Preserved Sheet Kannilon

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That Guy
Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Kannilon
  • Race: Bronn Bralona (High Command)
  • Age: Unknown
  • Gender: [REDACTED]
  • Eye Color: Neon Red
Core Concept
  • Kannilon believes that they must learn everything about the cultures of the world, finding them fascinating with their strange customs.
  • Like all other High Command Bralona, Kannilon is a staunch anti-theist, believing that all Gods of every faith must die in order to create a perfect world.
  • Strength: 5
    • Duelist
    • Heavy
    • Demolisher
    • Pursuer
    • Warrior
  • Constitution: 1
    • Bruteforce
  • Wisdom: 5 (Servotech Branch)
    • Barricade (Artificer)
    • Communicator (Artificer)
    • Tracking (Artificer)
    • Automaton (Artificer)
    • Scrapper (Artificer)
  • Dexterity: 3
    • Tripwire
    • Knocking Shot
    • Parkour
  • Magic: 0
  • Charisma: 0
  • Common Patent
  • Foam-Mix Patent
  • Servo-Golem Patent
  • Biotic Patent
  • Addiotic Patent
  • Berserk Patent
  • Appliance Patent
  • Chassis Patent
  • Hacking Patent
  • Mindslave Patent


Common (Free)
Dragon Speech (Native)

Appearance Information
  • The Bronn does not possess any Mutations.
  • Kannilon is a 7'2" automaton with a copper-bronze body and head, including a single red eye in the center.
Life Story
  • The individual known as Kannilon was built along with the rest of their comrades.
  • While many of their kind took to various scholarly paths to learn more about the world around them, Kannilon's calling was anthropology.
  • Kannilon studied and wrote down their people's exploits and acts of casual sadism, only curious to understand the paths which led the Bralona to the modern day. They equipped themselves with weaponry, realizing that violence had a significant impact on the course of the societies of anthropological focus.
  • News of Regalia's discovery was a dream come true, and Kannilon immediately set out to study a world that they knew nothing about.
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Claimed for review.​
@fantuinn I have decided to use the final reserved Point to invest in Sensor, because scanners & I'm wanting one of their Bralona personality switches to be a detective.
@fantuinn Redid some of Kannilon's points and Engineering investments due to the Artificer-Technician release, and clarified Age and loyalty following the Bralona culture update. All changes made in Green.
Just make a note on Core Concept about religion or attitude towards religion and you're set @KrakenLord01
@ChapterDeath Renamed the Melee abilities due to Rework, but they're otherwise effectively the same Mundane Techniques from before.