Preserved Sheet Ke'wince Gavenmore

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Kathar Queen
May 29, 2016
Reaction score
Someone's Trash Can
Character Information
  • Full Name: Ke'wince Gavenmore
  • Race: Yanar, Yanera-Flor
  • Age: 27
  • Gender: Agender; Female Presenting
  • Eye Color: Light Blue
Core Concept
  • Ke'wince is a avid believer in the Yanar Faith of Estel, particularly following the pantheon patron Talseyan and the Yanera-flor mother Florianna, doing all within her power to preserve nature.
  • Ke'wince is an altruistic medic that seek to first and foremost preserve all nature that she can, and afterwards doing what she can to help those around her, regardless of race, religion, or creed. She also runs a bakery and floristry.
Proficiencies: 7/14 Points used.
  • Strength: 1
    • Polearms Weapon Pack
  • Constitution: 0
  • Wisdom: 1
    • Healing Alchemy Pack
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Magic: 1 Exist
    • Healing Magic Pack
  • Charisma: 4
    • Husbandry Pack
  • Common (Free)
  • Modern Altalar (Native)
Appearance Information
  • Ke'wince has purple sclera.
  • Ke'wince has a slim figure, with average muscle definition, typically having long, green-colored hair that is let down to to just below her shoulders.
Life Story

  • Born into a small cluster of families in Daen, Ke'wince's immediate family consisted of just a Yanar mother and an Avanthar father for the first ten years of her life. Her sister would then be introduced to the family after that decade.
  • One day, Ke's mother came inside with a coughing and dazed, right as Ke' finished preparing supper for the day. Since Ke' was now in her teen years, she was required to to come out and substitute for her mother, who in turn began to complete all of Ke'wince's chores.
  • With the entirety of the farm failing, and Ke's mother's condition not getting any better, her father ended up taking her sister and leaving to find something better. Ke' was left to care for her mother while staying with other family after selling what they had left.
  • Ke' ended up scrapping together what money they had to move to Regalia in hopes for better treatment for her mother, and more opportunities in terms of work.
  • Upon arriving within regalia, they purchased the most decent cheapest house that could fit into their budget. Ke'wince then attempted to go into medical school, but the steep tuition caused her to drop out before she could get very far, so she is mostly self taught, reading books and asking around for mentors.
Born into a small cluster of families in Daen, Ke'wince's immediate family consisted of just a Yanar mother and an Avanthar father for the first two ten years of her life. Her mother was a lovely, free spirit, always having a smile on her face no matter what was going on around her. She could cheer up a room just by entering it. Her father was a bit more stern, usually having either a neutral expression, or tired scowl on his face from working all day. Her parents would soon introduce another into the family, who would soon turn out to be Ke's sister. While growing up on her own, she would mostly play in or around the house until her mother finished her chores for that day so that she could watch over Ke'wince and play with her as well. Once Ke was old enough, she would begin to take over the inside chores, cleaning, help with cooking, and occasionally being brought out to help with the easier outside work, like picking ripe fruits and vegetables, or feeding the animals. Once her sibling was brought into the family, she would also need to care for her for the time being. She enjoyed watching over her younger sibling, one of her favorite activities was playing with her in their free time. Soon, she'd take care of all of the chores inside the home by herself, while watching her sister, while her parents worked in the field.

One day, Ke's mother came inside with a coughing and dazed, right as Ke' finished preparing supper for the day. Unsure of what was happening, her mother was sat in bed for the rest of the day. The next morning, however, she found herself weakened a bit. Though she was able to preform some of her usual tasks, Ke's father needed to pick up on some of her slack. This cycle continued until it became too much for him to take care of alone. Since Ke' was now in her teen years, she was required to to come out and substitute for her mother, who in turn began to complete all of Ke'wince's chores. This meant that, unfortunately, Ke'wince was unable to spend as much time as she was with her sister. She did begin to pick up on some of the more agricultural skills within her family, taking care of the crops and animals on the farm. Even with the switch in jobs, her mother's health was not improving, and contrarily declined at a slow but noticeable pace. Though the medical people of their families attempted to try and help her, none of them really had the means to figure out what exactly was wrong with her, and at best hindered its progression. Ke'wince, when not working in the fields, tried herself to help her mother. Her father, on the other hand, had other plans.

Since she had become bedridden at this point. Ke'wince had to help on both the farm and in the home, which meant even more work in the fields for her father, who was not appreciative of this at all. Even with her mother, the farm was struggling, though not as bad. But now that she was out of commission, it was pretty much doomed. Not only that, but considering the fact that Ke's mother could also potentially be contagious with her illness, he thought it'd be best if she stay to live there while him and the other two kids went to live elsewhere, at least until she had gotten better. Her mother was baffled, and even more so was Ke'wince. She couldn't believe the preposterous ideas that were coming out of his mouth, even as he tried to rationalize them. He didn't leave Ke'wince much time to argue, as he soon just shut her down completely, and began packing his and her sisters things. She followed him around yelling about how he couldn't do this, but all attempts were ignored. He took about half the money they had left, describing himself as 'not a monster', so he'd leave them with enough to survive. A mixture of emotions began to fester within Ke'wince, as she saw her father and sister for the last time that day, as she would never be able to find where he took her.

Realizing that their small farm was doomed without him, the two did what they could with it, before selling all it, the animals, and anything else that wasn't worth taking with them. They then stayed with other family members until they worked out a solid plan. Ke'wince thought it best if they moved to the City of Regalia. Plenty of job openings, plenty of cheap homes to move into, and most importantly, far better medical treatments her mother could pursue. Although it was quite the expense, they began mapping it all out, from the boat ride there, to the budget of the home they could buy to live in together. With the money they had left from her father and the farm, plus the bit that her distant relatives were able to donate to them, they set sail. On the ride their, Ke'wince had discovered a new identity of herself. While growing up, her mother, who was quite religious, had always told Ke' about Faith of Estel. After Ke' asked about the subject, her mother proceeded to spend the following days on the boat teaching Ke'wince about the religion. On the last few days, Ke'wince decided that she was going to be a devout follower of the Faith. She dedicated her life not only to fulfilling the purpose, but making sure that she helps everyone in any way possible, so that people are never hurt nor abandoned like her father did to her. She had a growing passion to follow Talseyan, the Forestwarden, wanting to protect not only other people, but nature itself as well.

Upon arriving within regalia, they purchased the most decent cheapest house that could fit into their budget. Ke'wince then attempted to go into medical school, but the steep tuition caused her to drop out before she could get very far, so she is mostly self taught, reading books and asking around for mentors. She also received mentorship in how to handle an stave from another generous Yanar who offered pretty cheap lessons.
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Hello! I will be reviewing your application.
  • Core Information
    • I would clarify that Kewince worships Yanar Faith of Estel, so that people understand that it isn't the Altalar Faith of Estel.
  • Proficiency Information
    • Before your listed proficiencies, state how many points you've used. From what I can count, you have only used 40 out of 50.
    • At the end of your proficiency list, state your physical stat.
  • Ability Information
    • Even if you haven't used the ability, still list Sorcery Skill 1 under Common Yanar Abilities.
  • Appearance Information
    • You do not need to have the alternate form bullet because Kewince isn't a vampire or cahal.
Once you've made your edits, change the color of the text you've modified and tag me in a reply.
Hello! Since February, we've changed our proficiency system, and some abilities. I recommend reading the Yanar page and the Proficiency page to further update your application. If you have any questions, you should make a ticket in the Roleplay discord. You can tag me once you've made these changes.