Archived /kd <- Kill Death Ratio With Date Time Stamp

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Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
London Ont Canada
Iron Accord
Roleplay Guilds
Dwarven Council
Their have been wars going on recently and I noticed people are using the same system that COD and other games are using.
The kill death ratio.
I think we should add a small log that simply logs who you killed and when as well as logs who killed you and wen (same messages you would regularily see on death so it would be seen in the log like)

Dworvin killed Togal300 Using "Dworvins Axe Brunhilda" [2014/03/06][1:31PM EST]
You where slain by Cayorion using "thunderbolt" [2014/03/06][1:50PM EST]

EST is the time zone but It would most likely be GMT

Then players can screen shot this and use it to document war efforts in a fair way instead of attempting to get screenshots of every kill and ignore their deaths or not even have a timestamp so they can just look another derection in game before the message fades and take another screenshot to say they got more then 1 kill on the guy.
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Unnecessary for massive IMO. Just reset your player stats and screenshot your kills for anyone who you may want to brag to about your kd.
I imagine that this would mainly be used to brag and boast about kills. This would lead to flamming and overall bad attitudes in general. I disagree with this idea.
I think this idea would add a typical male pride hing to PvP and throw more people into that with the usual "Mine is bigger than yours" sort of stuff. People will be killing every opportunity they get just to get an extra kill so they look better and a lot of newbs may die by lava, drowning, falling, mobs etc. and that would make them look worse and become targets to the sort of people that target the weaker ones. It would cause too many flame wars and fights. I disagree with this idea
Personally I like this idea.
While it may cause flame over kills, it would removed the flame over who 'won' in regards of kills. Anytime I see a war thread, I always wait to see how long until it gets into a flame war over who is winning. With a plugin like this, it would make it hard, if not out right impossible, to say that you didn't die eight times while killing them three times.
However, there are several obvious problems.
Firstly, people could always dispute over how they were killed, thus making it a flame war over how people get kills (tactics, traps, pots etc). Secondly, I am sure that keeping all this extra data would not be easy, and I have no idea if the Staff would have to completely write up their own plugin.
Finally, people could still photoshop the images that they post on the forums, which would only lead to more flame wars. The easiest way to solve this last problem by making these statistics public, though it would likely lead to the problem that @Ethanol brings up.
While I like this idea, not sure if the benefits would out weigh the negatives and the time and effort to make and implement.
Actually I have no issue with people photoshoping things because this would backfire if I ever found one that was used against me (this is a warning) I would ask for the image file and simply look at the creation date and the edit date if any.
However tedious this may be but then it raises the questions of if the person opened pain and copy pasted it in their and saved it upon exiting making it so it has no edit date.
very confusing... Perhaps this info can be logged and you can check other peoples KD's and you can't wipe them until server restart
this would also be a good detective tool to prove XX killed XX.
I see no point to this other than people bragging about kills, I can see it just being another thing to cause flame in General chat.
I'd like some sort of graph that kept track of KD ratio from the website, so we can see when, where, how big, and how long wars were on the server <3
You could also download the chatlogs mod, for it will document all your kills for you, and all your deaths, then compile it and document it.
To expand on that, it records all your chat for a day automagically, so.. Yeah. Look it up. Useful little bugger. Helps me not misquote people, keeps a good log of all transactions because the massivemoney plugin only does the last 10 things, ect. Very nice little unnoticable mod.
I think recording the chatlog would be a good way to get this information. TabbyChat has a nice interface which should be able to put this info alone on a separate tab and can also log the chat by tab. The latest release is on page 67 of the comments, message #1335. Staff have an independent way to verify this info, so use a ticket if there are problems.
A what will stop some one from killing there alt? I don't think this is needed and will only worsen the PVP scene.
This is so easily abused.
Player X has no life. Player X kills Alt player's Y, A, B, C, 8 times each. He now brags about his KD, causing flame and stupidity.

It causes a dick and un-RP mentality. And it actually makes fun PVP less frequent.
Player R has the ability to fight another respected PVPer, but he does not because it won't raise his KD. Instead he raids RP and noob factions for lulz.

And this adds nothing to the game but bragging and a new way to have dick measuring contests. The flame and stupidity it woud cause would be enormous, and I am 100% sure the server would rather have Cayorian tweaking Massivemobs or doing cool gymnast flips than spending time allowing PVPers an easier way to flame and be obnoxious.
I think that if you gloated about your KD on the forums and such it would just show how much of an [censored] hole you are and making you more susceptible to attack and what not.
This is so easily abused.
Player X has no life. Player X kills Alt player's Y, A, B, C, 8 times each. He now brags about his KD, causing flame and stupidity.

It causes a dick and un-RP mentality. And it actually makes fun PVP less frequent.
Player R has the ability to fight another respected PVPer, but he does not because it won't raise his KD. Instead he raids RP and noob factions for lulz.

And this adds nothing to the game but bragging and a new way to have dick measuring contests. The flame and stupidity it woud cause would be enormous, and I am 100% sure the server would rather have Cayorian tweaking Massivemobs or doing cool gymnast flips than spending time allowing PVPers an easier way to flame and be obnoxious.
Sorry but he would have to pay out of his poket about 4 accounts worth of alts for this as well as train their stats and give all 4 of them good seetings in different factions... Then raises the question of having to come up with reasons they ran into him and have all that other nonsence I think he would have earned the right to feel good about it XD
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