Preserved Sheet Elric Norwood, The Iron Stag

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Skagger Dad
Jul 14, 2015
Reaction score
The Abyss


"It is better to die free, then live you life on your knee."
Basic Information

Full Name: Elric Norwood of Hirschhöhle

Alias: Ser Elric the Iron Stag

Age: 36

Gender: Male

Race: New Regalian/Heartland Ceadrian Ailor (Regalian Cultured)

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Religion: Unionist

Skill Information

  • 36 Total Points
  • +20 Blades Combat Skill ( +20 From Points)
  • +10 Unarmed Combat Skill ( +10 From Points)
  • +10 Marshalry Knowledge (+10 From Culture)
  • +5 Athletic Training (+5 From Points)
  • +1 Nature Care Sciences (+1 From Points)
  • Body Build
  • 30 Combat Skill Points + 10 (5x2) Athletics Training Points = 40
  • Muscular
  • Low Body Fat
  • Languages
    • Alt-Regalian (Native)
    • Common (Childhood)
    • Anglian (Time spent in Anglia as a hedge knight)
Visual Information

Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Oaken Brown

Hair Style: Fauxhawk, shaved shorter on the sides and back

Skin Color: Regalian Pink

Clothing: Black leather jerkin, blue undershirt and pants

Height: 6'2

Absolution, the bastard sword of Elric Norwood, is constructed of Bastan Steel, possessing a double fuller styled cross section. The steel used to produce this sword was made from melted down statues of various Regalian Emperors and Heron Barton. The sword's hilt is wrapped in dyed black leather and the pommel is made from Crysteel, carved into the shape of a stag's head. The cross guard is ornate as well, forged of steel, the facing has carvings of vines wrapping around the weapon. It is 44.5 inches and weights about 3.4 lbs.

Elric's face and head can be described as generally handsome by Ailor standards, he possesses a slightly oval shaped head, keeping it covered by a fuaxhawk and small bear of oaken brown hair. His eyebrows are natural and peeked, the right of which is pierced by a large silver ring. He tends to carry a light-hearted expression, though this is known to change rapidly.

Elric stands in at 6'2" and possess a muscular body build. His body is covered in Western Regalian styled tattoos and scars from his various military campaigns. A notable scar is a branded "T" on his left shoulder he received during the Lo crisis when he an a few other resistance members were captured and branded as traitors to the Lo regime.

Personality and Abilities

  • As seen by strangers: Upon first meeting Elric he can appear to be cold and stubborn, claiming he places his duty before his feelings though this couldn't be further from the truth. He is also blunt as he sugar coats nothing, saying what he sees as true and right. Elric always acts with stoicness, not complaining about what comes his way, seeing it merely as a challenge to overcome and surpass. Elric enjoys puzzles and riddles as they make him test his brain, as he does with any challenge, always wanting to rise above his challenges.

  • As seen by self: Elric is confident in his abilities on what he can and can't do and is vastly independent. He knows when he is outmatched and or outplayed, but he doesn't quite understand when he needs to retreat though he does understand when he should use a different strategy. He prefers to do things on his own and not rely on anyone to help. He is only so confident due to constantly thinking he has to prove himself to both himself and others, as he also bottles up his emotions, thus leading into his stoicness. Be tends to blame himself when something goes wrong and messes up, though generally not openly expressing it. He often will work to subtly fix the issue, not wanting the attention. His self-blaming nature is a leading cause of concern for he elf as he truly has no fear, aside from his belief that he will one day truly left alone in the world, failing to save his friends and loved ones.

  • Towards friends and family: To those who know the Knight, he is quite kind, often seeking to help those in need and down on their luck, especially to his family and friends. He can't stand to see his loved ones suffering or being abused. He also seems quite brave in his actions, placing himself in the way of danger, seemingly spitting in the face of death. To those who get close enough to understand why he pushes himself so much, he seems like a determined person, bent on righting his wrongs. He tends to be more open towards these people. He would gladly fight life and limb to protect those he cares for, claiming to never be able to live with himself if he failed to keep them from harm.

  • Morality: Elric's alignment could be seen as Lawful Good, he wants people to be free from tyranny and oppression as well see the evil beings of the world brought to justice. This tends to put him on the side of the law, as he views the laws as fair and just. He strongly dislikes those who would pull other's under just to get ahead or who would kill or abuse others over trivial issues.

  • Making people happy
  • Weapons
  • Alcohol
  • Vampires
  • Evil Mages
  • Cruelty
Borug Steel-Hide, Friend @KiddingAround
Theodosia Norwood, Adopted Daughter @SasuNaru2016
Wulfram Kehlen, Friend @Walrusaur_
Tua Kapena, Friend @DrDrago
Leufred Reginar, Friend @Masterman120
Daniel White, Friend @DankDan
Lucas Ceslo, Friend @TheSilverSpectre

Life Story

Birth | 271 A.C.

  • Born on June 13, 271 A.C. to Richard Norwood and Shannon Mills-Norwood as the twin of Fredrica in Hirschhöhle, Dragenthal. He and his sister received the Sacrament of Birth.
Childhood | 1 - 10
  • 4: Family becomes High Commoners due to the trade of Ceadrian Bloodhound breeding.
Early Teenage Years | 11 - 15
  • 10: Receives his Bloodhound, naming it "Heahmund"
  • 13: Recieved Sacrament of Entry
  • 14: Denied entry to School of Viridian due to father
    • Enrolls in the School of Bloodcast at Castle Duurwallis
Later Teenage Years | 16 - 19
  • 16: Punished multiple times for fighting other students
    • Picks up the nickname "Iron Stag"
  • 18: Graduates from the Bloodcast Order
Young Adult | 20 - Present
  • 20: Receives his sword Absolution
  • 22: Travel to Anglia to help do good
  • 24: Serves in the Ranger Crisis
  • 26: Receives Sacrament of Fervent Service
  • 30: Graduates Champion in Bloodcast
  • 31: Serves in Battle of Calemberg
  • 32: Serves in Battle of Curag Feilds
  • 33: Serves in the Violet Resistance during the Lo Crisis
  • 34: Served in Songaskian Battles
    • Served in the Elven Wars
  • 35: Temporarily under control of mysterious dragon controlled Arken
    • Returns to Dragenthal
  • 36: Returns to the Crown City
    • Currently facing a crisis after the death his friend of Wulfram Kehlen, destruction of his house, and loss of his job due to this
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Here's my review -
  • Basic Information:
    • Your character's main ambition is very broad and doesn't really express who this campaign of liberation would be against. Try to hone into something specific in order to give your character some direction.
    • Knowing more than three languages is not something that is allowed unless your character is a linguist, meaning you're going to have to cut down on one of those listed.
  • Skill Information:
    • A sword and shield isn't a fighting style that one can list under skill information. If you want to list a specific school or fighting style, that is appropriate, but otherwise you can't just say you are warrior level in a non-official form of fighting.
  • Visual Information:
    • In the case of cross-breeding between Avanthar and Drowdar, the eyes would take after what an Avanthar would have. This would mean that Durlyn would have blue eyes.
  • Personality and Abilities:
    • Note that this section is meant to be called 'Personality and Abilities', not 'Personality Traits'. Rename it accordingly.
    • The second paragraph lacks detail on his fears and personal concerns.
    • The third paragraph isn't so much as how he is perceived by his friends and family as much as it is about how he interacts with them. You entirely missed out on how his relationships are with the two aforementioned groups. I want you to rewrite this paragraph, taking aspects of what you've already put down and meshing together with the required details on his family life and personal interactions with friends.
  • Talents:
    • Note that this section is meant to be called 'Talents', not 'Strengths'. Rename it accordingly.
Mark these changes in red and tag me when you're done.
Right, I just went through the character application section and saw that I entirely missed this.

  • My primary issue at the moment is how he conveniently has knowledge of mages and vampires. It just seems like more continence than anything, and truthfully should be something left to RP to learn about. I would understand if it was somewhat relevant to your fighting style or otherwise, but Bloodcast has basically no interaction with the two aforementioned topics. I want you to remove this as a talent.
  • I'm not sure if this was just added or not, but the whole death of his mother at the age of three is a cliche addition that doesn't really need to be there at all.
  • The entire idea that you used an ex-Witch Hunter to learn about the fighting style in addition to the School of Bloodcast seems, again, to be something of convenience rather than reality. How your character maintained Expert Bloodcast in addition to this other tertiary fighting style is beyond me, and simply not acceptable.
  • You need to change the fact that you learned the School of Bloodcast from 'Drowdar training' as the only means of learning is through the Casting Crucible. There are no private tutors whatsoever.
Mark these changes in red and tag me when you're ready.
My primary issue at the moment is how he conveniently has knowledge of mages and vampires. It just seems like more continence than anything, and truthfully should be something left to RP to learn about. I would understand if it was somewhat relevant to your fighting style or otherwise, but Bloodcast has basically no interaction with the two aforementioned topics. I want you to remove this as a talent.
This is something used very often seeing as Durlyn is a "Vampire Hunter" by all means, from the way I read the Bloodcast page and them not having morals beyond: "Do good in the world." I figured if a Bloodcast were to see the Sanguine curse and/or errant mages as something evil, they would strive to stop it. If this is not the case, I'd gladly change his school to something else.
I'm not sure if this was just added or not, but the whole death of his mother at the age of three is a cliche addition that doesn't really need to be there at all.
This was added in so that his father could remarry with an explanation of reasoning, I'll remove it from his story.
The entire idea that you used an ex-Witch Hunter to learn about the fighting style in addition to the School of Bloodcast seems, again, to be something of convenience rather than reality. How your character maintained Expert Bloodcast in addition to this other tertiary fighting style is beyond me, and simply not acceptable.
This is the same as my first reasoning, if this isn't acceptable, I'll change his school.
You need to change the fact that you learned the School of Bloodcast from 'Drowdar training' as the only means of learning is through the Casting Crucible. There are no private tutors whatsoever.
This was an oversight from the last version with his tennpenny trainign I failed to delete: fixed.
This is something used very often seeing as Durlyn is a "Vampire Hunter" by all means, from the way I read the Bloodcast page and them not having morals beyond: "Do good in the world." I figured if a Bloodcast were to see the Sanguine curse and/or errant mages as something evil, they would strive to stop it. If this is not the case, I'd gladly change his school to something else.
I mean you're basically trying to be part of the Witch Hunter Order when it isn't played as a charter IG at the moment. The amount of knowledge would be appropriate if the charter existed but it doesn't, so as a result you either need to tone it down or remove it as a whole.
@Valentinian Minor entails he is able to identify they're type of magic and judge with 50% accuracy their level in magic and how to combat it
In my own opinion, I'd consider that pretty advanced knowledge of magic to know what type it is, what their level is and how to combat it. But once again, that is just my opinion, not the reviewers.
In my own opinion, I'd consider that pretty advanced knowledge of magic to know what type it is, what their level is and how to combat it. But once again, that is just my opinion, not the reviewers.
Which is something I agree with, in truth. So as I said before, it either needs to be toned down significantly or just removed. I would prefer the latter, but leave this choice relatively open to you. @Eternal_Wrath
Your talent 'knowledge of vampires' doesn't reach the three sentence minimum.
  • The cavalry school is School of Drixon, please change that in the Skill Information section.
  • Already discussed the prospect of the morning star, just understand the pure offensive capabilities of the weapon and we're good there.
  • Your knowledge of Magic is questionable as claiming to know a Witch Hunter and understanding spells and their weaknesses is very convenient in terms of back ground. I want you to specify what magic schools you feel they would know, please be reasonable with this as I am giving you an opportunity to salvage the talent.

Tag me once you complete the above @Eternal_Wrath
@Wumpatron edits made in Red

School of Calvary was meant as this; School of Hubandry, thus I have changed it to School of Husbandry; Discipline of Calvary,
And Magic schools known are only Demon and Elemental, made mention of this. Chose these as most others wouldn't effect him so he'd have a hard time believing they even existed
Remove horseback related weaponry as your character did not attend a proper school to utilize weapons on horseback. @Eternal_Wrath
Your dates for the School of Husbandry are incorrect. At age 22 they would be Acolyte, 23 Novice, 24 Student, 25 Learned. That being said I will ask you to add an additional year to his age to justify skill retention for Bloodcast when compared to the demand for School of Husbandry. Also take into account the decreased combat skill. He will be slightly less capable that an average Warrior.

Make that single change and that will be the final edit @Eternal_Wrath
Approved, thank you for your patience for me menial edits as I was at work while doing them
@Wumpatron edited the app, adding info on the Unionism sacrements; Removed mentions of Calvary school as it added little to rp; Bloodcast upped to Champion level
Same explanation from the Drixon, decreased ability due to Lacgaen. While it isn't a combat skill, it is one that needs practice to maintain. Approved
Just one thing, I would advise keeping the family in Dragenthal fully as it would make more sense to become established as wealthy instead of it seemingly appearing in a short period of time as you have it. One doesn't become a wealthy farmer overnight. I would advise making edits to that portion of the life story or make a counterpoint to keep that part of the story.
