Preserved Sheet Khenan Wymare

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Scottish Egg
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Anor Londo / Scotland
Rejected due to proficiency update.
May try to update him, I think he'd still make a fun guard.


Basic Information
  • Name: Khenan Wymare
  • Age: 26
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Human - Ailor
  • Culture: (New) Ceardian
  • Main Ambitions:
    • To hold and further a position which gives him power over others
    • To entertain himself and stave off boredom
    • To refine his skill in combat
  • Special Permission: None, though he's still pretty damn edgy regardless
  • Khenan came to Regalia alongside his family fairly early on in his life. He was quickly enrolled into an Academy of Medicine. Having grown spiteful, resentful, and thoroughly bored, Khenan broke his vows and dropped out of the Academy: now pursuing a career within the City Guard, where he seeks to exploit whatever power he can, however small it may be.
  • Khenan's upbringing was one of abuse. Behind closed doors, his father was an alcoholic, and his mother - too afraid to stand up for herself - was distant and rarely stepped in to stop his father. Great pressure was put on Khenan to succeed in medical school.
  • Perhaps concerningly, Khenan seeks to apply his medical knowledge to a field he finds far more interesting. One of torture, and undeniably immoral experimentation.

Skill Information
  • School: School of Medicine
  • Level: Learned
  • Source: Academy in Regalian Archipelago
  • School: School of Lancyon
  • Level: Fighter
  • Source: Havre-sur-Bastillion
Visual Information
  • Eye Colour: Pale sky blue
  • Skin Colour: Light tan olive
  • Hair Colour: Black
  • Hair Style: Short and neatly combed back
  • Beard Style: Thin pencil moustache
  • Clothing: Simplistic and sophisticated
  • Height: Six foot
  • Body Build: Toned
  • Weapon of Choice: Polearms
  • Khenan's facial features are angular in nature. He displays a strong sharp jawline and defined cheekbones, though not to the extent of appearing gaunt. His brows are thin and well shaped, his nose is long and straight, and his eyes are narrower than what one would typically expect of the average Ailor. Thanks to his long and angular features, Khenan often appears judgemental and pretentious, as if he thinks himself somehow better than those around him. There's a certain cunning to him, which shows in his slight smirks and often bemused expressions.
  • Whilst Khenan wishes to be athletic, he is only toned at the moment, and - due to his habit of keeping up on his studies and less physical pursuits, it doesn't seem he'll become a strongman anytime soon. Said build was gained through his Lancyon training, which he seeks to one day properly complete. Khenan is fitter than average, but notably under-par for a would-be warrior/soldier.
  • When it comes to attire, Khenan likes to appear elegant, though simple. His outfits are often dominated by one simple colour, such as black or white, with a clear focus on trying to make himself seem more wealthy and important than he actually is. He tends to carry at least a single concealed dagger on him, and sometimes pocketed knuckle-dusters.
  • Khenan tries to keep a soothing and fairly gentle tone to his voice, which can commonly come across smug or even a little condescending. Whilst nearly soft spoken, he keeps his voice clear and loud; demanding attention from those he speaks to. He could be compared to the likes of a "host" or "presenter", and sometimes acts slightly uncomfortably enthusiastic in his mannerisms and tone.
Personality and Abilities
  • Perceived by others: Much to his dismay, Khenan - despite trying to seem well-kept, wealthy, and sophisticated - is often seen through and perceived as a young and slightly clueless man trying feign intelligence. In his attempt to appear knowledgeable, he can sometimes come across as a pretentious, narcissistic liar. Funnily enough, some people who haven't previously met Khenan may mistake him for the child of a noble due to how entitled he acts. Though, to people who aren't as judgemental, he could simply appear to be a well-spoken man trying his best to remain presentable.
  • Feel on the inside: Despite the fact that Khenan has a large ego, he normally lacks the confidence to back up his words when dealing with anyone physically stronger than him. He's aware that he's not intelligent enough to be some kind of master-mind schemer, but - thanks to his education - he still sees himself as above the 'common peasant'. He hates being made a fool of or insulted and struggles with self-image issues. He's definitely quite insecure, though would rarely if ever admit it.
  • Towards those he likes: In contrast to strangers, Khenan doesn't have as much of an ego problem when interacting with people he regards as friends. He'll still try to appear intelligent in front of them, but will allow himself to become far more jovial and approachable. He's typically a lot more enthusiastic, relaxed, and noticeably kinder than normal. When he likes a stranger, he'll show them a lot more respect and may even try to joke with them.
  • Morality: Despite denying it, Khenan is without a doubt a bad person. He is somewhere between Lawful and Neutral Evil, and shows very little empathy towards most other people. He has very little regard for ethics, and is sometimes downright sinister. He is selfish and may even suffer from some form of mental disorder which - if not chronic - was likely brought about as a result of his abusive childhood. He is a corrupt and perhaps even dangerous man.
  • Medical Knowledge: Despite having dropped out and broken his vows, Khenan retains his medical knowledge and even continues to refine it in his spare time. He's on-par with 'Learned' individuals, and possesses the knowledge required to set simple broken bones like arms and noses, stitch and dress deeper wounds, utilise Cryostims and healing alchemy effectively, and generally handle most external and moderate wounds. In Regalia, to protect his image, Khenan does not openly admit to having been trained at any academy that would have him take vows - instead lying and claiming to have learned from another source, where no vows were ever made. It goes without saying that whilst Khenan can definitely clean his own wounds and deal with minor injuries alone, he - of course - can not stitch or otherwise heal himself without seeking out help from someone else.
  • Lancyon Training: Since he broke his vows, Khenan has began following the teachings of the Lancyon School in order to join the City Guard as well as adequately defend himself. With three years of experience, he can be considered 'Fighter level', and whilst a fairly competent opponent, he is far from a highly skilled warrior. His reach is dangerous, though his attacks are simple and without impressive technique.
  • Immoral Torturer: Technically, anyone with the conscience for it could perform simple torture. What sets Khenan apart and makes this worth mentioning as a "Talent" however, is just how skilled he is. He can break those who have even the strongest of willpower if given enough time, and can cause significant - potentially long-term - trauma as well. He is able to psychologically harm those resistant to physical harm, and - aided by his medical knowledge - Khenan is able to treat the vast majority of wounds he inflicts. This gives him great choice and power in whether or not people walk away with long lasting physical disabilities. As is typical in torture, he can easily force false confessions as many victims confess to anything when convinced it will make their torture cease.
  • Concentration: Due to the fact that he simply doesn't have enough experience as a fighter, Khenan - when in combat - struggles to properly concentrate on anything bar his opponents. He has trouble registering what people say, and can usually only manage quick and simple replies - meaning he can't taunt or provoke people effectively whilst fighting. In extension, Khenan can not make use of any his medical knowledge to enhance his effectiveness as a fighter, and can only utilise techniques which any other Fighter level Lancyon would be capable of as well.

Life Story

Childhood and Teenage Years:

  • Khenan was born to his father - Koigeran - who was a Novilyud who had travelled far south to the Regalian Archipelago, and his mother - Kristina - was a (New) Ceardian. Khenan's upbringing was one of abuse. Behind closed doors, his father was an alcoholic, and his mother - too afraid to stand up for herself - was distant and rarely stepped in to stop or challenge his father. The family were strong Unionists, and Khenan never questioned the faith out of fear of his father.
  • Despite the abuse, Khenan's family wanted him to succeed, and great pressure was put on him to one day attend medical school, which he was hardly interested in. The family saved and saved, and when he finally turned fifteen, Khenan was enrolled in an Academy of Medicine, where he would continue learning for the next seven years.
Early Adulthood:
  • At twenty-two years old, Khenan received news that his father had died. Having become disillusioned and bored with the School over the years, the fact that his father was gone finally caused him Khenan to try take control of his life. He broke his vows and left the Academy, and had himself enlisted at the Havre-sur-Bastillion in Basta, where he would spend the next three years learning the School of Lancyon.
  • Khenan - before he could complete his final year and graduate - decided to visit his mother, who had since moved to the city. Before being able to return to Basta, the Bone Horror Crisis began. Unable to complete his training, Khenan remained in Regalia rather than returning to complete his training. He began working as a torturer, which he immediately considered to be his 'calling' in life. Nothing before had interested him so thoroughly.
  • By the time of the Bone Horror Crisis' end, Khenan decided to further hold off on completing his training in favour of his newly found, far more interesting pursuit. Khenan manages to retain his skill at 'Fighter' level, though will not become 'Warrior' level unless he one day returns to Basta. He uses his knowledge in the field of medicine in primarily immoral ways, and dabbles in experimentation.
Disclaimer: The current art is not custom, nor is it owned by me.
It's of Jindosh, and was created by Jordan N. Nelsen.
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Change Log
  • Made requested edits in blue!
  • Improved wording
  • Approved :D
  • Changed blue edits back to original black colour
  • Changed his 'theme' to "Hellfire"
  • Found out and credited artist.
  • Changed wording to remove duplicate phrase
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  • Add what culture of Ailor Kehnan is.
  • Sadly, that special permission isn't really a permission! Please remove it.
  • Please remove that extra tidbit or note at the start of the first paragraph, along with adding two other sentences to reach the 4 sentence minimum.
  • Add one more sentence to the second paragraph.
  • Add one more sentence to the third paragraph.
  • Add the two weaknesses we discussed in PM about him not being able to use medical knowledge mid-combat to his advantage and that he can't heal his own wounds. You can make this into one weakness if you like.
Note: If you do openly practice healing in the guards, the medical licence of your character will be removed which may lead to further IC consequences.

Make the above edits in a different colour and tag me afterwards!
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