Preserved Sheet Khareema Mashaka Alphadi

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Jan 31, 2016
Reaction score
sucking lestat de lioncourt’s toes
~Khareema Alphadi~

Basic Information

Full Name: Khareema Mashaka Alphadi

Age: Twenty-seven

Gender: Female.

Race: Songaskia.

Main Ambition: Personal wealth, and to lessen the amount of sanguines and criminals in general.

Special Permission: N/A


Visual Information

Eye Color: Golden, with snake-like pupils, slightly bloodshot due to Forgiveness Existling Infestation.

Hair Color: Snow white

Hair Style: Short and neat, with bangs.

Skin Color: Dark brown

Clothing: Practical clothing favouring the colours gold and lilac, often tunics and pants or skirts.

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 145 lbs.

Body Build: A relatively average build, with a pear shape.

Weapon of Choice: Air Magic, and clawed hands, as a last resort.

  • Mage Level | Gusting Wind

  • Mage Level | Storm Bringer

Visual Information (Expansion)

•Khareema has a heart shaped face, with upturned oval eyes. Her eyelashes are fairly long, and she has an upturned, round nose, with plump lips and eyebrows lacking much of an angled shape. This often results in a fairly childish look to her, however due to her Forgiveness Existling possession, her eyes are fairly bloodshot, and her canines are slightly sharpened, though luckily not tusks. She has thick, short hair that falls just below her chin with bangs that nearly cover her eyebrows. Khareema often lines her eyes with a small amount of kohl, and paints her lips a dark red colour.

•Khar is rather average in body type, and slightly pear-shaped, with most excess weight she manages to accumulate being in her hips. She has a tattoo of a white sun on her shoulder, pointing towards her worship of the sun. As another result of her Possession, Khareema has slightly elongated finger bones, with clawed fingers and long nails. However she is lucky enough to pass these off as a normal Songaskia thing, as most Songaskia have very sharp growing nails.

•The Songaskia often wears practical, casual clothing, usually in a light lilac or golden colour. She usually wears a gold-coloured hairband of sorts, and she alternates between different earrings every day.

•Khareema's tone of voice varies quite a bit depending on company; around children, friends, family, or other Songaskia, she speaks with a rather warm tone, though around sewer dwellers especially she talks with a rather apathetic tone, disliking the sewers quite a bit mainly due to the sanguines and people she sees as avoiding the sun's judgement. She speaks fluent Qadiriq and Common.
Gusting Wind- "'An tukhadh beyda ean tariq alrriah."
Storm Bringer- "Ytm dabtuhum fi easifa"

Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits

  • Cynical: "They're friends with a sanguine..? Hmf… Pathetic." Khareema usually assumes the worst in people, often being quick to judge others based on a first impression. She has the idea that there are is more evil than good in the world, thinking that most people avoid rightful judgement. She would never accept an offer of help from a stranger, unless her life was in danger. She always sees the worst in both others and situations, often causing people to turn away from her.
  • Overconfident: "You couldn't do that..? Hah! I totally could!" Khareema is arrogant and overconfident in her abilities. This stems mainly from her wealthy upbringing, and magical prowess due to her golden eyes, and due to these things she truly believes that she is better than almost everyone else. She hates failing at anything, and will at times break her own moral code, and lie to make it seem that it wasn't her fault she messed up. However at times she will find a person she actually looks up to; a rare occasion, though possible.
  • Narcissistic: "Pfft. I'm flawless. Whereas, you on the other hand, are most definitely not." Khareema is extremely prideful in her appearance. She constantly makes sure that her hair and clothing look perfect, and she thinks that, in short, she is truly one of the greatest people to have ever lived. This obsession with her appearance also ends in her being all the more panicked by the physical traits brought on by her Existling possession. The Songaskia truly considers herself to have an excellent personality. She completely believes that anyone who dislikes her or her brother is ignorant and foolish, and as a result constructive criticism does not bode well with Khareema.
  • Determined: "I'm not just giving up on this." When Khar sets her mind on a goal she believes to be good, she will do absolutely anything in her power to achieve it. No one can sway her away from her goals, even when they aren't exactly moral or realistic. While this trait does in fact benefit her, as she is definitely not prone to giving up on anything, it tends to also get her into more than a bit of trouble. Her ambition and determination also causes her to come off as stubborn.
  • Moral: "That's… That's awful! Whoever did that deserves what comes next." Khareema prides herself in being what she sees as moral and just. She frowns highly upon acts such as theft, murder, and lying, and will almost definitely call someone out for things such as these. The Songaskia is likely to help a friend in need, though probably not a stranger unless there was something in it for her. She finds amoral acts absolutely atrocious, though she is highly prone to seeing the worst in others and the best in herself and tends to not even notice herself breaking this moral code at times. This morality is further amplified by her Forgiveness Possession, to the point where she would capture and torture even a pickpocket to make them repent.
  • Loyal: "I would never leave your side." Khar values her allies highly, protecting them at all costs- Except when her life is in danger of course. She would never betray a friend, seeing an act such as that to be repulsive and terrible. Whenever her friends need a hand, the Songaskia is always there to help out. This is not to say she'd stick with a friend that she discovered to be a 'vampire supporter', as she'd likely get angry and leave their side. Despite her narcissism and pride, Khareema tends to care for her friends almost as much as she cares for herself. Which is saying something.

  • Magically Adept: "I have a few tricks up my sleeve." Being a mage in two forms of magic, Gusting Wind and Storm Bringer, one could say that Khareema holds very potent magical knowledge. She can easily deflect projectile weaponry or knock attackers back with her gusting wind, given enough time, and she often utilizes this magic whenever possible. Due to her being a Songaskia, she learns magic at a reduced rate in comparison to other races, often fueling her arrogance with this.
  • Intelligent: "Smarter than the average Regalian.~" Khareema is clever by nature, and grew up highly educated, so as a result she is rather intelligent. She can easily come up with solutions to complex problems, albeit with proper information. Sometimes though, the Songaskia seems smarter than she is due to her eloquent way of speaking, and her idea of her intelligence level is far higher than reality.
  • Manipulative: "Oh, I heard a nasty rumor..." Khareema is well-spoken and good with her words, and she is easily able to manipulate others if needed. She is excellent at displaying a poker face or lying to others, and will not hesitate to use people to achieve what she believes to be good. Ironically enough she despises people who use others, but she sees herself as an exception since she always has good intent, in her mind.


  • Needlessly Cruel: "Say you're sorry, or suffer the consequences." Though Khareema frowns upon cruelty, ironically enough, she tends to take her idea of justice a bit too far. The Songaskia views her actions as right no matter what she does, and this often blinds her to how cruel she can be at times. Sure, one could excuse hurting a sanguine, as they harm others to survive, but Khar would very possibly torture them until they accepted a cure. She feels that sometimes cruelty is needed to sway criminals away from their malicious lifestyles, as she sees them as avoiding the sun's rightful judgement. This often drives possible allies away, and causes her to become frustrated when it is brought up. This trait is further amplified by her Forgiveness Infestation, and she will often force people to repent for their actions. Despite her empathy and hatred of evil, she often becomes the very thing she despises when only trying to dish out justice.
  • Arrogant: "I could definitely beat you in a fight." The Songaskia has an overinflated ego, and often overestimates herself. This could range from just being an annoyance to those around her, to taking on a Qul'Ess unprepared and unarmed. Khareema often gets into more than a bit of trouble due to this, and she always believes that her actions are in the right, causing tension when someone calls her out and possibly breaking a friendship.
  • Slow: "Come on… I'm still probably faster than you!" Despite Khareema's endurance, she is not very fast at all. Dodging hits is a foreign idea to the Songaskia, unless she was facing someone even slower than her. However Khar would obviously never admit to this, probably finding a reason to shame the other person if she were to be accused of having this weakness.
  • Badly healed ribs: "O-Ouch! Watch it!" When attacked by Qul'Ess in the sewers, Khareema was able to fight a few off but due to her inefficiency in combat, she was eventually overpowered. During the chaos, the sanguines broke her ribs and had her bedridden for a week due to the rib and the heavy loss of blood. When hit, these ribs still provide a sore spot and an excellent target.

Life Story

  • Born to Amon and Reita Alphadi, 277 AC.
  • She is rather healthy, being raised to devoutly follow the religion of Shama-Abdala
  • At the age of seven she began education, her parents being rather strict.
  • Took an interest in her mother's Air Magic, asking her about it.
  • Continued education, working harder to earn the ability to learn her mother's magic.
~Teenage Years~

  • Began learning Air Magic, Gusting Winds at the age of fourteen.
  • Reaches caster level in around half a year, pursuing it devotedly, much to her mother's pleasure.
  • Began to learn the Storm Bringer subform from her mother at age sixteen, albeit with a bit of persuading to learn the more dangerous form of Air Magic.
  • Began to accompany Reita on trading trips aboard the family's sea vessel, working together to push the boat with their magic.
~Adulthood to Present~

  • Progressed to Mage Level in both subforms by age twenty five, learning a bit slower than before and pushing herself harder to keep up with her studies.
  • Began to study the theory of alchemy, finding it interesting. However she never bothered to actually pursue it, showing more interest in her magic.
  • Finished education at age twenty six, being very well educated.
  • Moved to Regalia, seeking refuge from the bone horrors.
  • Traveled to the sewers occasionally to practice her magic, however hating it down there due to the stench and the 'uncivilized' inhabitants, especially sanguines.
  • Eventually ended up Forgiveness Possessed due to overuse of her Air Magic, this causing her to gain an extreme empathy for others and a need to coerce criminals to stop harming others.
  • Attacked by a group of Qul'Ess, fueling her hatred of vampires.
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Time For A Dank Peer Review
  1. A mage with golden eyes is a special permission.
  2. Try making the life story in more of a story format. Maybe do a bullet list of different paragraphs explaining different times in her life.
If you make the changes, do them in dark purple and tag me when you're done. Other than this, this is a good character app. I really like the quotes in the traits.
Time For A Dank Peer Review
  1. A mage with golden eyes is a special permission.
  2. Try making the life story in more of a story format. Maybe do a bullet list of different paragraphs explaining different times in her life.
If you make the changes, do them in dark purple and tag me when you're done. Other than this, this is a good character app. I really like the quotes in the traits.
Golden-eyed mages aren't a perm tho?
And meh, I like the format I used, easier to read imo. I'll definitely make the change if staff requests it though.
Thanks for the peer review anyways!~
Time For A Dank Peer Review
  1. A mage with golden eyes is a special permission.
  2. Try making the life story in more of a story format. Maybe do a bullet list of different paragraphs explaining different times in her life.
If you make the changes, do them in dark purple and tag me when you're done. Other than this, this is a good character app. I really like the quotes in the traits.
Learn the dank rules fam.
Sorry for the wait! Here's my review:
  • Her "Eloquent" trait seems to conflict with her narcissism and overconfidence. I'd suggest you replace this with a different trait.
  • Even with her Songaskia heritage, having endurance isn't realistic for someone who's mage level in two sub schools of magic. Please replace this with a different strength.
  • Add a fourth weakness of any sort.
  • Make the edits in a different colour and tag me when you're done!
@Ethereeal brought it to my attention that she couldn't be caster Gusting wind, since "No caster below the rank of mage has been able to call upon the abilities of this form, let alone cast this magic safely" Is it okay for me to make her Mage level once more and just add another weakness?
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Weeeellll.. I sorta only made this char so that I could do magic combos with Ethereeal, buuuut. He sorta got banned a few days after this was approved, and I kinda lacked the motivation to get this char out since I really only ever played her when he asked me to. And so Djenly ended up being shelved, permanently, as I thought at that time.

But looking over this once more, this character has a lot of potential. I am remembering that I sorta based her off a Forgiveness Possessed char I wanted, which was evident in her traits of morality and loyalty, and the discomfort she had upon seeing crime. I wanted an exist possessed char, but with less emphasis on "my char has dank horns and black sclera" and more "my char will contribute to rp with the drama her personality traits from possession will bring". She was basically an attempt to get a char that was (or at least acted like she was) possessed, but without using a special permission on it. Which is no longer required.

So I went back and rewrote some of her physical appearance 'cause why not, aged her down a bit, made this more aesthetic, added in some mutations from possession along with mentioning it as the cause of some of her personality traits, and then made said traits more extreme in nature. I additionally removed all mention of her brother, so that she would not need to be so reliant upon a banned player's char.

With those edits, I believe a re-review is in order. @PonyoWantHam.

also @Manatee_ I saw ur comment about there not being enough existling possessed chars on another char app so like here u go fam
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  • Overall, I struggled to find errors with this app. The only thing to note is to not confuse the Forgiveness and Justice possessions, and to not make Khareema overly forcing people to repent, but rather offering them forgiveness and a second chance, instead of having them submit to her. I find Forgiveness possessions a rather difficult thing to play, so just be sure you're not playing a Justice possession! Otherwise, approved.