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Played Character Kaspar Wolff

This character is actively played.


british gremlin
Jun 19, 2016
Reaction score
Kaspar Wolff
⧰ Character Information

  • Full Name: Kaspar Wolff
  • Race: Ailor
  • Age: 27
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: Mundane
⧰ Core Concept
  • Callous and cynical, with a cold sense of humour, he is a dangerous fighter with great skill with a sword. He is a hired dog who kills at his employer's beck and call, but will not perform jobs that conflict with his personal morals. He has an unequivocal hatred for 'Knighthood', believing the concept to be hypocritical, viewing Knights as sadistic, murderous narcissists. Despite his vicious and bitter nature, he is remarkably loyal and is occasionally tender to those he views as innocent, but is angered at their naivety, not comprehending how anyone can believe in 'goodness' in such a savage world.
⧰ Appearance Information
  • A large, towering man with a muscular body build. He carries long, dark hair, beginning to grey. His features are gaunt with sharp cheekbones and carries thick eyebrows sat above dulled russet brown eyes. His skin is a porcelain pink tone and he typically adorns plain slate-black Blacksteel armour whilst classically wielding a greatsword.
Combat Style
  • Warrior (7 Attack; 5 Defence)
⧰ Proficiencies
  • Strength: 7
    • Steady Body Pack
    • Bruiser Slam Pack
    • Bruiser Flurry Pack
    • Bruiser Feint Pack
    • Bruiser Agony Pack
    • Bruiser Tackle Pack
    • Technique Parry Pack
    • Weapon Throw Pack [Free Pack; Point Buy]
  • Constitution: 5
    • Rebound Pack
    • Rage Counter Pack
    • Shield Bunker Pack
    • Shield Slam Pack
    • Shield Deflect Pack
    • Shield Snare Pack [Free Pack; Ailor Racial]
    • Shield Block Pack [Free Pack; Point Buy]
    • Familiar Disrupt Pack [Free Pack; Ailor Racial]
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Wisdom: 2
    • Chem Cleanse Pack
    • Chem Mend Pack
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 0
⧰ Life Story/Plot Hooks
  • "You might be knights after all. You lie like knights, maybe you murder like knights."
    • Despite being a knight, he is vehemently against the concept, considering all knights to be monsters who perform heinous acts and hide behind their status like cowards. He instead openly acts the part of the monster.
  • "Magic? A coward's weapon."
    • A warrior through-and-through, he genuinely views the use of magic as a weapon of the cowardly and the weak, who haven't got the perseverance and drive to make their bodies a temple of strength and opt for a cheap shortcut.
  • "You sell your loyalty to the highest bidder, without morals. You're no better than a whore."
    • An Ex-Blackmark brute who has no great aspirations to become a 'great' knight, believing that to be a contradiction in itself. He is a mercenary but not without morals. He has a line that he will not cross, but what that is, who knows?
  • "I may be drunk, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly."
    • His life led him to turn to the worst vices, smoking like a chimney, frequently drinking himself into stupors, and gambling away what little wealth he has.
Last edited:
Changelog (03/12/2023)
  • Switched from Reliquary to Bloodcast following Knight updates.
  • Switched from Bulwark to Hunter Archon following Archon updates.
  • Switched from Dragon Worship to Guided Unionism with Draconism sympathies.
  • Updated proficiencies.
  • Added plot hooks.