Archived Keeping Kelmoria.

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Arvanion Cyladhras of Avallónë
Feb 27, 2013
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Dear citizens of Aloria. It has come to my attention that two old worlds are going to make room for a brand new world. This world will hold many riches in the form of Quartz. One of the worlds that will be removed is Kelmoria.;(

For some time I and some other people around Dunhill (the spawn harbor in Kelmoria) have been working hard to keep the area around the spawn in good shape. This in the good heart for both role-play, trade and several other reasons. My question 'if I may ask it in this way' is why do have to say our farewell to this land? Is there not another service this island can offer us?:|

Even with its core reason of existence now being depleted, (the quartz being almost fully harvested to my knowledge) can we not turn Kelmoria to a new purpose? For I believe it may suit as a good candidate to be used as island for role-play experience.:)

Why role-play? We got Regalia right?

Yes, we do have the grant city of Regalia to go to. With its highly detailed structures and well known hotspots for role-players, It is indeed a very good place to go to for role-play. However, Regalia also has its limitations. Just to name a few; Regalia is build by the staff, and its role-play environments are preset as well. Thus not all scenarios of role-play can be exploited within the city. Also there is little to no environmental change for specific role-plays. (You need a temple of darkness for your event)

In the above mentioned cases, a survival world, where players are allowed to change their environments, would serve to most if not all scenarios of role-play. For you will have to build what you wish to use for role-play. And such will provide more personality to the event you seek to play. Communities can create, adapt and when needed remove anything to improve the role-play experience for their events.

But we have plenty worlds. Why don't we just do this on Daendroc or New Ceardia?

Those are large worlds, Communities are separated over large distances. Also the amount of role-play would be significantly higher if those communities lived closer to one another, then when they live miles away. Yes the server encourages travel, but there comes a moment we just like to have things a little closer to home. Kelmoria is small, and permits these communities to live closer together. Sometimes to a point of forming friendships or creating conflict.

But the world is empty? There no quartz, its forests are cut, the lands wrecked.

Well doesn't that provide us with the ultimate opportunity to create something beautiful out of it? I build my temple on a barren hillside, now look at the place. Surrounded by trees, rivers and lakes. Combined with gardens leading down to a harbor. If you are committed. And if you are willing. You can change the world around you. Even if it is only you who tries to make it so.

So why should we keep Kelmoria?

Because it's the best place to expand our role-playing community to. It is small and thus less of a burden for the servers. And people will be closer connected here than in any of the larger worlds out there. Kelmoria is where people can meet. And have adventures in diverse landscapes. All within reach.

Id like to give a final comment that wat I have written above is my view of things.
It would be great to hear wat others think of the idea I had written above and vote wat they think is best.

PS: Here is a short RP event I randomly started today, incase you wonder wat roleplay I am even tralking about.
Today I felt like hosting a short event for fun. To have some fun with people and bring some joy into our lives. And so I hosted a party. Since it is mostlikely the last time we will have any events anymore on Kelmoria it was hosted with the spirit to enjoy Kelmoria for the last time.

We began with a small feast inside the Dragon's Mug. Free drinks and food were served to the visitors. Music was being played and we danced from dusk till dawn. Even outside the tavern bandits got atracted to the crowd and attempted to disrupt the feast. Which did not happen due to the strong knights that had offered there service as guards that night. And so both role-play and pvp communities came together, both having fun for the last time in Kelmoria.
Unfortunatly I couldn't get pictures of the fighting.;(
2013-09-24_19.22.56.png 2013-09-24_19.47.00.png 2013-09-24_19.47.03.png
After the party we payed our last respects at the temple. Praying for a miracle.
People had fun, people enjoyed their time. (atleast those at the party)(|Ihave almost no clue wat was going on outside to speak the truth:D)
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Unfortunately, Kelmoria is heavily greifed, but I like the mountains. Frankly, all that is good about it is the aforementioned mountains and chopping down trees.
Luxor Ignotis
The uglier it used to be, the more beautiful you can make it. Having a griefed world to start with is not a problem at all. It may even inspire you to make it nicer.;)
I think that Kelmoria was just too small. How small it was might have lead to its griefed landscape because people would have to make their factions right next to each other.
Kelmoria is very sexy... the only problem is all the damn noobs making factions too f***ing close to each other.
Ok, I say that no we should leave it burning. But, here is my reason.
When Kelmoria was created, it was an overly small world with one purpose: To supply Nether quartz after the associated update. Now, it is still an overly small world, but griefed and mined out. Kelmoria was never going to last, it was too small. As predicted, it served its purpose well, but was destroyed very quickly, getting mined out and griefed far faster then other worlds, due to its small size. That small size meant that it was never going to last. It was an in-between transition world, not meant for significant use, only to be mined. Certainly it is beautiful, but so has every world so far. If we are too attached to a beautiful world, no world will ever be deleted, no matter the condition. Kelmoria was good while it lasted, but it has lived its purpose. Although perhaps some of its geography can be incorporated into the new world.
Not going to happen, and that is the simple and only truth and conclusion.
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