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Work in Progress Khe-Men-Kau

This sheet is a work in progress and should not be considered accurate or used actively in roleplay.


Aug 29, 2023
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Khe-men-kau
  • Heritage / Culture: Savent Asha
  • Date of Birth: June 10th 280AC 35
  • Gender / Pronouns: Male, (He/Him)
  • Religion: Khama
  • Occult: Khannar Godborn
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Ordinal green eyes with a limbal ring of shimmering gold.
  • Skin Color: White feathers adorn his body. A gradient of red and orange wraps around the front of his face. Blackened feathers speckled the back of his scalp, the same coloration that matched the tips of his wings- although tattered. All around his form were missing patches of feathers, stories to be told of past attacks.
  • Height: He stands at a staggering 6'7"(203cm), although his legs comprise most of his large stature.
  • Body Type: A slender form complimented by thin, spindly legs.
  • Additional Features: Living metal piercings litter his body, each formed into spearlike metal shards- embodying the spears that pierce Khannar's body. The front section of his beak had been stolen from him, but he moved on by forming a beak of living metal to fill the hollow imperfection. An insignia of a burning ship has been burnt into the side of his neck.
Skill Information
  • Mechanics:

    • Savant Asha Mechanics
    • Savent Asha can control a special substance called Living Metal, which is a solid metal that becomes liquid by their thought and imagination, and can be reshaped to whatever they can imagine, and telekinetically moved around.
    • Savent Asha have perfect night vision, capable of seeing in dark and low-light environments without needing external lights. Additionally, their claws when struck together create flint and steel-like sparks that light up.
    • Savent Asha can manifest (or have) Wings (of any design: Furred, Feathered), which while not in Combat, allow (Elytra) flight (including the use of Rockets). Combat or Ability usage immediately disables flight.
    • Savent Asha have a heightened sense of smell, sight, and hearing out of Combat. This is fairly flexible and should be discussed with people in a scene in terms of what advantages this may give an Asha in varying scenarios.
    • Savent Asha have a heightened alertness and analytical mind, able to perceive threats and react much faster. They may notice dangers when interacting with Event objects or Characters (Private Message DM's for more info)
    • Khannar Godborn Mechanics

If Elven-Hate:

  • The Khannar Godborn gains +2 Attack Stat (break cap to 11) against any Elf, or Half-Elf, or Mystech presenting as Elven as defined on their Character Application.
  • All Abilities used by the Khannar Godborn are now classified as Ordial and God-Born at the same time. Also, they are immune to any Mechanical use of Ordial Magic on them, including Mind Control and Curses, but not including Combat Abilities. This immunity may not apply to Higher Powers.
  • Khannar Godborn can become an Unbound Spirit from the Mystech Page, temporarily removing their Heritage Traits in favor of Mystech Traits. They also become fully Ordial Aligned doing this.

If Asha-Love:

  • Khannar Godborn cannot be restrained. If imprisoned, locked up, or chained down, Khannar Godborn can slip out of these restraints and walk through locked doors with little effort. They can still be attacked and hurt if careless though!
  • If any Asha or Feka-Asha is under investigation by any Knight, the Khannar Godborn calls Gahan's Spirits to curse the Knights, making the investigation go away, the Knights know who cursed them though.
  • Khannar Godborn can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.
    • Altalar (Almost fluent)
    • Common (Fluent)
    • CSL (Fluent)
    • Ibeth (Fluent)


An Asha Corsair born from the blood of Khannar and a mortal. Once a man of love, spreading tales of wonder and joy, now a man of blades. In his current wave of life he travels alongside his fellow misfit sailors, spilling the blood of Elves that cross his path across the seas.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat:
Defense Stat:
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 1
    • [Melee Point Buy]
    • Technique Parry
  • Constitution: 5
    • [Training Point Buy]
    • Bulwark
    • Rage Counter
    • Status Endure
    • Thick Hide
    • Iron Will
  • Intelligence: 1
    • [Adapt Point Buy]
    • Shapeshift(Living Metal Variant)
    • Oceanic Pack(Asha Heritage Free)
  • Dexterity: 7
    • [Cutthroat Point Buy]
    • Cutthroat Stance(Free)
    • Cutthroat Backstab
    • Cutthroat Target
    • Cutthroat Dodge
    • Cutthroat Flank
    • Cutthroat Flash
    • [Roguery Point Buy]
    • Disguise Pack(Asha Heritage Free)
    • Fancy Footwork
    • Escape Artist
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