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Professional cynic
Sep 7, 2016
Reaction score
A... closet???

⥏⥏ ⥑⥑

"A sprinkle of chaos makes life interesting!"


⥊ Basic Information ⥋
  • Full Name: Kariah Quraathyl
    • Nickname(s): Kari
  • Age: 24 Years
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Kathar
    • Cult: Power
  • Eye Colour: Blue (Natural), Gold (Actual, from Mutation)
  • Preferred Weapon: Daggers (Close Quarters)
    • Alternates: Daggers (Thrown), Unarmed/Fists
⥊ Inventory Information ⥋
  • Within hip-level 'pockets'
    • Coin purse (containing around 35 regals)
    • Five steel throwing knives (on upper thigh)
    • Gold coated ring
    • Gold coated necklace
    • 7 Shard tablets

⥊ Skill Information ⥋

    • Unarmed Pack
    • Short Blade Pack
    • Improvised Weapon Pack
    • Resilience Pack
    • Physique Pack
  • 1 WISDOM
    • Volacrum Wisdom Pack
    • Burglary Skill Pack
    • Pickpocket Skill Pack
    • Stealth Skill Pack
    • Parkour Pack
  • 3 MAGIC (Void Sourced)
    • Blood Magic Pack
    • Shadow Magic Pack
    • Healing Magic Pack (Blood/Void Aesthetics)
  • 0 CHARISMA (wow who would've guessed)

⥊ Languages ⥋

  • Common (Free, moderate level)
  • Katharic (Upbringing, fluent)

⥊ Special ⥋

  • Abilities:
    • Unarmed Dodge
    • Pinning Throw
    • Chuck and Run
    • Sacrificial Empowerment
    • Blood Manipulation
    • Sanguine Smithing
    • Bonds of Blood
    • Arcane Mimicry
    • Shadow Puppetry
    • Shroud of Darkness
    • Umbral Passage
    • Healing Hands (Blood Aesthetic)
    • Stable Protection (Blood Aesthetic)
  • Mutations (Void Sourced):
    • Red feather streaks in hair
    • Black nails that appear more like claws
    • Golden irises
⥊ Visual Information ⥋
  • Eye Color: Blue (Natural), Gold (Ocular)
  • Hair Color: White
  • Hair Style: Long, completely unkempt mess
  • Skin Color: Ashen grey
  • Clothing: Basic rags
  • Height: 5'7" (Stunted)

⥊ Personality ⥋

~Option One

  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • Kariah expresses happiness in a somewhat creepy and overly satisfied way, almost giggling in ecstasy and continuing to ride the thrill, bouncing around the room and flaunting acrobatics… when content, she will simply be quietly humming to herself in a corner, playfully enjoying whatever has got her such a way.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Fear is a rare emotion in Kariah, but when exposed to it, she is a bit of a coin flip. She will either hiss in anger at what's making her feel such a way and fight against it in an adrenaline fuelled rush - or she will freeze like a deer in headlights, before promptly rushing away to preserve herself. It usually depends on how she feels her odds of surviving are.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • Twitching in visible annoyance or strain. Clawing at her face and neck. Biting her knuckles. Pulling her hair. She has many visible tics, but inside, she'll be having a deep process of elimination to find out what is causing that stress and why - and if possible, she'll try to remove it from the picture; prone to harming herself as a result of said stress otherwise.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Insignificant. In the way. The law restricts, and authorities obstruct; Kariah will simply dance around them where possible. She wouldn't really listen to guards, and when hyper focused on her own goals, she would sooner be forcefully restrained than willingly submit. She could be described as a chaotic individual as a result of her drives.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • Kathar are kin; they are family. She feels secure with them, to a degree, but will still challenge them to fight occasionally… just a bit less viciously. Other races are subject to harsh scrutiny and observation, and are likely to meet the sharp edge of her dagger if they do anything to provoke her, unless another Kathar is present to dissuade her from it.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Death and the Void are inevitable, but she drives to become as much as she can be to contribute to that magical essence. She's a follower of Qarrakh, the Flesh Hunter; a lover of violence and battle. She craves bloodshed and an excuse to mingle her own selfish desires and twisted 'passions' into the mix - an excuse to harness blood and pain, and offer it to the Void. She laughs in the faces of other religions; to her, the Void is true.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Holding a deep respect for these things, Kariah believes the arcane and magical are to be respected and held in high graces; especially if they utilize the energies of the Void. Exist-based magics are met with scrutiny and a nose wrinkle, but magic is magic nonetheless, even if one may be inferior undoubtedly. All in all, it all has its 'uses', but she will only ever truly advocate for the darker forms.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Twisted love. Her mother is the main source of the majority of Kariah's pain and misery in early life, but she learned to take it as a sign of motherly love, and as such, loves her dearly mother for enlightening her, even though Kariah chose to leave her. Her father was absent from her life, presumably having been killed or deciding he wanted nothing to do with Kariah. Anyone that she considers family outside of her actual birth parents, however, will be met with much respect and even protection.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Her ability to go forward and make herself stronger. She is very proud of her strength - and her resolve to keep going for the sake of fulfilling her own desires. That alone makes her worth something.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • The prospect of feeding the Void's power and the rest of her kin through any action she takes is enough to keep going and better herself. She sees little reason to die; not quite fearing death but being opposed to it for the most part, simply because she believes she can contribute far more alive. Her demise can come whenever it is ready to, though she will fight it with ferocity.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Kariah worries about not doing enough with her ability. She's constantly concerned with her own capabilities, to an unhealthy stressful degree at times - often taking frustrations out on unfortunate souls. S
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Ironically, Kariah is a social person. She is twisted and her mind is warped by trauma, but she is not incapable of caring for relations; deep down she wishes to form a bond with someone before passing on into the Void. Her fear stems from the idea of simply being alone forever.
⥊ Weaknesses ⥋
  • Obsessive: Holding a near-obsession over pain (both taking it and inflicting it), Kariah is prone to get herself involved in dangerous situations. She has a tendency to jump at people at any excuse she gets, and if the desire is strong enough nothing will be able to stop her from seeing it through. This goes for most things she focuses on.
  • Impulsive: Kariah is impulsive; acting in a very quick manner on things she wants or desires, without much inhibition or regard for the consequences. It's difficult to stop her once she has a drive for something, since it tends to happen near-instantly. If it's something that will help her goal of self-betterment, she will pursue it in a heartbeat.
  • Blood: Without a doubt creeping beyond her obsession over pain, Kariah has a disturbing interest in blood. She likes to watch people bleed, likes to see it spill, and enjoys using it for her own vices - shaping statues out of it, tasting it, the likes. If someone is bleeding, she will be far too focused on that individual to notice others approaching, almost like a vampire ready to feast.
  • Unstable: Having undergone quite a brutal early life, Kariah's mind functions erratically. Her response to pain and violence tends to be unhealthy amusement - often laughing at the prospect of being injured, though it is mainly a coping mechanism to endure the rush of emotions flooding her mind. She is also emotionally quite unpredictable as a whole, though she attempts to portray herself differently.
⥊ Life Story ⥋
  • Birth/Infancy:
    • Kariah was born in a scrappy home in the Shadow Isles, within the Dread Empire, and from a very young age, mistreated and even beaten by her mother who saw Kariah as nothing more than a hindrance that had been dumped upon her by a father that refused to stay around. This led to Kariah being underfed and malnourished during infancy - though she was never killed. She was given just over the minimum to ensure she'd survive, and treated with very rare amounts of 'love'.
    • She was raised - barely - in the process, treated more like livestock than an actual child, a fate that is extreme... even for Kathar standards.
  • Childhood:
    • Once Kariah was old enough to fend for herself in the smallest of ways, she was able to grow - albeit slowly, and somewhat painfully, suffering from stunted growth. She struggled to get her own food when her mother simply would not give her enough due to being too focused on her own pleasures - and since her life was only really lived one way - she didn't call out for help; it was the norm for many Kathar to have to fend for themselves anyway. She knew she simply had a goal to become stronger, to endure it and take it as tough love. To not do so would be seen as weak, even!
    • Kariah soon developed in interest in acrobatics, something she could actually perform easily due to her frail body and light frame. She trained in acrobatic manoeuvres and stunts basically every day from that point, to help get around and sneak about to get what she needed when unwatched, having over time developed a rather odd primal behavioural pattern of stalking about in low-crouches.
    • Alongside of this, magic became a subject of focus for the Kathar, too! And... she eventually sought to fully embrace her mother's cruelty and beatings as simply... love?
  • Adolescence - Early Adulthood:
    • And that's exactly what it twisted into over the years. Love. All of her own blood spilling, her pain, her misery... it all was replaced with a smile. Her mind shifted, replacing negative thoughts with toxic positivity; justifying everything and accepting it... even developing a sickening liking for blood spillage and feeding the Void's energies.
    • Amusement replaced fear as she identified deeply with the Void. And when she saw her own blood being spilled, she felt alive. Her mind had begun to bury itself in protective layers and her subconscious became a mess...
    • Finally she chose to repay that twisted 'love' she'd been given by spilling her mother's blood in a rather violent attack. She didn't kill her, of course, but it was certainly close; with that, she fled.
    • Subconsciously, she wanted to get away and run due to fear and feeling lost and alone. But, those thoughts never fully reached her mind. She buried them deep and reasoned that she was simply repaying her mother and doing what was 'normal'.
  • Adulthood - Present:
    • Kariah sought out more magical training and refined her skills in all forms. From her dextrous nature to her weapon use and precision, to even honing more magical abilities and deepening her connection to the Void.
    • She'd fended off many dangers by that point, came victorious in squabbles with many weaker Kathar, and proved herself in her own eyes - and so she was ready to take the next step; to venture out from her home. She stowed away on a simple ship, the destination? She did not particularly care about it. Wherever the winds may take her - she'd go.
    • And so, she found herself.. In Regalia.
Throughout her time in Regalia thus far, Kariah had simply done what she does... acrobatically parading around and seeking out kin to associate with, to test, to grow... all the while taking out her blood-driven craze on a few poor unsuspecting individuals.

She sought to learn common, to which end she is succeeding very slowly, being able to read small sentences and understand the language semi-fluently.

Using her knowledge and honing her... unique skills, she aims to grow stronger and assert herself- and perhaps one day earn the title of Champion.

For now, though- simply enjoying the time as it passes in her own strange ways will suffice...
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@Staff Roleplay Updated some proficiency stuff. Will be doing a bigger overhaul of the bio later, but for now, just a small age adjustment and spending of some points that were unused. Tagging lore staff in general as previous reviewer is no longer staff.
@HydraLana Updated sheet for the Kathar/Sorcery/Proficiency updates. Purged Ritualism, hoping to POSSIBLY acquire a Special Permission in future for it so keeping the selections I had as a reference point. It's been a long time since the app was approved and all and I also forgot to make mental notes so changes are not marked with a colour, however it mostly concerns proficiency points in the first place.

Small clarification added in other areas like the backstory/personality, but otherwise, basically nothing else fundamentally different. Hopefully everything will be fine!
+10 Dagger Combat (5 Core + Racial Boost) - "As long as a Character has invested 10 Proficiency Points into their boosted Proficiency (5, if it is a Talent Proficiency), they can add 5 more for free. "

Please update your Proficiency Points to reflect the Update fully, and tag me once you've reconciled what you'll be doing in terms of point spread. Also, you are at 14 Abilities, so please keep in mind how you make use of them in RP.
@HydraLana Updated to reflect requested changes. Decided to hold off on slapping on racial boost for the time being and tried my best to avoid over stacking with abilities, though Kathar make it really hard to balance the total number.

The majority of the non-Kathar abilities are meant to enhance the aesthetic of a light-footed and acrobatic close-quarter lunatic, so I've done away with Magic Bolt 1. I toned down the investment into Light Bow as well for the time being as to avoid adding extra on top of that 14, and kept the things that add to the aesthetic, such as Wall Climb 1 and Rogue Gift 3 (playing on her light weight and acrobatics and letting her use them in practice)

As a result of the changes, I've managed to cut down to 13.

If there are any further problems, please let me know - or even if you can see anything that might be good to remove, I'm up for suggestions.
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@HydraLana Updated to reflect requested changes. Decided to hold off on slapping on racial boost for the time being and tried my best to avoid over stacking with abilities, though Kathar make it really hard to balance the total number.

The majority of the non-Kathar abilities are meant to enhance the aesthetic of a light-footed and acrobatic close-quarter lunatic, so I've done away with Magic Bolt 1. I toned down the investment into Light Bow as well for the time being as to avoid adding extra on top of that 14, and kept the things that add to the aesthetic, such as Wall Climb 1 and Rogue Gift 3 (playing on her light weight and acrobatics and letting her use them in practice)

As a result of the changes, I've managed to cut down to 13.

If there are any further problems, please let me know - or even if you can see anything that might be good to remove, I'm up for suggestions.
My sole point of review is to fill in what she's been a number of months since your post this application in your Life Story.
I don't get what you're trying to say, can you explain please? Does something need changing???
You posted this application in September of last year. Your last significant update before the current one was in March. However, your Life Story still ends on:
And so, she found herself.. In Regalia.
However, she's been in the city for at least half a year. So, I want you to write more information at the end of her Life Story to explain what she has been doing in the city. Tag me once you have added content to explain what she has been doing.
@HydraLana Added some information as to what she has done in Regalia. It hasn't been a great deal due to my activity being strained heavily by work, but I've put as much as I can that I think is notable!
@HydraLana Been a hot minute. Updated Kariah to reflect the proficiency system changes and reworked a few elements of her story, slightly toned down the backstory and tried to make her a little more layered. Haven't really played her since last update and all so no extra info to add. Just getting a simple character sheet done, beyond anything else.