Preserved Sheet Kichirou Akihiko Seaoul

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Mamba Mentality
Aug 5, 2017
Reaction score


|Theme|Pinterest|Art|Theme 2|


"Let's make it a million."

  • Full Name: Kichirou Akihiko Seaoul
    • Acceptable Nicknames: Kichi, Hiko, Kirou, Ki
  • Age: 30
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Full blooded Chi'en'ji - Undead of Mortis Javalis
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Religion: Loong Dragon Worship.



"This is My Mexico."

Total Proficiency Points: 30 From being 30 years old
  • Point Allocation:
    • Scientific Knowledge:
      • +10 Medical Sciences - 10 Invested
    • Combat Training:
      • +5 Blades Training - 5 Invested
      • +5 Throwing Skill - 5 Invested
    • Body Proficiency:
      • +10 Athletic Training - 10 Invested
  • Common: 10/10 (Fluent, has a strong prevailing accent)
  • Tatsugo: 10/10 (Native Tongue)
  • Daendroque: 10/10 (Preference via merchant trading)
Body Shape:
  • Body Build: Toned
  • Physical Stat: 30
  • Body Fat: Low

  • Eye Color: Golden - Darkened sockets.
  • Hair Color: Jet Black
  • Hair Style: Up slightly held by a bandanna
  • Skin Color: Cold and pale
  • Clothing: Light orange and yellow pirate like clothing. With a bandana on top.
  • Height: 170 cm :5 feet 7 inches



  • Initial View: Typically to the outside eye Kichirou seems to be a kind type. He's a confident, decent aged Chi'en'ji not agitated easily. He's the type to offer a random person a drink. He's a talkative person to even strangers, engaging to others randomly for a random strike of conversation. His initial perception looks to avoid conflict. However, it seems to be a mask at times.
  • Internal Perception: How Kichirou feels inside is a tough description, he has a fair amount of confidence internally. He, however, feels the need to have everyone like him, he feels that he should strive to make all happy. Disappointment strikes when he's unable to do so. Otherwise, he has no real anxiety other than fitting in and appealing to most.
  • Friendly Look: Kichirou around his friends is relatively the same. Except with more of a benefit of the doubt. He also throws himself to defend his friends much more swiftly than a stranger. Kichirou will step for any true person he calls a friend. He has written his family off completely, excluding his sisters he has an internal hatred nearly all members of it.
  • Morally speaking: Kichirou's morality falls into a basic decisive one. He really analyzes the people around him, the situation, and then thinks of what to do. He commonly doesn't care to defend most strangers or whatever. He's somewhat selfish and really only cares for his friends, however, he sometimes cares for friends strongly. His main focus is his friends and loved ones, he really weighs risk and reward. However, he runs along the chaotic neutral lines, with true freedom and being a one for mischief.




Chapter One: "Twin Sinners"

  • Kichirou Akihiko Seaoul was born August 13th 277 A.C. to an unknown father and a mother which soon ditched him into an orphanage in dislike and inability to sustain the child in Yang Tzu Isles.. At young ages, Kichirou wondered if he had no parents. He was born into the family with a twin sister Akari Seaoul, the two grew up as a very hand and hand pair. And their relationship was very very strong. The two were best friends and also siblings, and moved around the Yang-Tzu Isles together hand and hand, with their younger sister. Ki grew a very protective instinct during this time towards his last remaining family. Moving around the isles as rat kids. learning thief essential skills. The two continued a home upkeep for a while, committing petty thievery, however, selling themselves as very nice merchants who were gaining coin, and gaining it quickly.

Chapter Two: "Sinister Teen."

  • Starting a band of Chi who would get involved in illicit trade along the Isles, truly they made a coin out of it. Stealing the items and selling them for more than valued and it was working, this was a time where Ki lost all real care for money. Necessity yes, desire to have it? No. At this time nothing was truly eventful to recall in his life, other than the day in day out gang activity. Feeding into the Chi's desire of divinity of the skies above soaring.

Chapter Three: "We're family. Nothing changes."

  • With this time of self-obsession? And like and wake of his father he sailed to Regalia keeping a low profile and ultimately losing his ship at twenty-four. He still began to work as a low-income mercenary during this time. Just living in the slums during the Lo Occupation Kichirou traveled back to Daenshore for a fiesta and caught wind of news refusing to return to Regalia in fear of his life. Until recently post the dragon and Arken crisis he sailed over to Regalia first chance he got. He just dwells the slums to look for work, lovers, drinks, and friends as of current. At present, he would become hunted by the vampire coven during the sparked crisis. - During this time, out of fear of death Ki sought the Bone King's in exchange for dealings to become undead. - As he seized his chance to gain an essential eternal life. He served for months in the Bone King's army. Before in the month of October escaping Etsoil and the hands of his previous master, and sailing back home to Regalia.
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  • Moji Shimizu @Athelois - "The better sister of my life. The sense of guidance she gives me."
  • Yun-Gil Song @Annju - "He's long gone by the looks of it.
  • Keltie @Raeris - "Wonder if the ginger is still alive."
  • Taliandra Jouhari @Katiesc- "Best family no matter the circumstance - I don't have friends I have family."
  • Azra Min Eazim @AtticCat - "Like a younger sister, but stupider."
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My sole point of review is that as a 29 year old, he cannot know three Languages (excluding Common), please remove one and tag me afterward @DeltaInsomnia
Remains approved.
Made a few edits,
One being the description of his Ellon changed it to be more of a wolf type. And downgraded it's size to about the size of a husky.
I added in my Silven permission of Trustee. This is added in the life story, the eye color, and the special permission.
I re-approve this again but do not change this application for the next two weeks. I also ask that all edits in the future are colored so they are easy to see.
Updated to fit new application template. Added Undeadism and changed proficiency. All mentions of magic and silvenism have been removed due to not having the special permissions required. @HydraLana
Updated to fit new application template. Added Undeadism and changed proficiency. All mentions of magic and silvenism have been removed due to not having the special permissions required. @HydraLana
Re-approved, just be sure that the months he spent in the King's army did not involve the Deathling/Lo Crisis if you talk about it IG.