Preserved Sheet Katrina E. C'aelrith

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If she breathes...
Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
The Theocracy of Ríë Rivaëlla




Basic Information (Required)

Full Name: Katrina Elyana C'Aelrith​

Age: 51​

Gender: Female​

Race: Nelfin- Altalar​

Main Ambition: Knowledge, with a secondary ambition being power.​

Special Permission: School of Astronomy- Discipline of Aloria.​

Basic Information (Expansion)

Katrina has been living in Regalia for a good few years now, though she has lost track. She would assume near ten years, though this may not be the case. Due to her business in Daendroc, she has more than enough money to afford a few houses, which she uses as safehouses for those she cares for who are particularly vulnerable. Katrina's life has been an adventure, the nelfin exploring as much of Aloria as possible to educate herself further regarding the geography of the world around her. In turn, this helps her with her occupation, which has been passed down through several generations. The C'Aelrith family are known cartographers and calligraphers, who create all manner of elaborate books, maps and atlases for namely the wealthy. Due to the detail of the maps, this has made them expensive, which in turn makes the C'Aelrith family rich, though they are not that of nobility, merely the higher end of upper class.​

Katrina's lived a decent enough life, having been born to two extremely well educated Altalar, the mother being Allina C'Aelrith (Formerly Hecate) and the father being Serphin C'Aelrith. Katrina is the first born, out of a total of three children, so it namely falls to her to keep up the family's business and legacy.​

Kat wishes to gain some sort of power in regalia, though doing so may well be difficult, due to her race. While power is a hidden objective, Katrina really just wants to befriend those of nobility, and have them understand her ways.​

Skill Information (Optional)

School: School of Astronomy- Discipline of Aloria- Learned​

School of Mariposa- Warrior​

Source: For the School of Astronomy, Kat and her father travelled to Yang-Tzu along with her sister, Elyana and her brother for a period of time, so that they could refine their knowledge of cartography, and develop additional skills. As for the School of Mariposa, Kat took that up during her final few years in Daendroc, with the help of a private tutor. From there, she moved to Regalia, only to learn from another tutor.​

Visual Information (Required)

The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list. Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.

Eye Color: (single color specified) Faded blue​

Hair Color: (single color specified) A deep but warm brown​

Hair Style: (Simple name description) Shoulder length, side swept fringe.​

Skin Color: (Simple color description) Porcelain​

Clothing: (Simple style description) Kat is usually clad in a pale blue dress, with her hair tied back in a low hanging ponytail, along with this, she wears a thick silver choker. When fighting, Kat tends to wear light clothing, mainly consisting of sturdy leather, as to help take the pressure of blows.​

Height: 6'1​

Body Build: Sinewy​

Weapon of Choice: A long sword or broadsword. Most of the time though, Kat often weasels her way out of fights with words, and her manipulation is, arguably, her most efficient weapon of all.​

Visual Information (Expansion)

Katrina, being an Atalar, has quite stern features, though sometimes they do appear soft. Her ears appear to be longer than that of other Altar, for some reason, though Katrina takes pride in this. Her deep brown hair cascades down her upper back, through remains reasonably short, at about six inches below shoulder length. Katrina is often seen with a deadpan, sometimes condescending expression, though when needed, her lips can curl into a faint smile, or a smirk if she has malice intent.​

This description is purely for the body. Despite being somewhat lanky, Katrina is somewhat toned, though, judging by her appearance, it was clear she was built for agility more than strength, and speed over stamina. As expected, Katrina has no body hair, bar her eyebrows and the hair on her head. In contrast to her hair, the nelfin is excessively pale, her skin tone resembling that of porcelain. This can sometimes give her a somewhat ghostly appearance, and can often cause her skin to give the appearance of glowing, in bright light.​

Adorned with a few pieces of elaborate jewellery, Katrina doesn't like to exaggerate her wealth. Though one thing that stands out is the thick silver choker that always remains around her neck. Luckily it always goes with everything she wears! Katrina prefers wearing blue, gold, and sometimes less saturated purples. She prefers not to make all that much of a statement when possible.​

Any quirks about their voice listed here. Maybe also add a list of the languages they can speak. Katrina speaks in a typical Daendroque accent, though often speaks in a calm manner, devoid of most emotion, just so she sounds humble.​

Personality and Abilities (Required)

First Paragraph: Katrina, despite having a cold and deadpan exterior at first glance, can grow to be kind and compassionate, and even merciful to those who treat her well. To half elves, Katrina is seen as racist as she believes they are impure, though this could change in time. To those who she sees as her superiors, she can be humble, polite and even rather patient. Though it is hard to tell what she is thinking most of the time... She can be rather random and sometimes a bit too blunt and honest. However, her merciful side rarely shows, and she has little remorse when exploiting others for the sake of herself or the empire.​

Second Paragraph: Inside, Katrina experiences her fair share of anxiety and paranoia. Due to her wealth, she is constantly looking out for thieves and pickpockets, as well as those who plan on sabotaging her reputation. Despite her best efforts, Katrina is very critical of herself, constantly scrutinising for any mistakes that she might make, be them physical, social, psychological. Overall, she has learned to be constructive rather than destructive personality wise, and soon learns from her mistakes.​

Third Paragraph: Around family, Katrina doesn't really know how to act. In public she keeps a formal attitude, and displays little signs of affection. In private, it's often the same, though she can easily change to have a rather playful and relaxed personality; A complete contrast to how she normally behaves. Though due to her loss of previous lovers and family, Katrina tries not to get too attached as she knows that many friends she has, such as ailor, will pass on long before she does. Again, her lack of ladylike behaviour shows here again. She often belches, slouches and the like in front of her family as she finds it to be a lot less formal.​

Fourth Paragraph: It's hard to explain Katrina's alignment, though neutral best describes it. She doesn't see herself as good or evil, though her alignment does change with her mood, though she rarely stoops so low as to be evil. Katrina has discovered that neutrality is the key to survival, and is determined not to let the influence of others sway her alignment in the right or wrong direction.​

Fifth Paragraph (OPTIONAL): Before arriving in Regalia, Katrina was agnostic, not coming to any conclusion as to whether a god, spirit or whatever truly existed, though all that changed when she arrived. She discovered that Unionism was the favoured religion not too long ago, and then spent days on end reading up and memorising as much as she could regarding the religion. While she doesn't speak out about her religion in public, she does pray in private, under the constant impression she was being watched.​


Scholarly- Katrina was educated as soon as she had the capacity to learn. As a result of such intensive education from her parents, grandparents and her great grandfather, she is incredibly knowledgeable, and takes pride in her knowledge of the cultures and histories of different nations, and even her basic knowledge of sanguine and that of other religions​

Linguist-.Over the years, Katrina has picked up a number of languages. This is due to her excessively strict upbringing. She spent practically her whole childhood in education, with few leisure breaks. She was taught to speak Common and Imperial Elven. From there, she developed a reasonable understanding of Modern Elven and Daen. She's able to understand a few languages, though not speak them.​

Skill with a quill- Due to the the family business, Katrina has had to practice her artistic skills in order to pen maps. Her rich customers demand elaborate and flawless maps, to which Katrina must oblige. She has spent much of her life practising her artistry, until she was able to make her own ornate designs, in both writing and pictures.​

Combat with a longsword- Thanks to her mariposa training, this nelfin knows her way around a sword, though her skill is slowly dwindling, she hopes to maintain a level befitting of someone such as herself.​


Judgemental- Katrina is, and always will be a harsh person: being so nitpicky as to find even the smallest of flaws and use it to exploit people. As such, this, more often than not, backfires on her.​

A hypocrite- Kat rarely notices her own social mistakes, but when she sees others make mistakes that she has also made, it doesn't take long for her to use that against them even if it is at her own expense. Henceforth, Kat can be seen as a tad conceited.​

Personality and Abilities (Expansion)

Quirks- Katrina, when anywhere near a clinic or those who practice medicine, immediately becomes tense, both physically and emotionally. Often looking like a rabbit caught in the headlights. Nobody knows why Kat's scared of clinics, though it /may/ have something to do with a story involving her great uncle Falvinor, who had his whole leg amputated due to gangrene. Poor Falvinor!​

When Katrina spots a feline, namely a cat or better yet a kitten, she seems to zone out, out of adoration, and venture off into a world of her own.​

Kat possesses a few strange skills. She can roll her tongue, bend herself backwards (She'd be great at the limbo), and cross her eyes. Though onto a more serious note, she is able to read sheet music, as well as sing well and play the piano to an extent. She can also ride a horse, though prefers carriages and walking, and, thanks to Mariposa training, she can also dance decently enough. She takes pride in her stealth.​

Other characteristics that are present in Katrina, though not significant enough to be considered flaws, are her jealousy, vindictiveness, and her lack of empathy.​


Cats!- Katrina simply adores cats. When in the presence of one, her cold personality turns to mush. When asked why she likes cats so much, she'll reply, claiming that they are 'fickle creatures and she can't predict what they'll do next.'​

Wine- Wine is something that Kat disliked as a child, due to it's taste, but as she matured, she has grown to develop a liking for it as her palette broadened. She enjoys drinking the alcoholic beverage, but not overly so, and greatly enjoys the variety of flavours they give off.​

Learning- Katrina still has so much to learn, and has so much time to do so. She values knowledge above most things, and will often be seen reading books to develop knowledge, and takes pride in what she knows.​


All things medical- As mentioned before, Kat hates doctors and clinics, medicine and the like with a burning passion due to an incident with her great uncle. She often steers clear of such places and people unless she is forced to do so.​

Babies and toddlers- Kat hates babies and toddlers. Period. She can't stand the gibberish they speak in, and the tantrums they have and the messes they make. In Kat's eyes, they're only useful for continuing bloodlines. It's clear Katrina won't be having any children in the foreseeable future, unless she must do so.​

Half-elves- Katrina has always had a mild distaste for half-nelfin ever since she was young. They were the offspring of the nelfin who didn't breed with their own, thus creating the impure half elves. This dislike has only grown since an old friend vowed to end Katrina's life. She takes this as a threat from half elves everywhere, and looks down upon them even more than before.​

Relationships (Optional)

Whitlock (Disliked)- Whitlock was a brief fling, and boy was he easy to manipulate for Kat, but when she lost him, she grew angry at the nelfin, taking it upon herself to go out of her way to ruin him. Upon hearing of his death, she didn't mourn. Like most, she celebrated.

Vahy (Liked)- Vahy is a close friend of Katrina's. She protects him, he protects her. Or at least that was the case before he went missing.

Alviera (Hated)- Alviera was a person who Kat had tried to protect because she was told to do so by Vahy. Despite saving her life not once, twice, but three times, she was rewarded with rudeness and little in return. Deciding to cast away her chivalry after various assault and harassment cases, Kat also went about ruining the northerner, to a near success. She could do little more than watch in dismay as the lucky woman narrowly avoided death.

Nina Haaven (Liked)- Nadina is someone Kat's grown to tolerate, no, enjoy. After helping out to the best of her ability, she and Nadina seem to have develop a firm friendship.

Roger Bigge(Liked)- Roger was the first noble that showed Kat respect. He helped her business take off. She's both grown to enjoy and admire him, perhaps even developing a slight crush on the man.

Leah Kade(Liked)- Kat sees Leah as a friend. After she showed her kindness, the nelfin took an instant liking to her.

Darius Silevon(Neutral)- Kat had a brief crush on the Isldar, but after a while, she saw right through him. She believes in tough love, showing him kindness, but in the harshest way possible.

Eirain(Liked)- Eira and Kat developed a mutual understanding early on, and shortly after, their understanding blossomed into a firm friendship.

Thomas Rossolet(???)- After realising she was no good for Thomas, she decided to break off the engagement. This left Thomas heart-broken and after a recent fight which left him arrested, Kat is left in a state of bemusement as to just what his fate might be. She imagines he killed himself, though doesn't display remorse in private for such a tragedy.

Helene(??)- Kat doesn't quite know what to think of the Ithanian, who seems to have developed a crush on the nelfin… She's quite taken aback by this…

Klaus Ravenstad(Trusted)- Katrina works for Klaus as a secretary of sorts, though even before this, the two had a firm friendship. Even now, the two are the best of friends and Kat has grown to depend on the ailor.

Vivienne Ravenstad(Hated)- A brat. That's what Katrina sees the Ithanian as, nothing more, nothing less. She would pay to see her demise, and revels in the fact that she will more than likely outlive her.

Abrielle Corlisse(Hated)- After catching her former friend and employee having a fling with her brother, what once was a firm friendship with the light mage soon turned sour. Kat's gone out of her way to sabotage the fellow Altalar's life, even going as far as claiming she was a prostitute. Nowadays, she refuses to even be seen with her, and doesn't bother to mention her name.

Life Story (Required)

When Katrina was born, her mother seemed almost disgusted by her brown hair, and was for a good few years, until Katrina developed into quite a beautiful child, despite her odd hair colour. Like anyone else, Kat has little memory of her first years in the world.

The years of childhood that Kat experienced are a pleasant reminder of her carefree days, though even when she could talk, she was taught other languages as well. Serphin used to travel across Aloria, and often took Katrina with him, so she could experience what the world had to offer from an early age. She fondly recalls meeting new people of all different shapes and sizes, learning about history, religions, and most importantly the culture and geography of these nations, she recalls Ithania being lovely. As she travelled, Katrina experienced more and more of a talent for language, much to her father's delight, and, when she reached the age at which she was of high enough intellect, she was taught the imperial elven tongue. Of course, modern elven was her first language, which was then followed by Daendroque, and then imperial elven with common being picked up just before she arrived in Regalia later on.

Upon reaching her teenage years by ailor standards, Katrina had started to pen maps using an atlas her father had given to her. The fact her father was able to make maps that were so ornate, even the highest of nobles would purchase them, filled her with determination; determination to do her father proud.

By the time Kat was in her mid twenties, her father took Kat, her sister and brother to Yang-Tzu on an educational trip. It was there that Kat, Ellie and her brother enrolled in the school of astronomy- discipline of aloria to hone their cartography skills as their father and grandfather had also done. After spending a year or so there, they returned home, taking another tutor upon hearing that their grandfather was on death's doorstep.

On his deathbed, her urged her to keep on practising her skills in horse riding, cartography and, languages, and told her she could be something brilliant if she kept up the good work. His death, surprisingly, didn't sadden Katrina; she had seen it coming, he was old. Serphin and Allina, however, were greatly affected by this and realised that they needed to experience even more of the world before passing on themselves. They left their shop, to Katrina and her sister Elyana, and ventured off into the unknown. They told the now adult Katrina that they wished to discover more about the more elusive races of Aloria. Serphin, however, gave Katrina one last bit of advice: "Take your skills to the holy city, where you can expand your skills and bring the business to new heights."

Kat pondered this for many years before being told to do so by her parents, and after an attack on the family where she was found to be helpless, leaving her brother to defend both her and himself from the almost-muggers, she decided to take on a new skill; combat. Abandoning her map making for a good thirteen years, Kat, frail but nimble, took longer than expected to attain an adequate level within the school of mariposa. After arriving in Regalia, setting up her new business caused her level to drop to fighter. However, upon the arrival of more family members, and the help of more distant but equally talented relatives, Kat took up the hobby once more. It took an additional five years to regain her warrior rank, which she used to her advantage during the Lo occupation from the 12th of November in 304 AC to the 20th of January in 305 AC. While she didn't play a major part, she, along with her family, helped to make maps of the surrounding areas, and the nelfin herself also fought a few times, though during one nasty encounter with the undead, gained a nasty wrist injury that, whilst it has mostly healed, still plays up occasionally to this day.

(I hope this is alright, and thank you to whoever reads it. I hope it was as fun to read as it was for me to write!)


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Staff Review
  • First and foremost is something that's all over your application. The optional sections such as "visual information (expansion)" are not in spoilers as they should be, since they're also sections that are optional for me to review. The other part of this is the guidelines such as "this section is for x" underneath the heading of the application. Please remove these as they create an eyesore and make the application much harder to read.
Skill Information
  • You should mention what subforms that Katrina knows of antimagic. For example, distortion antimagic is one kind, while powerblock is another. You mention that she knows both elsewhere, so I want you to list the individual level for each subform of magic in this section to give a clear definition of learning times.
Talents and Weaknesses
  • I believe that any magic that a character learns of veritable strength should definitely be listed in the talents section. It's something learned and not innate, so I'd like you to list it here by replacing one of the more quirky talents, which encompasses the bottom three.
  • In addition, I have to express the fact that "A bad constitution" and "Stubborn in some ways" are simply not weaknesses. They are far too situational to merit an additional strength slot, so I'd remove these two weaknesses since they can also be implied within the personality for simplicity's sake.
Other than this, I don't see any other inconsistencies. Colour these edits in a different colour where applicable and tag me when you're done.

You seemed to have missed these sections when concerning the template:
The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list. Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.
  • Eye Color: (single color specified) Faded blue
  • Hair Color: (single color specified) Brown
  • Hair Style: (Simple name description) Shoulder length, sideswept fringe.
  • Skin Color: (Simple color description) Porcelain
  • Clothing: (Simple style description) For now, a finely made gray-ish purple dress, with a pale orange trim. Though sometimes for practicality's sake she wears a corset, sailor's coat, and boots, along with grey pants.

There's also still the matter of your Talents and Weaknesses. I suggested that you replace one of her current strengths with magic, since simply adding it on without removing a current strength would make the character imbalanced. Either think of another weakness or remove a strength to rectify this imbalance. Tag me when that happens!

With that small edit completed, I believe this application can be considered approved. Once @Chiruda takes another look over this, we'll see about changing the tag.

Added to her misc. skills, as well as a reshuffle of her talents. I realised some of my character's talents overlapped slightly.
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Due to your previous reviewer no longer being a part of the lore department, I'll claim your application!
After being chilled to the bone with cold rain and thunderous lightning, I've found more time to throw myself into this application. As such, I'll give you a full staff review of Katrina! Remember that everything I say isn't meant to discourage you, but rather to help you improve. Make any edits in any visible colour and shoot me a tag once you've done it!

  • Body Build: Sinewy
  • Weapon of Choice: A long sword or arming sword, usually, though Kat has had to broaden her horizons slightly. Whilst she continues to practice with a longsword in private, Kat usually uses a dagger and relies upon the usual mariposa dance-like style, along with an essence of Hathel when she has to. Most of the time though, Kat often weasles her way out of fights with words, and her manipulation is, arguably, her most efficient weapon of all.
This body build doesn't suit a trained warrior and your weapon of choice is both too long and too unbalanced. Please keep it concise in that she can use swords very similar to the longsword (such as a broadsword). For reference, this is a longsword. This is what a hathel is like. This is a dagger. They all serve very different functions, require very different grips and require very different techniques to use that the school of Mariposa does not cover.
  • School: School of Mariposa. (Total of seven years of training.) School of Astronomy- Discipline of Aloria
  • Level: Warrior
  • Source: For the school of Mariposa training, Katrina's parents paid for a tutor as Kat became agitated by her lack of physical activity, and showed a lack of focus as a result.
  • As for the School of Astronomy, Kat and her father travelled to Yang-Tzu along with her sister, Elyana and her brother for a period of time, so that they could refine their knowledge of cartography, and develop additional skills.
This is too much for her to pursue. Because military schools require physical upkeep and scholarly schools also require mental upkeep, she can only be 'Fighter + Learned' at most.
  • Scholarly- Katrina was educated as soon as she had the capacity to learn. As a result of such intensive education from her parents, grandparents and her great grandfather, she is incredibly knowledgeable, and takes pride in speaking several different languages, her knowledge of the cultures and histories of different nations, and even her basic knowledge of sanguine and that of other religions.
  • Skill with a quill- Due to the the family business, Katrina has had to practice her artistic skills in order to pen maps. Her rich customers demand elaborate and flawless maps, to which Katrina must oblige. She has spent much of her life practising her artistry, until she was able to make her own ornate designs, in both writing and pictures.
  • Her combat prowess with a longsword and other weapons- Due to her tutoring in the school of mariposa for a good few years, Katrina is no stranger to combat. As a result, she's able to fight well on most occasions with her warrior rank, giving most, with the exception of expert combatants, a run for their money.
Weaknesses (OPTIONAL)
  • Low endurance- Being as agile as she is, Katrina isn't supposed to take hits, rather dodge them, much to the dismay of her opponents. Sadly, when she is hit, it doesn't take too much to knock her down. This has resulted in many people seeing her as 'weak' to which Katrina replies 'Physical weakness is mental strength'.
From the way she's made, she's not fit to use longswords, daggers, and the hathel (especially not in combination since all three weapons are vastly different and actually require three different schools: Mariposa, Turall, Rangers). As such, I actually would recommend you either remove her combat prowess entirely, or balance out her skills a lot more with only longswords. 'Low Endurance' is also a copout weakness since the weakness said she's used to dodging (which makes this weakness more of a strength in disguise).
After being chilled to the bone with cold rain and thunderous lightning, I've found more time to throw myself into this application. As such, I'll give you a full staff review of Katrina! Remember that everything I say isn't meant to discourage you, but rather to help you improve. Make any edits in any visible colour and shoot me a tag once you've done it!

This body build doesn't suit a trained warrior and your weapon of choice is both too long and too unbalanced. Please keep it concise in that she can use swords very similar to the longsword (such as a broadsword). For reference, this is a longsword. This is what a hathel is like. This is a dagger. They all serve very different functions, require very different grips and require very different techniques to use that the school of Mariposa does not cover.

This is too much for her to pursue. Because military schools require physical upkeep and scholarly schools also require mental upkeep, she can only be 'Fighter + Learned' at most.

From the way she's made, she's not fit to use longswords, daggers, and the hathel (especially not in combination since all three weapons are vastly different and actually require three different schools: Mariposa, Turall, Rangers). As such, I actually would recommend you either remove her combat prowess entirely, or balance out her skills a lot more with only longswords. 'Low Endurance' is also a copout weakness since the weakness said she's used to dodging (which makes this weakness more of a strength in disguise).

Edits made. I hope this is alright!
The school of Mariposa requires that someone have combat experience before entering the school. Since I'm not seeing mentions of it at all (including spotting other talents she has such as beguiling, singing and horseback riding as hidden in the life-story), I will now simply ask you remove it entirely or make her far less 'Lady-Like.'
The school of Mariposa requires that someone have combat experience before entering the school. Since I'm not seeing mentions of it at all (including spotting other talents she has such as beguiling, singing and horseback riding as hidden in the life-story), I will now simply ask you remove it entirely or make her far less 'Lady-Like.'

It was a this time, that Katrina began to lose interest temporarily in such idle and physically undemanding tasks, and so, with some persuasion from her parents, her grandfather agreed to purchase a tutor for Katrina in the school of mariposa. Though this came with a couple of conditions; that Horatio taught Kat some more ladylike activities, such as singing, playing the piano and horseriding. As Katrina was informed on this, she seemed impressed, and always gave it her all with her tutor. Soon, he could teach her no more, but suggested that she enrolled in the school and started work as a sellsword.
Don't forget this! This is what particularly splits her apart from 'lady-like' to 'fighter.'
  • Scholarly- Katrina was educated as soon as she had the capacity to learn. As a result of such intensive education from her parents, grandparents and her great grandfather, she is incredibly knowledgeable, and takes pride in speaking several different languages, her knowledge of the cultures and histories of different nations, and even her basic knowledge of sanguine and that of other religions.
  • Skill with a quill- Due to the the family business, Katrina has had to practice her artistic skills in order to pen maps. Her rich customers demand elaborate and flawless maps, to which Katrina must oblige. She has spent much of her life practising her artistry, until she was able to make her own ornate designs, in both writing and pictures.
  • Her combat prowess with a longsword- Due to her tutoring in the school of mariposa for a good few years, Katrina is no stranger to combat. As a result, she's able to fight well on most occasions with her fighter rank, giving most, with the exception of expert combatants, a run for their money.
You forgot to add in a weakness to replace 'Low Endurance!' Think about something you can add that doesn't directly involve an obvious weakness from the Schools she's learned from. If you're having trouble finding one, then I instead ask that you remove one of her talents.
You forgot to add in a weakness to replace 'Low Endurance!' Think about something you can add that doesn't directly involve an obvious weakness from the Schools she's learned from. If you're having trouble finding one, then I instead ask that you remove one of her talents.

  • Vindictive: Katrina, when betrayed, backstabbed or the like for even the most minor of reasons, is fuelled with hatred. Despite not getting her revenge in obvious ways, the subtle ways she uses are often good ways to get her into trouble. This might just be the way Kat will meet her end..
  • Overly analytical: Katrina likes to analyse things, but when it comes to friends or lovers, it often develops into an obsession or paranoia that they are going to betray her. As such, she can often lose sleep over such matters. As well as this, even the simplest of things may appear overly complicated to her, which sparks an anxiety within her.
Once more, these are both personality traits and the latter can become a strength if someone actually is planning against her. Weaknesses aren't easy to make for characters with stronger strengths! Has she any missing appendages? Bad injuries that are quite obvious? Intense greed that makes refusing objects, gambles and bets impossible? If all else fails, I suggest you remove the scholarly talent or her Mariposa training (more so Mariposa since she's best structured around intelligence). Because you're trying to fill all three niches of combat, charisma and creativity, you've limited your options to balance her without contradiction!
Once more, these are both personality traits and the latter can become a strength if someone actually is planning against her. Weaknesses aren't easy to make for characters with stronger strengths! Has she any missing appendages? Bad injuries that are quite obvious? Intense greed that makes refusing objects, gambles and bets impossible? If all else fails, I suggest you remove the scholarly talent or her Mariposa training (more so Mariposa since she's best structured around intelligence). Because you're trying to fill all three niches of combat, charisma and creativity, you've limited your options to balance her without contradiction!

There we go.
Looks good! Don't forget to apply the weakness whenever possible, even when not convenient. APPROVED.
After seeing this recent screenshot of just what she's capable of: @Emo_Bunny
I am going to put you back into review. Due to a fault of my part for not reading as far as I should have, I'll have to ask you to make more edits. I recommend you entirely remove her Mariposa skill (since all of her life seems to point away from it aside from wanting physical exercise), and then specify what languages she can read / speak (maximum of 3 as a native tongue, common tongue + one more given her age), then lower her body build to no higher than 'average' due to the upkeep required for languages and navigational skills taking over more time than she would be able to dedicate for exercise.
After seeing this recent screenshot of just what she's capable of: @Emo_Bunny
I am going to put you back into review. Due to a fault of my part for not reading as far as I should have, I'll have to ask you to make more edits. I recommend you entirely remove her Mariposa skill (since all of her life seems to point away from it aside from wanting physical exercise), and then specify what languages she can read / speak (maximum of 3 as a native tongue, common tongue + one more given her age), then lower her body build to no higher than 'average' due to the upkeep required for languages and navigational skills taking over more time than she would be able to dedicate for exercise.

Agile: Katrina is a nimble person, capable of darting about with ease. This means that when in a fight, while she may not have studied in any school, possesses the reflexes to dodge a couple of hits. She can also run. Fast.
This character studies languages and navigation, so why is she nimble? How did she become agile? You don't need to have all 3 talents filled, nor does a character need to have any ability in combat.
Scholarly- Katrina was educated as soon as she had the capacity to learn. As a result of such intensive education from her parents, grandparents and her great grandfather, she is incredibly knowledgeable, and takes pride in speaking several different languages, her knowledge of the cultures and histories of different nations, and even her basic knowledge of sanguine and that of other religions.
What languages does she know? Why does she know about other cultures, histories, religions and Sanguine when she had only gone to a school for a minimal amount of time?
This character studies languages and navigation, so why is she nimble? How did she become agile? You don't need to have all 3 talents filled, nor does a character need to have any ability in combat.

What languages does she know? Why does she know about other cultures, histories, religions and Sanguine when she had only gone to a school for a minimal amount of time?

She's naturally agile a combination of running after various family pets and the like, and playing chase with her sister. Despite her agility, her stamina isn't all that impressive.
This character studies languages and navigation, so why is she nimble? How did she become agile? You don't need to have all 3 talents filled, nor does a character need to have any ability in combat.

What languages does she know? Why does she know about other cultures, histories, religions and Sanguine when she had only gone to a school for a minimal amount of time?

I'm going to heighten her knowledge to scholar and prolong her education in the school of astronomy by an additional five years. In addition, she travelled a lot, as mentioned in her history. Due to her profession of atlas making and cartography, she has had to know a bit about that of other cultures. Her knowledge of sanguine is only slightly above average as she has only recently taken an interest in it once again, due to the number of sanguine she has encountered.
she was taught the imperial elven tongue. Of course, modern elven was her first language, which was then followed by Daendroque, and then common.
Please put the languages she knows into her talents rather than hiding it in the life-story. Is she capable of reading and writing in all of them? Imperial Elvish alone can take 10 years (or more!) to gain a rudimentary understanding, so I recommend you remove her Daendroque skill if she does fully know Imperial Elvish beyond spending 3 minutes trying to read a page written in Imperial Elvish.
She's naturally agile a combination of running after various family pets and the like, and playing chase with her sister. Despite her agility, her stamina isn't all that impressive.
It still doesn't ultimately make sense. I used to play a game of 'Infection' all the time around my 7th and 8th year of school (as well as chased a rampant Bernese Mountain Dog and Saint Bernard when I've left the backyard gate open), but my overall agility was not heightened. In order for one to have their running speed increased, their stamina would have to increase as well with almost daily exercise and constantly working to do better than before. You can only get better by actively trying to, so playing games of tag and wrestling in the early life won't be able to change a thing down the line.
Please put the languages she knows into her talents rather than hiding it in the life-story. Is she capable of reading and writing in all of them? Imperial Elvish alone can take 10 years (or more!) to gain a rudimentary understanding, so I recommend you remove her Daendroque skill if she does fully know Imperial Elvish beyond spending 3 minutes trying to read a page written in Imperial Elvish.

It still doesn't ultimately make sense. I used to play a game of 'Infection' all the time around my 7th and 8th year of school (as well as chased a rampant Bernese Mountain Dog and Saint Bernard when I've left the backyard gate open), but my overall agility was not heightened. In order for one to have their running speed increased, their stamina would have to increase as well with almost daily exercise and constantly working to do better than before. You can only get better by actively trying to, so playing games of tag and wrestling in the early life won't be able to change a thing down the line.

Will this do?
I'd also like to add that she studied Imperial elven for many years. When she had learnt one language, she was often taught another as soon as possible. She had an immensely strict upbringing.
Daen, common and imperial,From there, she developed a reasonable understanding of modern elven, Finally, after developing an interest in other elven tongues, decided to attain a basic knowledge of Isldar elven. She's able to understand a few languages, and can also speak some D'Ithanie.
This is six languages. No more than four languages in total. 2 fluent, 1 broken, 1 weak.
Naturally quick reflexes: Katrina is very aware of the world around her. If she spots something flying towards her, she can occasionally duck just in the nick of time. However, she is not overly talented in doing so as she's had little to no practice in combat situations, and has only really used this for when she's accidentally knocked something off her desk.
This talent feels slapped in and serves no real purpose to Katrina as a character. Please remove it.