Preserved Sheet Katrina Elyana Aeralith

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If she breathes...
Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
The Theocracy of Ríë Rivaëlla
Katrina Elyana C'Aelrith


"It is better to be feared than loved, if not both"~ Niccolo Machiavelli


Full Name: Katrina Elyana Aeraith (Shortened from Sulvaley Elven)
(Kaelantiara'sinali Elia'rinahnia Celai'reliath)


Basic Information
"The things I cannot change."

Age: 60
Gender: Female
Race: Purebred Isldar
Sexuality: Castien-sexual
Preferred Weapon: Her Cysteel paired dagger and shortsword, that she lovingly named 'The Frostweaver's Bite'


Proficiency Skills

"I have acquired many skills over the years, some of which I am not entirely proud of."

Total Points: 60, from age. 20 from racial bonuses.

+20 Quick Blades (From Proficiency Pool)
+10 Heavy Bow (From Isldarin Racial Buff)
+5 Front-line Combat Skill (From Proficiency Pool)

+10 Rogue Skill (From Proficiency Pool)
+5 Underworld Knowledge (From Proficiency Pool)
+3 Perception (From Proficiency Pool)
+10 Musical Knowledge (From Isldarin Racial Bonus)
+5 Dragon Knowledge (From Proficiency Pool)
+12 Linguistics (From Proficiency Pool)

Body Shape

10 Heavy Bow (x2) + 20 Quick Blades + 5 Front-Line Combat
Body Shape: Athletic
Fat: Low Body Fat


Common (Free Language- Learned following departure from Wraithhold)
Sulvaley Elven (Learned during childhood from both parents)
Wyrm Tongue (Frisit's Gift)
Anglian (Learned during time in Linvail Keep- Linguistics bonus)
Modern Altalar (Studied after failing to understand other nelfin- Linguistics bonus)

Special Traits

Izl zeal: Loyal Fervor
Can bend Soulstreams for others to briefly see.
Can read the soul essence of the living to view their personalities.
Can detect when a vision has been given.
Immune to the effects of the cold.
A four part glowing glyph tattoo displaying claws and a set of wings at the very base of her neck.


Visual Information
"Looks can be deceiving."

Eye Color: Steel
Hair Color: Black, dyed from a stark white
Hair Style: Shoulder length, side swept fringe.
Skin Color: Ivory
Clothing: A cloth gambeson.
Height: 6'1
Body Build: Athletic - Low body fat.


Personality Information
"What makes me myself."


Inner Feelings

I. Fear:

Katrina, when scared, oft freezes up for a brief moment. Whilst she laughs in the face of danger, it takes her a few seconds to grow accustomed to the feeling of fear. Once adapted to such, she charges the situation head on, for better or for worse.

II. Stress:

Stress, as a mother, is something the nelfin has grown quite used to. Concealing emotions is no trouble for her, though when stressed, she often acts too much- she can be seen smiling during times of light stress. When it takes it's toll properly on the elf, this upbeat attitude often turns to one of irritation, with the lass often kissing her teeth of inhaling sharply.

III. Happiness:

When happy, one can notice a slight increase in the stoic elfess's kindness, though her expression and countenance seldom change. As such, when happy, it is normally business as usual for Katrina.

IV. Law and Authorities:

Necessary. The woman tells herself. As much as she'd love to go around doing as she pleased, she understands the need for laws and balance to teach those the consequences of their actions. Whilst she doesn't agree with every law ever created, Katrina has come to respect them, and those who have the tricky task of upholding peace.

V. Other Races

Katrina, in secret, looks down upon almost all races with the sole exception of her own. She has an understanding for both the Altalar and the Ailor, who have have a level of her respect, whereas slizzar and Kathar are outright villainous within the depths of her mind. However, the Isldar despises halfbreeds above all else, believing them to be abominations and prone to crime.

V. Religion

Katrina has always loyally worshiped Frisit, though is forced do to so in secret, and generally assumes the facade of a Unionist. Due to the outlawing of dragon worship in Regalia, Katrina has to carry out the orders of the Frisit in private, though does so devoutly. With her loyalty unwavering, she'd be willing to give up all to follow the orders given to her. Kat generally remains neutral to that of other religions, though despises Void worship with a passion.

VI. The Arcane

Having never been that magically inclined herself, Katrina harbors a secret jealousy of mages, though not any aberrations. She wished, as a child, to become a mage, but never possessed the gift. Despite her inner feelings, she admires those that use their powers for good in the world. She tolerates most who possess some form of magic, though pities undead when they are not hostile due to their diversion from the soulstream.

VII. Family

Family is a huge part of the woman's life. Her blood relations are showered with adoration and harsh guidance as Katrina desires to guide them to live their best possible life. Protecting her family is one of her main priorities, especially after the birth of her daughter, after the femme herself was presumed completely infertile.

VIII. Biggest Insecurity

Katrina wants to leave behind a legacy, something upon which her family can build, and is constantly paranoid that she is not doing enough to secure such.

IX. Biggest Achievement

Her combat prowess by far, and where it's taken her. From serving as the Head of the d'Vaud guard, to flying high in the Imperial Bellator order.

X. Drive

Serving the Frisit drives the woman forwards in life, pleasing her is a huge part of what brings Katrina confidence and peace of mind, this in combination with doing her family proud has kept the Isldar going through the toughest of times.

XI. Biggest Fears

Thinking of dying a painful death has kept Katrina up at night, failing Frisit and becoming a disgrace in her eyes frightens the elf even more, as she finds her motivation in pleasing her Goddess.

Joasaie Lloablen (Lost) @PsychoLupus-"Don't come near me or I'll make firewood out of you." Now that the plant has finally turned on her, Katrina feels truly betrayed. She now avoids the yanar like the plague, and is trying to rid her and her sabotage from her life.

Hamelin d'Vaud (Close friend) @Suicidium- "Honey monster, and snowball fight buddy."- Kat very much enjoys her time with Hamelin. She tends to goof off a touch while around him. He had been gone for a while, leaving the elf to serve Benedict under the Vindicators, but now he's more or less back, her mind has been put at ease.

Eric Liolen (Bestest snake buddy in Aloria) @Ghirko-"Seems there's no turning back now. You and me, buddy. Best friends until the end."- The slizzar and Kat met by chance, though after several conversations, and heart-to-hearts, the pair became fast friends. After the duo fought hard to keep up the Vigilant Shield during the Dragon crisis, Katrina had a change of heart and promptly left. However, this has not affected their strong friendship, and the pair continue to try to look out for one another. She's currently trying to help the slizzar fighting against the depression associated with the loss of Valentius, and life as a single parent.

Reimund d'Vaud (The returning companion) @Shrykos_ - "You're finally back, mm? Told you that you wouldn't be able to live without me, my friend." - Reimund and Katrina were first acquainted when Katrina had her first bout as a Vindicator. The two quickly seemed to warm to one another, and now the pair are nigh inseparable. Katrina and Reimund have formed something akin to a brotherly-sisterly bond, with both of them going out of their way to solve the problems of the other. Katrina's only regret is allowing him to leave Regalia for such a long time as nobody can truly replace Reimund in Kat's eyes.

Gwynndolyn Bresha (The flirtatious friendo) @saunga -"I'm afraid flirtatious manoeuvres have no effect on me anymore. Especially ones from that of the same sex." - Gwynn was hired by the d'Vauds as a combat medic after Kat spotted her and her talents in both alchemy and healing. Kat's found herself to be the target of Gwynn's flirtatious and fun side, which she doesn't quite know what to think of. Still, the nelfin retains a professional attitude towards her fellow Vindicator in the hopes the flirting will die down enough not to impact on Gwynn's work.

Solaine d'Vaud (The amiable boss lady) @Mayaran - "I don't quite agree with your thoughts on that spirit forsaken living booger, but you're still alright." -The owner of the Azure Premise and someone Kat considers to be on friendly terms with, she finds Solaine's attitude to be calming and friendly, which is ideal for a bartender. However, Solaine's friendship with Tua has put the Isldar on edge.

Lazaruz d'Soleil (The Tea-drinking alcoholic) @ZiggyStarDusted - "We've got to get you out of this pit, d'Soleil. It's not good for you or those around you." - Lazaruz and Kat have been friends since their time together in the Shield and even before that. She's seem him experience his fair share of ups and downs but misfortunes always seem to be drawn to him. She feels a need to try to aid him along, and to keep a smile on the Ithanian's face. Since his recent alcoholism, he was invited to the Vindicators, and the Isldar hopes she can monitor his consumption in the hopes of cleaning him up. The best way to describe the two would be a close friendship, with it's fair share of goofing around.

Tua Kapena (The irritating predecessor) @DrDrago
- "Don't know what the d'Vaud were thinking, putting you at the head of the Vindicators before. Grotesque creature, and illiterate too. Absolutely vile." - Tua was the head of the Vindicators, much to Kat's horror. He eventually left, leaving Katrina in charge with no help or advice, and a huge backlog of paperwork. Katrina despises everything about the Orc; his lack of obedience, his foul attitude and his knack of violence. Wherever he's run off to, Katrina hopes she'll never have to lay eyes on him again.

Castien Kailu (C'Aelrith) (The Truest of Loves) @Zombiel3ait - "The father of my dearest Auriella and the love of my life. Thank you." - Castien and Katrina met under strange circumstances in a teahouse within the city. Within a matter of months, their friendship blossomed into a romance, to an engagement, and finally a happy marriage. After many months, their dreams were realized when their firstborn, Auriella, was brought into the world. The pair remain extremely close to this day.

Auriella C'Aelrith (The long awaited gift) - "My little miracle." - Despite Kat's presumed infertility, Auriella was born within Ellador in the year 305AC. The one-year old remains with Katrina's grandmother in the wraithhold, where she's being taught about Dragon Worship.

Darius Silevon (???) @Optimalfriskies- "We'll see what fate has in store for you."



  • Katrina was born 19th November 254AC, to Allina and Serphin C'Aelrith in Essälejollona, the primary Isldarin hold which houses the frostweaver, Frisit.
  • Her childhood was filled with dragon worship and Isldar loyalism, alongside playfighting with her siblings.​
  • The young Isldar dreamed of seeing the world around her as well as learning about it.​
  • When she was nine, her father took Katrina and her siblings out of Essälejollona following orders from the Frost Council to provide support to other loyalists outside the Wraithhold in their service to the Frostweaver.​
  • It was a long journey, paid for through favours (and I-owe-yous), but after several months, they made it to Daendroc with Katrina docking there at the age of ten.
  • The group soon set up a business that involved the procurement of rare and exotic goods in Anglia, mainly spices, ornaments and the like.​
  • Katrina pays a large portion of her wealth to enroll in the School of Darkmark at the age of 15.
  • Thereafter, Katrina trained rigorously until graduating in the school of Darkmark, where she met her lover, a weathered Isldarin male by the name of Ce'lliono Du'vessa, a fellow Darkmark. The two were close friends, sparring one another and confiding in each other until their friendship developed into a courtship when Katrina was nineteen.
  • Ce'lliono proposes to Kat, but then his mental torment seemed to overtake him. Ce'lliono never spoke of what happened during his Darkmark training in full, but at times, he did bring up the fact that he felt remorse for those he had killed, and questioned his worship.​
  • Katrina, after additional training in the school of Darkmark, graduates with flying colors.
  • Ce'lliono succumbs to his inner demons and kills himself, leaving a distraught Kat to uncover his body hanging from the tree at the end of her garden at the age of 20.​
  • Kat is left only with the scars he gave her through his training and a long dagger to remember him by.
  • Unable to remain in the house at which her lover passed on, Katrina bids farewell to her current home in Ceardia, to return back to Ellador, part of this time was spent serving in the Isldarin army, riding a wyvern, and helping the fight against the dwarves with her newfound skills.
  • Afterwards, she ventured to the crown city, where her father had traveled to Regalia to set up a business, having been sent on an infiltration mission by the Isldar.
  • Occasionally, Katrina travels back to the keep in which she was born to answer the Frostweaver's calling. However, when she travels, she never informs anyone bar her family as to why, unless they ask, in which case she'd lie, stating instead that she is heading elsewhere.
  • Katrina was captured by Moji Shimizu, and during the torture, had her ear tips sliced off. The woman becomes too ashamed to return to the Wraithhold again, yet still remains loyal, finding inner peace in her worship and carrying out the Frostweaver's tasks.​
  • Katrina meets and falls in love with Castien Kailu, the pair get engaged and successfully marry, conceive and birth a child in Ellador
  • Their child, Auriella, is sent off to the Wraithhold to reside with Katrina's grandmother to learn the ins and outs of Dragon Worship.
  • Two more children are birthed whilst Castien and Katrina travel around to aid Isldar outside the Wraithhold, another girl, named Vexalia, and a male named Vyrthur.


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Sorry for this wait!
  • Add 1 more sentence to the fourth paragraph for a four sentence minimum.
Likes and Dislikes:
  • Please put these into a spoiler to unclog the thread.
Life Story:
  • Going from Ellador to Daendroc is a huge transition. How did they get there? Can you explain this a bit further.
  • Is Katrina a Loyal or Fallen Isldar? I'm assuming Fallen given what has happened with her and all that, though if not, or even if she is, can you please explain this somewhere in her life story for a better understanding.

Tag me after you've completed the edits in another colour!
Requesting a re-review on the grounds of minor changes being made which are as follows:

-Added Modern elven to her languages, as it appears to fit her backstory.
-Bumped her up from student to fighter rank in the school of stealthmark thanks to training.
-As a result of adding another language, added a languages talent, mentioning she knows a total of five languages.
-Also added a dislike: Clowns, which was switched from medical stuffs.

Sorry @Vegemiite ol' buddy, ol' pal. I'm at it again with the edits which are as follows:

-Bumped from fighter stealthmark to champion as it was more fitting for her.
-Bumped down from warrior mariposa to fighter. This can be changed to student if it is too high <3
-Removed all knowledge of Daendroque as to even out her talents
-Switched around elements of her backstory so the stealthmark training came before the mariposa.
-Added mention of extensive abdominal scarring in the backstory to fit her stealthmark training.

All changes made in PINK. No, I'm kidding, it's BLOO again!

(Sorry for bothering you again. Luff me please.)
Life Story:
  • I'm unsure if Linvail Keep is in Ceardia, in fact, I believe it is in Anglia. Please just change the mention of it to Livnvail Keep instead of any exact geographical location.

Make the above edit in a different colour and tag me once you're done!
I'm tossing this back into review as Champion-Fighter is too high. Please lower the skill to Champion-Student, or alternatively, drop Mariposa entirely.
@Staff Roleplay -- I changed her school from Stealthmark to Tenpenny, as I thought it was more fitting. Also replaced ballet with the lockpicking skill, and added the Skodje tongue to her languages. Requesting a re-review.
@Staff Roleplay -- I changed her school from Stealthmark to Tenpenny, as I thought it was more fitting. Also replaced ballet with the lockpicking skill, and added the Skodje tongue to her languages. Requesting a re-review.
@Emo_Bunny, did you intend to completely remove Stealthmark because the above statement would suggest that however both are present throughout the application.
@Emo_Bunny, did you intend to completely remove Stealthmark because the above statement would suggest that however both are present throughout the application.

Oh, nope. I intended to keep stealthmark, but to balance it out, I'mma remove Skodje tongue since I feel that's a tad much. Also gonna bump up her age.
Oh, nope. I intended to keep stealthmark, but to balance it out, I'mma remove Skodje tongue since I feel that's a tad much. Also gonna bump up her age.
My Review:
  • Why does she have an Imperial Elven name if she's an Isldar? That language is exclusive to the Altalar and even then, the upper-most class of their society.
  • Her Weapon of Choice should just be one weapon please, the manner in which she fights is not for this section of the application.
  • The format does not allow her to possess "Minor Talents" and I request you fully expand them out into three sentences and at least three sections of content so that I can properly judge it.
  • Could you please provide a pit more context as to what Essälejollona is in your story? It is very confusing to the average reader.
Please tag me once the edits have been done in green @Emo_Bunny
Review time!
  • What kind of power is her main ambition? Go into more detail for me.
  • Your proficiency points are ten over the limit.
  • She should attend her schooling between the ages of 10-20, and then work on them more after that.
Throwing this back into review as my original math has been wrong.

You need to already have a skill to use this boost. Please boost it to at least 11.

Choose whether she has 10 points or 5, as your numbers are confusing.

Sorry! Maths was never my strong suit. Edits made.
@Rochelle_ -- Sorry to bother you yet again, but I made edits to Kat's proficiency points in light of the new update. Removed 10 from atraves, and placed it into the javelin, added +10 to vocal music, due to the Isldar racial bonus, but removed ten so it stayed as the same amount. Placed the remaining 10 into stage performance.
So sorry, @Rochelle_ -- Another update. I wanted to update her languages to detail her level of knowledge in them. I also added two that would be pertinent to her travelling. Alongside that, I added the negative aspects of her not being fluent in the more recent of languages she's learned to balance it out. It was also specified where she learned each language to add to the context of each.

Changes have been marked in my favorite color: THIS!