Preserved Sheet Khiiral

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most honest biped in athens
Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
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  • Full Name: Khiiral Virkrana
  • Age: 66.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Sihndar.
    • Tribe of Gladrin.
    • Demand of Ovolh.
  • Preferred Weapon: Khoptar.


  • Proficiencies (60 points + 10 hobby points):
    • Proficiencies:
      • +15 Swords Combat Skill. | +10 Proficiency, +5 Racial.
      • +9 Arcanology. | +9 Proficiency.
        • Curing Knowledge.
        • Arken Knowledge.
        • Ward Knowledge.
      • +20 Medical Science. | +20 Proficiency.
      • +6 Sorcery. | +6 Proficiency.
      • +10 Perception. | +10 Talent Proficiency.
      • +15 Dancing Art. | +10 Art Proficiency, +5 racial.
      • +5 Pathfinding Art. | +5 points.
  • Body Shape:
    • 15 + 7.5 + 2.5 = 25 body stat.
    • Variable body build (Self Control).
    • Variable body fat (Self Control).
  • Languages:
    • Sihndar Dialect.
    • Common.
  • Abilities:
    • Sihndar
      • Residues of the Cataclysm.
      • Embrace of the Spider Queen.
      • Dryder Form.
      • Embrace of Tainting.
      • Lording of Ovolh.
    • Sorcery
      • Spirit: Overwhelming Force, Self Control.
      • Lightness: Cast Away Impurity, Light's Sustenance.
    • Mutations:
      • Void Mark.
      • Void Sight.
      • Void Ocular.
      • Exist Carry.
      • Void Horns.


  • Eye Color: Gold.
  • Hair Color: A deep red.
  • Hair Style: Variable.
  • Skin Color: Light purple.
  • Clothing: Traditional Sihndar garb.
  • Height: 6'2".


  • Alignment
    • True Neutral.
  • Personality Type
    • Logician.
  • Religion
    • Sihndar Faith of Estel (5/10)


Khiiral is born in the dead center hold of Drowda, to an official in the College of Sins and a warrior of the far north. His mother, by merit of position in their Hold, rules over their entire clan as a Sihn-Fallar, elevating their existence to one of relative privilege; albeit still plagued by drafts and the bustling noise of their sizable Hold. The constant spew of expectations from being the firstborn son smothers him, and he resigns himself to the idea he will meet none of them.

As is tradition, he begins training early in his life. He spends mornings learning of the enemy, afternoons training to cut them down, and evenings slacking off with his friends. It is during these nights he meets Evindal, a stern Elatrii who always prepares ahead and Tamnaeth, a Ma'ella who bosses the both of them about.

Unique to his position as a Gladrii, Khiiral is given detailed lessons upon the nature of the arcane, with his secondary scholarly pursuit playing into medicine and anatomy. He takes a particular interest in studying the cadavers of recovered monsters. The complete unpredictability of their mutations surprises him to no end; and he drafts an essay on them later down the line. Albeit he scraps it, by merit of believing it nothing revolutionary.

Upon his rite of adulthood, he is granted his ceremonial Khoptar; a weapon he quietly names in Common. Ironically, this is when he learns to fight, taking to it poorly. He slowly learns through communalized teachings, but his progress is always slow. Without direct application, he can't process why combat is ever necessary. His parents ever expect more of him; and are consistently disappointed by his failures in training.

To escape their prying eyes, he transfers to the central holds upon his thirty-fifth year, spending the next few decades working among the Ma'ella as an advisor and medical support. He bears witness to the attacks on their borders, saving what victims he can and watching tons more die. His interest in the beasts doing the killing isn't snuffed out, however, and despite the tragedy around him he manages to lug a corpse to his study each week for dissection. Tamnaeth continuously degrades the activity; something that eventually leads to her questioning Khiiral's loyalties while the Sihndar skins a Dire Wolf. After two decades of serving the Ma'ella, Khiiral treks to the far north, simply to prove his friend wrong- with Evindal accompanying, of course.

Joining with the Elatrii holds in the north, Khiiral is trained among the Elatrii in a far more hands-on experience. It is here where he finally integrates his Khoptar as a part of him, and learns Sorcery for the purpose of countering the unnatural and editing his form. His general thirst for knowledge and want to return to regular dissections is soothed by the brotherhood he finds with the Elatrii, and the Sorcerous capabilities he gains.

Surprisingly assured, Khiiral joins with a platoon of Ranth and takes his first excursion into the wilds of Drowda; a mission to recover a rogue Sihn-Fallar from an area near Estel's Grave. He is the on-site medic, and doesn't expect direct confrontation. By all means, the mission had been described as a cadaver and Khoptar recovery. A few miles out and a shadow blocks out the horizon, descending from the heavens to scrape one of the Ranth across the ground. Only one Vas Pirion; surprisingly isolated from a flock, but even one is enough to begin culling the entire platoon.

Khiiral flees into a cave, and waits until daybreak, nursing a claw-wound with only terror in his brain. Evindal joins him, having been bitten upon his arm before he managed to escape. Recognizing the poison, Khiiral is forced to amputate his companion's arm. While he is thanked for saving the man's life, every word of appreciation is laced with an undertone of hatred, as if Evindal would've preferred to die.

As he attempts to leave the cave with his companion in tow, he notes the Vas Pirion resting, the blood of his comrades still fresh on its mouth. Recognizing the beast from the cadaver he'd discovered, he raises his blade overhead and swings for the neck. His passion had become his greatest fear; as if every monster he'd ever cut apart had returned from the grave to kill him. He recognized the deviance of the creature, something that interested him immensely, but had to put the safety of his ally above his desire to investigate. The two barely make it back to the Hold, having failed their mission.

A heated argument ensues between the local Sihn-Fallar and Khiiral, who promptly stomps out of the Hold after Evindal takes the Sihn-fallar's side. He returns to the College, requesting a new mission. He had failed everywhere in Drowda, there was nothing left for him there. He's granted the opportunity to investigate the Crown City of Regalia; the ruins of the Clicker Crisis and the remaining sewer-dwelling aberrations all prime fodder for study.
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