Preserved Sheet Kenneth Leslie Dunmore

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Let there be Noot
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Anamosa, Iowa

Basic Information
  • Full Name: Kenneth Leslie Dumore
  • Nickname: Ken
  • Age: 38
  • Date of Birth: August 3rd, 268
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Alior
  • Culture: Highland Ceardian
  • Sexuality: Hetrosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Fists or Metal Gauntlets
Skill Information
(38+15=53 points)
  • Combat
  • +33 Unarmed Combat (+10 From Culture, +15 Racial Bonus, +8 From Points)
  • Arts
  • +30 Metallurgy Arts (+30 From Points)
  • Special Abilities/Spells/Mutations
  • Will of Holiness - Unionists can use the Will of Holiness to bless either a weapon or an action they are performing. The weapon blessed must be their preferred weapon, and it must be wielded. When activated, the weapon will gain a faint holy glow with faint golden smoke coming from the non-handle parts. These weapons ignore all protection mutations that mitigate damage, while also hurting more to anything that is an Impure (for example Possessed, Vampires, Mages, Abberrants etc.). Those who are not combat oriented may have the same glow and golden smoky effect as well as general holiness in their work if they produce for example a holy book, holy painting, holy song, which cause strong headaches when performed or shown to an Impure.

Body Shape:
  • 16 Unarmed Combat (8x2) + 30 Metallurgy Arts = 46 Body Stat
  • Type: Strongman
  • Fat: Low Body Fat
  • Common (Learnt from Parents)
  • Old Ceardian Dialect (Cultural Tongue)
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Slate Grey
  • Hair Color: Taupe Brown
  • Hair Style: Short, Well-Kept
  • Skin Color: White Tan
  • Clothing: Average Blacksmith Clothing
  • Height: 6'0
  • Alignment
    • Lawful Good
  • Personality Type
    • The Craftsman (ISTP) - ISTPs are mysterious people who are usually very rational and logical, but also quite spontaneous and enthusiastic. Their personality traits are less easily recognizable than those of other types, and even people who know them well can't always anticipate their reactions. Deep down, ISTPs are spontaneous, unpredictable individuals, but they hide those traits from the outside world, often very successfully.
  • Religion
    • Unionism (9/10)
Life Story

Kenneth was born to a loving mother and father within Gallovia on August 3rd, 268 AC. His mother was loving to his brother and sister, Aleck and Kirstine Dunmore, most of all since they were the two born before Kenneth. Kenneth grew up under his brother, aspiring to be a great Blacksmith like their father. However, it was only during his childhood when their father was executed for helping supply criminals with weapons. Kenneth was devistated, deciding to learn the craft of Metallurgy in honor of his father, who he loved dearly. Kenneth's work was amazed as he grew older and with a tutor. Kenneth was a rather dull man during his time, working almost day and night to continue his father's work within Gallovia as the owner of the Hammer and Anvil Forge. However, By the age of 17, he fell in love with a woman by the name of Morag. They decided that they would marry some time in the future, having their first child before they finally married just a couple years later. Within the next few years, Kenneth and Morag would have two more children. Kenneth thought of his children and wife as the most powerful pieces in his life, never wanting to leave them. Kenneth became a heavily devoted worshipper of Unionism, thanking the Spirit for guidance to where he was given a gift of power to be able to fight all the demons of the world that tried to hurt his family. Kenneth stayed in Gallovia until the presant day, hearing news of his brother getting married within the Holy City of Regalia. This clicked into his mind with the idea of creating a new Hammer and Anvil Forge within Regalia to help enforce the armory of the citizens and nobles that reside in Regalia. However, he would have been the first of his family to see if the city was safe for his wife and children. Kenneth thought of this idea to be very hard to do, trying to go to his brother while not wanting to be home. Now, Kenneth is on his way to Regalia with the hopes of beginning anew.
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Here is my review:
  • The application seems a bit bare bones. The life story lacks any approximate dates and locations (I didn't know he was born in Gallovia until the last few sentences), or his lifestyle. From what is in his backstory, he worked his entire life, and there are plenty of common sayings about people who work all the time. Is he a dull guy? Did he have other passions? Was it easy for him to leave Gallovia, abandoning any prior commitments? Try to flesh it out a bit.
  • Optional, not required, but growing up in Gallovia does open up the option to have one of his languages be the Old Ceardian Dialect.
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