Preserved Sheet Khadijatou Abi

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Deceptively unwholesome
Oct 25, 2013
Reaction score




Basic Information

Full Name: Khadijatou Mylaela Abi.
Nicknames: Kadi, Kadija, Kabi, Speckles, Specks.
Age: 27.
Birthdate: October 23, 280 AC.
Star Sign: Scorpio.
Gender: Female
Race: Mahalar (Songaskian father, Sundial Altalar mother).
Preferred Weapon: Fists.

Skill Information

Total Points: 27 points from age.

Racial boosts
✧ +5 Historical Knowledge (Racial, Altalar mother).
✧ +5 Literary Arts (Racial, Altalar mother).
✧ +5 Dragon Knowledge (Racial, Songaskian father).
Invested points
✧ +12 Unarmed Combat.
✧ +10 Blades Combat.
✧ +5 Athletic Training.

Body Shape

Physical stat ((5x2)+(12x2)+10): 44
Body Shape: Ripped.
Body fat: Low body fat.


Sofaal - Taught by father.
Modern Altalar - Taught by mother.
Common - Learnt whilst travelling.


Visual Information

Eye Color: Amber.
Hair Color: Ebony black.
Hair Style: Curly and voluminous, reaching to the edge of her shoulder blades. It is kept loose, except whilst at work or battle; in which case, it is braided or tied back in a messy bun.
Skin Color: Deep brown with caramel speckles across her chest, neck and back.
Clothing: Kadi's clothing is intentionally eye-catching; loose, comfortable and vibrant, it's made for easy moving and dealing with hotter weather.
Height: 5'10.



Personality and Abilities

The Core List

Character Alignment
✧ Chaotic Good.
Personality Type
✧ ESTP - The Entrepreneur
✧ Shambala - 7/10
✧ Faith of Estel - 4/10



Life Story

Birth of a heated halfling
✧ 0-10 ✧

Kadi was born upon a cool October night, as the first child of an odd pair. Masane and Siraye Abi. Masane was a Songaskian man, and Siraye a Sundial Altalar. This set Kadi to be quite the colorful mixture of cultures and norms as she grew up, and to her calmer parents distress, an explosive source of energy in their otherwise peaceful lives.

As a child, Kadi was happy, energetic and seemed to despise sleep or any activity that entailed being still for too long really. As the family lived fairly secluded, because of Siraye's race, Kadi didn't have regular playmates during her first 5 years. Thus she was known by her parents and any of their visitors to be a little overzealous. Eventually, a remedy did come to solve this debacle of theirs; in the form of a younger sister named Saijo, and an even younger brother later named Alaji. Kadi was a proud elder sister, and often would, with childish innocence, swear it was her purpose to protect them. To their parents' great relief, their explosive children's energies were focussed towards each other from that point on.

Channeling the fire
✧ 11-20 ✧

As Kadi grew older, her father tried to introduce her to his own field of study, and passion-project, dragon research. Being a devoted daughter, she really did attempt to adopt her father's works, but ended up straying from the path quite quickly. Instead, she devoted her time to honing her athletic abilities. Interestingly, it wasn't until she followed her father at 14 to a nearby village that she first encountered fighting. She witnessed a group of Qadir boys, one of whom was being bullied by the others. Kadi, being the good-hearted, wild child that she was, went up to them to make them stop. Inexperienced and completely outnumbered, she got her ass handed to her before her father managed to intervene.

This struck deep with the young girl that had sworn to protect her siblings and family. She had realised she wasn't capable; thus, she started to train, first on her own, and eventually with a mentor of who her father had found for her. She began adopting martial arts, and with her previous active lifestyle and immense stubbornness, she grasped the techniques relatively quickly; those she couldn't learn quickly, she forced herself to. She soon picked up sword-play, melding it with a more dance-like routine that relied on her speed and agility.

With the world at her feet
✧ 21-27 ✧

Life at home had never bothered Kadi before, but as she grew older she found herself seeing the peaceful environment she had once loved to be restraining her. She kept near home for the sake of being close to her loved ones, but often traveled to nearby cities for short-lived jobs, or even just 'stretching her wings' and exploring. It wasn't long until her parents finally decided to give their blessing and reassure her that it wasn't a bad thing to want to explore the world. With both of them pasts in the travelling and adventuring fields, they couldn't blame their daughter for her wanderlust, and they were both supportive and understanding of it.

After some well-spent but few years of preparation; her mother teaching her common and some of the experiences Siraye had learnt on her own journeys, the young new fledged adventurer set off to see the world. With the help of her father's money and connections, she soon found herself on a boat towards a distant land, and the Holy City of Regalia.
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Reserved just in case.

My Review

Skill Information
  • Body Stat: Unarmed needs to be doubled, please correct this.
Once this change is made, tag me!