Preserved Sheet Khadija Aaliyah Jouhari

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i amne jusst a litle creechr
Oct 22, 2015
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United Kingdom



The End Cometh from the Stars! The Crossroads wait for you all. - Saud Nazari's final words, dear friend and mentor.

Basic Information ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Full Name: Khadija Aaliyah Jouhari; Dija, Khadi, Didi.

Age: 28, born in 279AC on the 20th of April.
Gender: Female.

Race: Qadir.
Main Ambition: Acceptance among her peers & protecting those she cherishes.

Special Permission: Existling Silven and Soul Mage; Trustee Permission A.

Skill Information ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

School: School of Soul Magic, School of Demon Magic

Level: Spellweaver.

*:・゚Ellon Form; 'Hayvann'
Khadija's Ellon Form is a female Tsarr Cat.
*:・゚Ellon Projection;
*:・゚Shadow Phase; 'Natasm'
*:・゚Blood Curse; 'Bleste'
*:・゚Shadow Dagger; 'Daguon'

Source: Mentored by a traveling Qadir gypsy who was romantically involved with her father.
Languages: Common, Faraddi.

Visual Information ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Eye Color: Reflective, intricate silver, with deep navy blue lining the limbus.
Hair Color: Raven black.

Hair Style: A mess of curls, often half tied up with a red ribbon. Golden beads and trinkets are often woven into her curly locks.
Skin Color: Ebony.

Clothing: Khadija prefers to wear comfortable and casual clothes, donning herself in pants, sandals and a striped shirt tucked into her trousers.
Height: Five foot Eight.

Body Build: Curvaceous.
Weapon of Choice: Khadija is not a fighter and when faced with an aggressive situation, she'll most likely favour flight over fight.



Personality and Abilities ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Outer Perception: Khadija is an outwardly cheerful person, holding a clearly kind-hearted demeanor towards those around her, often flustering up and panicking in the face of crisis and hostility. Neutrally, she holds a carefree demeanor, much to the dismay of her Mentor. Dija has always been one to go out of her way to help others before herself, though sometimes her help can do more hurt. She's a socially clumsy woman.

Inner Perception: Internally, Khadija is a far more shattered soul, regularly second-guessing herself and placing a great deal of weight into how she is perceived by others, the latter dealing into her unhealthy self-consciousness. Always eager to appease to increase the validity of herself in the eyes of others, Khadija ends up giving back more than she receives. This sets the stage for a myriad of one-sided friendships. Khadija tends to have a darker side that she suppresses that came about from the neglect she experienced from her parents. Occasionally it can slip out, and her carefree demeanor will shatter.

Social Relations: Unlike her disposition from strangers, to whom Khadija displays kindness, the Silven is fiercely loyal to her friends and family, doing whatever she is able to in efforts to protect those close to her. Moreover, her heightened confidence between those close to her allows a cheekier side to shine through. It can come as a surprise to those around her, who thought they knew her so well as a timid little thing. Most times she's scared of her own shadow, but when she gets comfortable she'll begin to step out of her shell.

Moral Alignment: Khadija's alignment lines up with Neutral Good, in which she is predominantly a benefactor to those she associates with, though she is malleable even in that sense - acting in violent defense of her family and loved ones. She isn't afraid of throwing fists, especially not when it comes to the defense of those she loves. If push comes to shove, she could even do the unthinkable act of blood cursing her aggressor. Though, that would be in extreme cases.
Talents & Weaknesses ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Arcane Ability: As a Spellweaver of two Magic Schools, Khadija holds a great deal of talent in the Arcane, much of her time is spent utilizing her Ellon Projection as a tool for her work and rest, otherwise taking her Ellon Form to explore the City in a newer perspective. Her Qadir Perception allows for pinpoint Shadow Dagger teleportation, alongside accurate administrations of the Blood Curse.

Technological Talent: Khadija's Qadir heritage makes for a talented engineer, much like the majority of her kin. More often than not, Khadija is tinkering with clockwork that might aid her in her spellcasting or learning more from her current High-Mage Warlock Mentor. Otherwise, she tinkers to crease small clockwork gifts and mechanisms, often in the form of small creatures that move around in pre-set circles.

Stealthy Subterfuge: Having spent much of her life running from confrontation, Khadija has developed her own style of hiding and going unnoticed when traveling - more often than not making a use of her Ellon Form and Shadow Dagger to remain unseen. Her final trick, Shadow Phase, is rarely used to hide, given its noisy nature, and is instead reserved as a final escape tool. Khadija has a tendency of growing insecure in her relationships and friendships, feeling as if they are somehow all plotting against her. Occasionally, she will use her Ellon Form and her Demon magic to spy on those close to her.


Self-Confidence: With a lack of willpower despite her latent Silven talent, Khadija is left in a perpetual state of self-doubt and fear of messing up what she has barely managed to accomplish socially - faced with obstacles from law enforcement on more than one recent occasion. Thankfully, she is slowly being chiseled out of her shell by an empathetic Mentor and a cast of supporting allies. For now.


✧・゚: *✧・゚:* When playing the piano, music comes alive and emotions rise. ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*


Life Story ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

✧ Born to her Father, Radeyah Eisa Jouhari and her Arken parent and Mother, Djamila, in the year of 278AC, Khadija was blessed with the Existling's eyes from birth, alongside the dreams they beckoned.

✧ Khadija led a fairly uneventful life, leaving Farah'deen alongside her Father at the fresh age of five to instead experience a life of nomadic travel.

✧ In her time traveling, Khadija visited lands such as the Cielothar Haven of Windgarden within Daendroc, obtaining an open mind unbarred by traditional Qadir doctrine of paranoia.

✧ Moreover, her earlier years were spent learning Common and Farradi, whilst being mentored by her Father in their culture's way of Clockwork Metallurgy.

✧ Her visits back to Farah'deen were frequent enough, spurred by her Father's attraction to her separated Mother.

✧ In this time, she met and even socialized with a sister she had no idea existed. Khadija's connection to Taliandre was a strong one, the half-sister viewing her younger sibling as something to be protected.

✧ Khadija's path on the way of the Arcane was actually spurred by one of her Father's lovers, going by the label of Fareeha.

✧ Fareeha introduced her to Soul Magic, and so Khadija began by learning Soul Form at the age of 14 - the Form taking the shape of a Tsarr Cat, reflecting her innermost potential for ferocity.

✧ Khadija's mentorship with Soul Magic would come to an abrupt end following a familial spat, in which one of her Father's younger lovers threatened Khadija with Demonic Spells the young mage had only heard of.

✧ At a loss for direction and not wanting to drag her Mentor into her own battles, self-conscious as the Qadir was, she fled from home.

✧ It was at the age of 15 that she would come across a fellow Silven and practitioner of Soul Magic, her to-be Mentor and life-coach, Saud Nazari.

✧ Though he was far from as kind or lenient as Fareeha was, Saud exuded a far more neutral stance on how the World worked - ultimately leading Khadija down the path of the Warlock.

✧ Over the next eight-odd years, Saud would mentor Khadija into manifesting her Ellon beast into a Projection, alongside leading her into the powerful comfort of the Void-based Arcane - teaching her both how to escape with Shadow Dagger, alongside the strength of the Blood Curse.

✧ Now at the age of 22, Khadija would return to exact her vengeance upon the Lover that had excommunicated her - wreaking a bloody havoc upon the older mage, namely through the use of her ferocious Ellon and the Blood Curse.

✧ Leaving her Father's lover for dead and with little else to work towards, Khadija then fell into attempting to locate her Mother - a figure she long since missed.

✧ With little to no luck and the weight of desperation dragging her spirits deep, Khadija fell into a Cult of Arken-Worshippers following the Idol of Envy, and in doing so cultivated her Demon Magic further - learning how to Shadow Phase.

✧ Taking to self-sufficient Nomadic travel following her mutual separation from her Mentor Saud, she would be surprisingly invited to the strange lands of the Holy City at her old Mentor's behest, promising a 'brighter future' in return.

✧ With little else to keep her tethered to her homeland and her ties severed from her Family, through action or circumstance, Khadija traveled to a foreign land with a blank slate in mind.



✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Into each life some rain must fall. ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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  • The void-spawn nickname doesn't really fit given she is an exist silven, though you don't have to remove it. Just something I found weird.
  • She is one year too young to be a spellweaver. Either up her age by 1 or downgrade her skill level and remove a spell.
  • Just remember that while Ancient Seraph technically is a language, it is just for spells. You will not be able to fluently speak it.
  • Add two more sentences to the first paragraph.
  • Add one more sentence to the second paragraph.
  • Add two more sentences to the third paragraph.
  • Add three more sentences to the fourth paragraph.
  • Within the Arcane talent, remove mention of learning Ancient Seraph, you are not permitted to speak it fluently bar from spells.
  • Either up her age by 1 as previously mentioned or change the mention of spellweaver to caster.
  • Please mention what her Ellon actually is.
  • Add one more sentence to the stealthy talent.

Make the above edits in a different colour and tag me afterwards!
Hello! Friendly neighborhood Lore Staff member here, asking you to make some changes to this application!
  • Please review the changes make to Soul Magic, and magic overall. You will need to make edits accordingly to fit with the new system.
I've decided to drop the character. So sorry for not saying so earlier, I've been debating with the idea but I've finally decided on it. Feel free to reject the app! @Percuriam