❮❮❂|Basic Information|❂❯❯
❮❮❂|Core Concept|❂❯❯
❮❮❂|Plot Hooks|❂❯❯
✦|Courtesy Name: Kaori Shào
✧|Birth Name: Suyin
✧|Nicknames: None
✦|Race: Sihai✧|Nicknames: None
✧|Kingdom: Beian
✦|Age: Twenty-Four✧|Birthday: January 27th
✧|Zodiac: Aquarius
✦|Gender: Cisgender Female✧|Zodiac: Aquarius
✧|Pronouns: She/They
✦|Sexuality: Pansexual✧|Preference: Male
✧|Relationship Status: Single
✦|Occult: Learned Mage✧|Relationship Status: Single
✧|Alignment: God/Dragon Magic
✦|Typical Appearance: Kaori is a Sihai of fairly tall stature and a muscular build, standing just above six feet tall. Her hair is a dark brown shade, usually left to hang down to her lower back, with occasional streaks of blue visible within. The Sihai's eyes carry a similar dark brown color, and her skin is a somewhat pale shade. She typically wears baggy clothing of white and blue hues.
❮❮❂|Core Concept|❂❯❯
✦|Character Summary: Kaori is a Sihai River Guard, raised in the service and protection of a Beian temple from a very young age. Shortly after her official appointment as a full-fledged River Guard, she was sent to the city of Regalia as a new posting in order to help protect the religion and the people of the Sihai abroad.
✦|Religious Beliefs: Kaori is a very dedicated follower of the Sihai branch of Draconism, Loong Virtue, having spent nearly all of her life in study and service to the dragon Saaima.
❮❮❂|Proficiencies|❂❯❯✦|Religious Beliefs: Kaori is a very dedicated follower of the Sihai branch of Draconism, Loong Virtue, having spent nearly all of her life in study and service to the dragon Saaima.
✦|Strength: 7 |Attack Stat|
↪|Weapon Throw [Free]
↪|Technique Parry
↪|Concussive Blow
↪|Diving Tackle
↪|Bruiser Slam
↪|Bruiser Flurry
↪|Bruiser Rampage
↪|Bruiser Feint
↪|Bruiser Agony [Sihai]
↪|Steady Body [Sihai]
✦|Constitution: 2↪|Technique Parry
↪|Concussive Blow
↪|Diving Tackle
↪|Bruiser Slam
↪|Bruiser Flurry
↪|Bruiser Rampage
↪|Bruiser Feint
↪|Bruiser Agony [Sihai]
↪|Steady Body [Sihai]
↪|Thick Hide
↪|Rage Counter
✦|Magic: 5 |Defense Stat|↪|Rage Counter
↪|Magic Shove
↪|Magic Cleanse
↪|Magic Resist
↪|Magic Isolate
↪|Magic Warp
↪|Magic Cleanse
↪|Magic Resist
↪|Magic Isolate
↪|Magic Warp
↪|Common: Learned
↪|Wai-Lan: Native
✦|Beginner↪|Wai-Lan: Native
↪|Altalar: Learning
❮❮❂|Plot Hooks|❂❯❯
✦|Aesthetics coming soon!
✦|Aesthetics coming soon!
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