Preserved Sheet Kevros Khersas

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May 14, 2019
Reaction score



"After my head has been chopped off, will I still be able to hear, at least for a moment, my own blood gushing from my neck? That will be the best pleasure to end all pleasure."
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Basic Information
  • Full Name: Kevros Ira'ax Auri'el Khersas
    • Introduces self as Kevros, and won't stand for short hand.
  • Age: 59
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Kathar - Disciple of Saivale
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Daggers
    • Also utilises surgeon supplies and torture utensils
Skill Information
  • Total Points: 59 from age -10 from vampirism -4 from parlour magic = 45
  • Proficiencies:
    • +25 Fast Blades Combat Skill (10 from Racials, 15 from points) (-10 when afflicted with Vampirism)
    • +10 Medical Knowledge (from Points)
    • +30 Magical Knowledge (10 from Racials) (20 from Vampirism)
      • Demonology Info (Racial)
      • Sanguinology Info (Racial)
      • Racialism Info (Vampirism)
      • Dimenthism Info (Vampirism)
      • Arkenism Info (Vampirism)
      • Afflicthism Info (Vampirism)
    • +30 Kathar Ritualism Skill (from Points)
  • Body Shape
    • Physical Stat: 15
      • 15 (Fast Blades Combat Skill) + 0 = 15
    • Body Shape: Slim (capped from Disciple of Saivale)
    • Body Fat: Low
  • Languages
    • Common
      • Being a scholar of sorts back in her homelands, Kevros had to pick up common quick so to translate certain magical scripts. This came up rarely, although she excelled when it did. She is both literate and fluent in this language.
    • Kathar Elven Dialect
      • Her primary language, Kevros has been reading and writing in this since she could hold a quill. She is both literate and fluent.
  • Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
    • Vampirism (Zikiel Bloodline)
      • Parlorica Vampirica - Vampires with this Mutation can learn one Parlor Magic Spell without Proficiency cost
      • Grand Vampirica - Vampires with this Mutation live twice as long as their racial maximum allows, and age half as fast while they are Vampires. For example, if they are infected at the age of 50 and remain Vampire until the age of 100, by this time, they are only 75 years old in their original years. Being cured of Vampirism returns aging back to its original speed, but does not cause them to suddenly become older. Unlike the Alais Bloodline, Zikiel Vampires with this Mutation cannot give birth to non-Brood Vampire children.
      • Books of Cold Ones - Vampires with this Mutation gain a +20 Magical Knowledge Proficiency boost, which disappears upon curing, and re-appears upon re-infection.
      • Ownership Ward - A Vampire with this Mutation can ward a person with a "tracker" knowing their location. An Ownership ward is a spell placed on someone's wrists, where a crimson red Old Speech tattoo appears that marks them as tracked (which can be done as long as they are in emote distance without needing touch). While this tattoo is in place, the Vampire knows where this person is at all times, and can follow them around with the shortest path that leads to them. This ward can be broken both by the Ward Staving muter, the Vampire's own volition, or through any Unionist Sanktist or Kathar Ritualism rituals.
      • Bending Arcana - A Vampire with this Mutation can copy any spell cast at them (it must have hit them already and taken effect) after which they can use it for up to 10 minutes themselves with the same casting rules as the Mage that cast the spell.
    • Parlour Magic
      • Elemental Branding Spell (-4 Proficiency Points) - Create an elemental power on a weapon
      • Callia's Grace Spell (Free from bloodline) - Call forth a magical shield to deflect incoming attacks
    • Kathar Ritualism
      • 30 points invested. Access to all abilities.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Black sclera, with blue irises and red limbal rings
  • Hair Color: Jet black
  • Hair Style: Shaved in at the sides, with void/arken symbols etched all over, then a side swept long patch on top
  • Skin Color: Pale, almost snow-white
  • Clothing: Sophisticated, usually bedecked with various bone decorations
  • Height: 7'0"
Personality and Abilities

  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Kevros is one to rarely display signs of fear, radiating this sense of superiority onto others regardless of the circumstance. However, in circumstances where she falters for even a moment, she begins to make uncharacteristically rash and stupid decisions, regularly leading to her causing much avoidable pain and suffering onto herself (not that she views that as a negative). Other times, when she sees an argument or fight as unwinnable in the current circumstance, she'll try fall back and begin scheming up a better tactic to overcome her adversary.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • Relief of stress is something the Kathar finds in their Void and Arken worship, viewing it as her greatest escape from the fools that surround her. She also relieves stress through others distress. In a sadistic sense, she enjoys watching those squirm before her, especially when it is her inflicting the pain. Due to this, there's no better stress relief session for her than a good old torture session.
  • How would your character express feeling Happy?
    • In contrast to her otherwise sadistic self, she'll hum an eerie tune from her childhood, not only to comfort herself in inflicting such heinous acts, but also to strike further fear into the hearts of her victims. Other than that, she'll, like in many circumstances, turn to her faith when happy, viewing it as the sole reason for her happiness in the given circumstance.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Anything outside of the Dread Empire is weak and feeble. She believes any other government, such as the Regalian, needs overthrown in order for the true greatest power in Aloria to take the stage.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • For the most part, other races are weak, with a few minor exceptions. She'll rarely speak this aloud, instead hoping to utilise them to advance her own current standings. The only time this doesn't hold true is in regards to Silvens of other races, which she views as gifted and are in need of assistance of usuing their abilities to their fullest.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Her faith is at the centre of who she is. Any religion which is not Arkenism or Void worship is just outright wrong, and needs purged for the greater good of her kind.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Kevros is fully involved in the magical world, being a very skilled practitioner in Kathar Ritualism, minor Parlour Magician, and of course being a magical being herself. She will do anything to further her understandings of all things magical, despite the cost, with the exception if it will bring harm to her people and faith.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Family is something she feels rather indifferent about. in most circumstances, the woman struggles to find any greater sense of love towards anything outside of her faith, however she is grateful for their raising of her and turning her into what she is today.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Being unfit to spread word of her faith effectively, and merely giving it a bad name.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Their magical knowledges and abilities, as well as their devotion to their faith.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • Their zealous love for their faith, which she believes sits above all else.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • The fall of the Dread Empire at the hands of lesser beings, such as the Ailor.

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Life Story
  • Kevros is born in the year 245 AC to two Saivalle parents, whom began instilling into her the traditional Kathar values from the moment they could, being followers of The Void Prefect of Control. With both of her parents being extremely invested in their faith, it was inevitable that this was to be the same for Kevros, whose very personality would soon find itself intertwined with Void Worship and Arkenism. She continued to spend the entirety of her childhood within a temple in the city of Paarthalaar, where she experienced a militaristic upbringing, yet still had limited contact with her birth parents.
  • Around the age of 7, her mother, a priestess of the void, began teaching the young Kathar the rituals of her people, which she quickly shined to, avidly complying to anything which may strengthen their bonds with the void. Simultaneously, her father began teaching her in the arcane, starting with the knowledges of Demonology and Sanguinology.
  • Through their carrying out of her people's rituals, Kevros began to enjoy the subtle reactions to pain which she caused. She'd try her best to be as slow and painful as she could, merely to experience the expression they held on their face.
  • In order to improve their ability in the art of causing pain, she looked to researching the body, and discovering what made it tick. This also aided in making her some what adept in medicine, although it was rarely used to benefit others.
  • By this point, the Kathar began engaging in all sorts of Henate's duels and the such, starting to become somewhat skilled with a knife (thanks to this and her growing torturous ways), yet she wore this strong thirst for more knowledge.
  • During her readings in the various Sanguine bloodlines, she discovered one she began to grow more and more interested in. She had discovered that this "Zikiel" bloodline would earn her more knowledge in the arcane, and perhaps give her more knowledge to use with her already twisted personality.
  • She started her hunt of this bloodline, with the goal of sipping from a chalice of their blood and achieve these abilities for herself. Her methods in doing this though were far from savoury, utilising her hired hands to hold the vampire down, as she toyed with the thing, seeing what made it tick, squirm and squeal. Soon enough, she managed to earn herself the blood she so greatly desired, and pulled herself closer to the void she longed for so much.
  • Kevros continued her worship, as well as her knowledge hungry and vampiric ways, carrying out any and all rituals requested of her, travelling all through the Shadow Isles to demonstrate her self-perceived prowess.
  • She began to catch wind during her travels of an Arken active in Regalia, so began to stow-away from ship to ship on her way to the Archipelago, trying her best to make as many contacts as she could during the trip. She planned not only to try connect with this Arken, but also to see the mess of an empire which tried stand before hers, and erupt chaos wherever she could to aid the front back home.
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Hello there! I'll be picking this up for staff review, expect a reply within the new few hours!
I found the concept for this character very interesting, and hope your review goes well!
Oh dear, I am so sorry this application got washed away in my spreadsheet. Overdue review time!
