Preserved Sheet Kayumi Chigusa

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Jan 31, 2016
Reaction score
sucking lestat de lioncourt’s toes

Basic Information

Full Name: Kayumi Chigusa |千草香ゆみ

Age: Twenty-six

Gender: Female

Race: Ch'ien-ji

Main Ambition: Knowledge in a wide array of subjects; particularly seeking knowledge of the Seraph civilization and alchemy.

Special Permission: N/A

Visual Information

Eye Color: Bright gold.

Hair Color: Raven black.

Hair Style: Long and straight, with bangs.

Skin Color: Pale olive.

Clothing: Typically blue and red kimonos.

Height: 5'1"

Weight: 98 lbs

Body Build: Thin, nearly underweight. She has a small, petite frame with next-to-no curves, appearing quite a bit like someone in their early teens would.

Weapon of Choice: Fire Magic, Ice Magic, and Alchemy.

Frozen Shard | Mage level

Dragon's Fire | Caster level

Visual Information (Expansion)

•Kayumi has a heart-shaped and rather childish-looking face, typically possessing a curious or happy expression. Her raven-black hair is naturally very thick and straight, falling to her lower back, and styled with bangs. The Ch'ien-ji's eyes are oval shaped with an epicanthic fold, and have a light golden colour, with thin, round and unangled eyebrows. She has a small, slightly downturned nose, and plump lips.

•Due to a combination of genetics and lack of exercise and proper nutrition, Kayumi is rather short and thin. She has almost no body fat, muscles, or curves of any sort. She has a tattoo on her upper left back of cherry blossoms.

•Kayumi typically favours traditional Ch'ien-ji garb, wearing kimonos in the colours blue and red. She does not carry any sort of physical weapon like a dagger or knife, though she is often bound to have some obscura or an alchemical detriment of the sort while in the sewers. She usually does not wear any jewelry, though her hair is often decorated with flowers.

•Kayu has a light Tatsugo accent, often speaking with a friendly tone. Her voice is quite feminine-sounding, and she fluently speaks Tatsugo, D'Ithanie, and Common.

Art by @me

Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits

Curious [=] Kayumi is a very curious woman, and she loves learning new things. This is often fueled by her desire of knowledge, and general scholarly behavior. Her curiosity drives her devotion to knowledge and her studious nature. While this may seem fairly positive, the Ch'ien-ji is curious to the point of nosiness at times, and will often interrogate people without even realizing how annoying she seems.

Quirky [=] For a logical and intellectual person, Kayumi is surprisingly quirky and eccentric. She often shows interest in strange things, and has a fairly quirky sense of humor. The Ch'ien-ji woman is often found joking about the weirdest and most obscure of things. For some this can be a good thing; a change from the normal, and some enjoy her sense of humor. However, others may often see her as annoying or odd due to this quirkiness.

Caring [+] The Ch'i woman is very caring and sympathetic towards others, and genuinely wants to aid others that she likes in any way that she can. She shows concern for others in need, sometimes bordering selflessness. Kayu has been known in the past to help random people on the street out, feeling sympathetic towards them for whatever reason. However, there are times, mainly when she's in the middle of researching something she deems important, that Kayumi will sometimes say she plans on helping and then forget all about it.

Devoted [+] Kayumi is extremely devoted- To the pursuit of knowledge, to her ideals, to her friends… The list goes on. The scholar would never just quit on anything, and she follows through with everything. She spends large amounts of time aiding her allies, practicing her magic, and studying. This came about due to her belief that anything is worth being researched and pondered on if someone is passionate about it, and due to her curiosity.

Disorderly [-] Surprisingly, Kayumi is far from orderly and methodical. She works mainly in random energy spikes, and often has a mess of papers cluttering her home. Typically she has no clue where her things are, and she often acts on impulse with no plan set out for herself. This often causes her to get careless, and acts as an impediment to her pursuit of knowledge.

Vengeful [-] The scholar may be a compassionate and friendly person for the most part, but she is far from forgiving. If someone were to harm her or her friends, it is more than likely that she'd obsess over revenge almost as much as she obsesses over her studies. While Kayu is more than far from being a sadist, she will not hesitate in harming or even maiming someone that hurt her or her allies. While her friends may at times see this as loyalty, Kayumi's obsession with revenge is far from likable.


Magically Adept: As a practitioner of both Frozen Shard and Dragon's Fire and a Ch'ien-ji, Kayumi is an excellent magic user. Both forms of her magic are useful for offensive combat, and she is proud of her abilities. However, she rarely uses her magic, and she generally dislikes fighting.

Alchemy: After having studied for five years, Kayumi is a fairly decent alchemist. She can brew anything with a difficulty of 5/10 or below. The Ch'ien-ji woman often uses these alchemical concoctions to aid others, but it is not a rarity for Kayu to be spotted making Obscura before going out into the sewers.

Intellectual: Due to the large amounts of time Kayu has spent studying, it can easily be said that she's smarter than most commoners. While not a complete genius, she has a great deal of knowledge in the topics of alchemy, astrology, magic, and she is currently seeking knowledge of the Seraph. However intelligent she may be, though, Kayumi isn't the most street smart at times, and she lacks knowledge in quite a lot of things that she simply never bothered learning about, such as Demonology and other races.


Short: At an unimpressive height of 5'1", Kayumi is put at a disadvantage in most combat. She despises having to strain her neck just to look people in the eyes, and she has trouble reaching high shelves. In addition, the scholar is easily frightened or intimidated by anyone over 5'5", which is just about most Ailor and almost all Nelfin. Also, despite her small size, Kayumi is far from agile, being extremely frail and clumsy.

Clumsy: For such a small person, Kayumi is surprisingly far from agile. She is highly prone to tripping over things, and often bumps into people by accident, as she is not only clumsy but easily distracted. To top it off, Kayumi often has to take hits during combat, because she would most likely trip and injure herself even more if she attempted to dodge something.

Unorganized: Stemming from her disorderliness, Kayumi is an absolute mess sometimes. She often misplaces her things, and her home is a mess. This often makes her stressed, but she never has the motivation to clean things up. The Ch'ien-ji has gotten into many arguments simply by borrowing a friend's things and losing them.

Injured Arm: Due to an incident when she burnt herself while casting, Kayumi has a large burn down her left arm that never fully healed. This is extremely sensitive when hit, and often causes Kayumi to lose fights over a punch to her arm. When hit, she also begins to tear up, trying not to cry in pain, which causes her to have trouble seeing her opponent, and usually ends a fight.

Personality and Abilities (Expansion)








Strict Laws


Person: tba

Food: Rice

Drink: Tea

Activity: Alchemy

Animal: Spider

Flower: Cherry Blossom

Least Favorites

Person: tba

Food: Anything overly sweet

Drink: Beer, and other things containing alcohol

Activity: Physical Combat

Animal: Dogs

Flower: Violet

Extra stuff

Optimist or pessimist?: Optimist

Introvert or extrovert?: Extrovert

Daredevil or cautious?: Daredevil

Logical or emotional?: Both; Kayumi thinks with her heart and feels with her head. If that makes any sense.

Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Disorderly and Messy

Prefers working or relaxing?: Working

Confident or unsure of himself/herself?: Confident

Animal lover?: No

For or against the queen?: Against in private, but obviously in support of Lo in public.

Political Party: Libretian Moderate Liberal

Religion: Dragon Worship, though Unionist in public.

MBTI Personality type: ENTP

mainly stolen from @WildRoze save for the last four question-things

Life Story


  • Born on January 18, 278 AC in Daishima to a fairly wealthy family of Ch'ien-ji.
  • True to Ch'ien-ji tradition, the stars were mapped out during her birth, and the astrologers predicted that she would be a great scholar. As such, that is how she was raised.
  • Began education at the early age of seven.
  • Was a fairly smart child, but unorganized and slightly chaotic. She often fought verbally with other children in the city; her "debates" quickly turning into arguments.
  • Showed interest in Ice Magic after a run in with an Isldar found outside their home at age 12, her mother paying them to mentor her when she was a bit older in exchange for their hospitality. They had left their homeland after being banished for heresy.

Teenage Years~

  • Began learning Frozen Shard by age 14, showing promise as a student but often getting sidetracked by her other studies.
  • Soon decided that she also wished to learn Fire Magic at age 15, asking her mother to find a mentor.
  • Began learning Dragon's Fire by her 16th birthday.
  • Accidentally burnt herself upon reaching caster level at age 17, the wound never fully healing, and she decided not to progress further than caster level in this dangerous magic, preferring the much more stable Ice Magic.
  • Began helping out in fighting the Wulong by age 19, though she quickly decided that she was not meant to fight, and due to the alignment of stars at her birth, no one disagreed as she went back to studying.


  • Took interest in alchemy by age 21, her parents hastily getting a mentor.
  • Eventually decided that she wanted to go explore the world to learn more by age 23, moving to Ithania and taking her tomes with her, still studying and practicing magic on the way there.
  • After three uneventful years in Ithania, the bone horrors arrived, and Kayumi fleed to Regalia, where she currently lives today.
  • After the Deathling takeover, Kayumi was reluctant to choose sides, figuring that the Queen wasn't doing anything to bother her and her pursuit of knowledge.
  • She was wrong. After the new laws of slavery and citizenship were released, Kayumi took refuge in the sewers, the only place that was currently safe.



Face claim: IU

Only big difference is Kayu has gold eyes and darker hair.
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I plan to have Kayu obtain alchemical reagents and knowledge of the Seraph via player quests when she is approved.
Also, I fully realize that Short is a copout weakness for Ch'ien-ji. However, the way I have written it, it is more of a social weakness than physical, and I added an extra weakness. As such, I don't think it should be removed, and I'd rather just add a fifth weakness if a lore staff wants me to.

Edit log:

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If Alf found a nice Ch'ien-Ji in the sewers who was clearly forced into the sewers by Freya Lo's laws then he'd probably say something like "Welcome to Hell." But Hell isn't a thing in Aloria...
If Alf found a nice Ch'ien-Ji in the sewers who was clearly forced into the sewers by Freya Lo's laws then he'd probably say something like "Welcome to Hell." But Hell isn't a thing in Aloria...
Wait, of course Hell doesn't exist in Aloria. Isn't Aloria the normal world? Is it Void, Exist, Aloria, or is Aloria simply the name of the entire universe. I'm confused now.
Wait, of course Hell doesn't exist in Aloria. Isn't Aloria the normal world? Is it Void, Exist, Aloria, or is Aloria simply the name of the entire universe. I'm confused now.
hello hi I am not staff but,,,,
I think Aloria is the name of the world and the Void and Exist are nonphysical separate planes of existence from which mages take energy to cast spells
I'm probBABLY WRONG but that's just my guess
tl;dr- just make a lore q&a so u don't clutter my babbu's thread
Welp, I expected me to ponder longer on the app's parts. But I found absolutely nothing wrong. I'm not that nitpicky or OCD about apps, so maybe staff may be able to identify things I missed, if at all~! I like to review most of your apps, and I can rightfully say that they are all beautiful, keep up the good work~!
Welp, I expected me to ponder longer on the app's parts. But I found absolutely nothing wrong. I'm not that nitpicky or OCD about apps, so maybe staff may be able to identify things I missed, if at all~! I like to review most of your apps, and I can rightfully say that they are all beautiful, keep up the good work~!
Thank you so much! Guess I'll have to wait for staff, then. :3
My sole point of the review is just an extra point explaining what a whole grouping of Isldar was doing in Yang-Tzu.

Tag me once the edit has been done in green @hetalianpasta
That was.. a bad idea, wow.

I changed it to one Isldar, and said they they'd been banished for heresy. Hopefully that makes more sense. @The_Shadow_King3
Approved for the moment, if and or new information about the Isldar comes around soon, I will return to this page to double check it's compliance.