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Played Character Katrin Óltorskr

This character is actively played.


repairing the gens
Staff member
Jun 5, 2016
Reaction score
Korok Forest
kat 2023 update header.webp

Character Information
  • Full Name: Katrin Óltorskr | Katriane in Common | "Faulkner" is an alias surname
  • Race: Ailor, Velheim & Leutz-Vixe Regal cultural backgrounds
  • Age: 28 years old
  • Gender: Female (she/her)
  • Occult: Exist Mage

Core Concept
  • Katriane is a part of the outcome of unlikely families coming together and falling apart almost as fast.
  • She is on the side of reason and caring that her twin brother is not, and she has struggled to find her place in the world.
  • In her later adult life, she aspires to define what her individuality means where she has failed to define it otherwise.

Appearance Information
  • Katriane has no mutations. Shrapnel scarred the right side of her face, nicks above the brow, with scattered smaller scars found elsewhere on the right half of her body. Standing at a modest 5'6 and wearing commoner's comfortable and durable clothing through hard work, Katriane is not significantly distinguishable from the crowds. Her hair is long and kept in big, messy twin braids. Bright ginger hair with a silver streak speaks to her dominant Leutz-Vixe & Sarnan genes.
Proficiency Information
This character does not fight unless she absolutely must, and will prioritize fleeing over confrontation.
Attack Stat: 3
Defense Stat: 4
[10/14] Used

Strength: 0

Constitution: 2
Rebound Pack
Interception Pack

Mounted Combat: Familiar Disrupt (Free, Ailor)

Wisdom: 4

  • Chem Cleanse Pack
  • Chem Bloodboil Pack
  • Chem Feeding Pack
  • Chem Revive Pack

Dexterity: 1
Improvised Attack Pack

Magic: 3

  • Magic Bolts Pack
  • Magic Distort Pack
  • Magic Barrier Pack
  • Magic Warp Pack

  • Ailor Mechanics

  • Common, Skodje, Lëtz, d'Ithanie, Sign (Free)

Plot Hooks
  • Katrin is a twin sibling to Vulmar Ravenstad; they are the children of Aní Óltorskr and the late Bastien Ravenstad.
  • At a young age, she was involved in the fight to take back the city from Deathlings. She suffered injuries that scar her to this day and she cannot be around loud bangs or sounds for long.
  • Katrin was primarily raised noble. She was married to the Mountain Duke Howlester and is supposed to be dead.
  • Any trace of magic in Katrin was suppressed for several reasons: To avoid persecution from her in-laws and the might of a potent anti-Magic cousin.
  • The only Howlester Katrin ever bonded with was Osric. They went on a diplomatic journey through Gallovia together before her "death." Katrin considers him very dear to her on a familial level.
  • This character faked her death and has lived incognito, traveling from Gallovia to Drixagh and then back to Regalia while keeping her head low. It has been a few years since her "death" was announced.
  • She feels it is safe to use her name now that she is not entirely recognizable. Some old figures from the noble scene may consider her familiar if they were around her frequently or close enough.
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Reworked the app to fit the new template and made it more aesthetic. Changes marked in pink.
Further minor edits done in regards to the maim/kill event roll revision results. Kaja has her hand again, eee. Marked in pink.
The rewrite is currently done. I do have some questions, though. I know they'll probably be covered with the review, BUT:
  • Evidently, I wanted to change up Kaja's life story to incorporate some School of Mariposa training in there. Originally, I wanted to mark her down as a Warrior level, but now I'm unsure if this is exactly attainable yet given her age?
  • I suppose the question(s) really mark down to:
    • Is it more reasonable to keep her at a Fighter level, or is she alright to be marked down as a Warrior?
All changes have been colored red. @Doc_Cantankerous A re-review is required!
I honestly feel that she would only be able to reach fighter level at this point. She didn't technically finish her time at Fonesca, and she hasn't even seen her twentieth birthday yet. So leave her at fighter for now, and if down the line she continues her training at some point, she can level up.

In other news, the other edits all make sense, and appear to be a natural progression for the character. Well done.
I have aged up Kaja from 19 to 22 years old. This change has been marked in red.
I've also gone in and upped Kaja's Mariposa level from Fighter to Warrior. Her life story has been updated accordingly.
Removed any mention of Mariposa training so I could morph her back into a non-combative, more PTSD-based character. May need re-review? @Wumpatron
Minor edit: aged her up from 22 to 27 (soon to turn 28). Also added a sentence in the Life Story.
Updated to fit new Proficiency Point System and Sheet Template. Requires re-review.
Thought I'd also go in and remove her severe maiming since it added nothing to the character. Reduced the maims near-entirely bar some light, small scar marks on her right cheek. Marked in red where these changes are most prominent.
Just a few odd things you need to fix.

All of the points gained from School of Visuals are Cultural and need to go into that section. It did cost 10 regular proficiency points, but they go into cultural. That being said, anything you wish to invest in them is taken from your available Cultural points.

After the School you now have 18 Proficiency Points and 28 Cultural Proficiency Points. This is of course ignoring the points you already have used. But consider this a groundwork you can use to distribute.

And yes, I approved you before, but I'm dumb so here we are lol, tag me once completed @MantaRey and apologies it took so long to get back to you
No worries, thanks for the feedback. I think I edited my points accordingly. Let me know if you need me to change up anything else or if I messed up. @Wumpatron
So the whole "don't need a re-review" decision kind of switched on itself after some character designs talks. I've updated her personality entirely, I've reshuffled her points entirely, and I've updated her Life Story accordingly. Re-review is required now. @Wumpatron or @HydraLana (I'm not sure)
Added a far better face claim image. The tag needs to be restored.

I'd also like to request that this thread be cleaned up and the old replies removed just so it isn't so messy and long. @Wumpatron
Cleaned up the thread and restored the tag. I'll also be handling any future reviews since Wump is no longer able to do so. @MantaRey
I have entirely rewritten Katriane's personality section, her skill section, and bits of her life story. Pls re-review. @Bagley_
Removed her previous installment of +7 Perception and shifted it to the following: +6 Linguistics and the single remaining point into Light Bow Combat, totaling to +16 now from previously being +15.
Proficiency points reworked. Needs a staff reviewer.
Noticed I didn't do my math right - should've been 48 points total, not 45, so I just did a quick fix.