Who is this irresistible creature
Who has an insatiable love for the dead?
Character Information
Who is this irresistible creature
Who has an insatiable love for the dead?
- « Full Name » Kavarra Narvani Rothaliirn Dar-Kedos Raz-Parthanaar
- « Race » Kathar
- « Culture »: Divine Cult
- « Abberancy »: Rejection Arkenborn
- « Age » 23.
- « Gender » Female
- « Pronouns » She/her
- « Occult » Void Occult, Born Magespark
- « Religion » Kavarra by all means is a priestess. She appears inconsistant to most but that is the point. Those of Fornoss and Evolism faiths can find company beside her.
- Publicly Kavarra worships Fornoss, Favoring Blodruna and her poetic deaths
- Ability Wise she holds an old Int Tome she has learned most of her magic from.
Core Concept
- A Rejection Arkenborn that lives up to her parent lineage in more ways then one. Manipulative but also easily manipulated. An out going young woman and worshipper of the Fornoss religion with still holding some ties to the Void as well.

- « STRENGTH » 1
- Steady Body Pack
- Rage Counter Pack
- Wardrobe Pack
- Magical Variant
- Wardrobe Pack
- « WISDOM» 0
- « MAGIC » [Void Magic] 6+1
- Magic Snare Pack
- Magic Distort Pack
- Magic Smog Pack
- Magic Bolster Pack
- Magic Barrier Pack
- Magic Warp Pack
- Magic Revenge Pack [Kather]
- Magic Cleanse Pack [Kather]
- « FAITH» 5
- Hex Stance Pack [Free]
- Hex Parasite Pack
- Hex Doom Pack
- Hex Bloodlet Pack
- Sacred Circle Pack
- Sacred Portent Pack
Kavarra is apart of the Valdrsveit collective under the watchful eye of Sverre.
Kavarra is currently the Holder of this Artifact
Have the extra abilities of
Have the extra abilities of
- Desperate Prayer Pack
- Sharp Reflexes Pack
- Smokescreen Pack
Aeshetic Information
- Blood Magic
- Can manipulate her own and other peoples blood. Having it appear as mist in the air before growing solid into weapons as well. She finds it easiest to manipulate peoples blood when it's still inside their body to make them do things they otherwise might not. To aide others she can also sacrafice her own blood to give boons.
- Her main form of combat consists of summoning forth either large pulsing blood hands or a steel weapon with blood flowing through it to power it and guiding her strikes.
- Illusion Magic
- Just like her Arken parent she is well versed in Illusions and other mind bending abilities. She can [with OOC concent] dive into the mind of others to see their service thoughts if they are within emote range of her. And has the ability to move some things around in said person's mind as well. Blocking off certain emotions or even on the extreme case making them forget small things. This technique isn't subtle what so ever. Intense eye contact and silencre from her required for it to be done.
- Common
- Pannarokh
- Skodje
- Altalar

Kavarra has light grey skin with the unique feature of her blood being a very bright red color. Almost glowing. This means her skin has bright red spots all over where the most forms under the skin. The ends of her arms and legs are completely colored with this same bright red color. This is due to her being an Arkenborn and expirimenting with strong voidial magic from a very young age. Her eyes glow a piercing gold with the red ring around her iris being brighter then usual giving them more of an orange glow. which lights up her entire face at night. Her body is thin and spindly looking malnourished at times. She is double jointed in many places and has often used to make people feel uneasy around her. Her dress style consist of impractical long and dramatic dresses enjoying having her skin being able to breath.
Plot Hooks
- Rokhaval Raised: Inside one of the many dwindling temples. She was taken in as an orphan due ot her Arkenborn status. Anyone from Rokhaval can have connections with her if they so wished.
- Kathar Loyalist: All Kathar and those loyal to Kathar and their mission are allies and friends in Kavarra's eyes. Which is good as she needs as many allies as she can get.
- Blood Mage: Kavarra has the uncanny ability to manipulate the blood of those around her. It doesn't even have to leave the body for her to have an effect on it. This can either be great for her allies or horrible for her enemies. With OOC concent she can use these abilities to get inside the head off others and manipulate them to an extend. If this is something you want your character to go through hit me up!
- Cult Adopted: Was a part of the Vaardavaktere Cult. In her teenage years she traveled up north, meeting many different people and getting chased out of many places until eventually being directed to the Vaardavaktere.
- Int's Tome: Kavarra 'owns' a Tome that once belonged to the Voidial temple she grew up in. The tome is filled with knowledge passed down by many Int Worshippers over at least three generations and is what put Kavarra on the path of being the Blood bender she is today. She herself believes it is one of the artifacts she has often heard Catheron and Int fight over.
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