Shelved Character Keith Anvaliirn

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Dec 30, 2022
Reaction score
Keith Anvaliirn

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Character Information

  • Full Name: Keith Anvaliirn

  • Race / Culture: Kathar (Mesmer Cult)

  • Age: 20

  • Gender / Pronouns: No gender, but prefers he/him pronouns.

  • Occult: Mageborn (Void)
Core Concept

A gambler that escaped his consequences and didn't quite learn his lesson. Like any Kathar of his cult, he wants to get as much power and wealth as possible, which is what inspired his gambling to begin with.

He is religious and a void worshipper like most Kathars, but apart from that, he has almost no loyalty to anyone or anything. He will throw anyone under the bus for his benefit, and he doesn't take the concept of treason seriously. It's very hard to earn his loyalty or affection.

Appearance Information

Keith looks mostly like a regular Kathar. He is 6'0 and quite skinny, and has a slightly toned body. He has wavy light brown hair, which isn't very long, but you can tell he hasn't cut it in a while. He normally adjusts to Regal fashion as his usual clothing consists of brown boots, pants, and a shirt that only slightly varies in hue. Usually, he pairs that with a purple cloak with a black fur outline that he wears regardless of weather or temperature.

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Attack & Defense Stat

7 Attack (Magic), 5 defense (Magic).

Hobbies and Talents

Magical Talent.

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  • Strength: 0

  • Constitution: 0

  • Intelligence: 0

  • Wisdom: 0

  • Dexterity: 2
    • Roguery Point Buy
      • Soft Landing Pack

      • Escape Artist Pack
  • Faith: 0

  • Magic: 12 (4 from adapt point buy)
    • Adapt Point Buy
      • Shapeshift Pack (Magical Variant)

      • Mindcontrol Pack (Magical Variant)

      • Safeguard Pack (Magical Variant)

      • Wardrobe Pack (Magical Variant)
    • Magic Point Buy
      • Magic Bolts Pack

      • Magic Snare Pack

      • Magic Smog Pack

      • Magic Resist Pack

      • Magic Cleanse Pack

      • Magic Warp Pack

      • Magic Isolate Pack (Kathar free pack)

      • Magic Shove Pack

      • Magic Revive Pack (Kathar free pack)

      • Magic Revenge Pack

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Plot Hooks

  • He can frequently be seen gambling in its many forms, which is why he has such a hard time keeping money.

  • Even though he doesn't use magic much in public, knowing how sensitive people can be, he can still sometimes be seen using a healthy amount of void magic.

  • Keith used to be a criminal. He's trying to do better now, but he has definitely amassed a history.

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Life Story

Keith lived a relatively normal childhood, for the most part. Like most Kathar children he was sent to a Future-House and promptly adopted at the age of 4 by a single woman. He also realized he had void magic, but whether this was caused by a mage parent he doesn't know.

When he was 13 he started to try to control his magic, which proved simple enough with the training he received from a fellow mage. This is also the age when he started to gamble, even with candies or coins. It quickly evolved when at 17 he started asking for loans to gamble more, and even got a job just because he wanted to continue.

Eventually, like all gamblers do, he lost everything and had people asking for their money back. Keith had to resort to cheating, and unfortunately got caught, which led to more trouble. Eventually, there were too many to bear and he decided to run away from his town, and the consequences of his actions.

So he arrived at Regalia and is currently looking to get money so he can hopefully repay his debt if they find him. If he can keep it long enough.


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