence: 0

Wisdom: 0

Dexterity: 0

Faith: 0

Magic: 2
[Arcane Echo Strike] [Arcane Aura]
Charisma: 0