Preserved Sheet Kan'emar Thalyn

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Just a guy
Jun 25, 2019
Reaction score





"Vive la lumière."

Name: Kan'emar Thalyn
Nicknames: Kane
Aliases: Musicien, Virion
Age: 84
Birthday: December 13th
Gender: Male
Race: Suvial/Fin'ullen Altalar
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Preferred Weapon: Rapier and dagger (dual wield) for melee | Throwing Knives for ranged



"Tonight is not our curtain call."


Points: 70 points

+20 Thin Blades Combat
+11 Fast Blades Combat
+10 Throwing Combat

Rogue Skills
+15 Stealth Rogue
+4 Dextrous Rogue

+4 Athletic Training
+2 Perception Training

+4 Pagan Ritualism
+5 Musical Arts [Hobby Points]
+5 Literary Arts [Hobby Points]

Body Shape
41 + (4 x 0.5) = 43 (Capped at 30 because Altalar)
Low Body Fat

Common | Fluent [Free]
Modern Altalar | Mother Language
D'Ithanie | Fluent; Native Language

Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

Will of the Arcane

Bending to Will is a Spell that allows the Altalar to manifest hand-held physical tools or utility items from pure arcane energy for several minutes. In most cases, these are practical items like scissors, a hammer, or a scalpel, but it can be a dagger or a pencil that actually leaves behind writing. These Arcaneicons as they are called manifest in the hands of the Altalar while created from the magical energies within, appearing like slightly glowing colored glass in their hands and remaining solid for as long as the Altalar keeps holding onto it. Should an Altalar let go of the Arcaneicon, it will dissolve to dust, while all Arcaneicons also dissolve after about 5 minutes of use. After an Arcaneicon has been dissolved, this ability cannot be used against for 10 minutes. Arcaneicons are practically unbreakable and are of excellent quality for whatever purpose they were made. These items are also physical to other Races and people, meaning they can be used as a weapon in a pinch, but they can never be larger than a hand-held hammer or dagger, or smaller than a sewing needle.

Willing the Mind is a Spell that allows the Altalar to extract their own memories like a sliver of arcane liquid from their temples, and then drop this into either a bowl or a small pond to produce a replay of the memory on the surface of the water the arcane liquid is dropped into. This ability can be used on any Race, but it must be voluntary, that is to say, the person must be aware of what the Altalar wishes to do, and focus their mind on the memory they wish to allow the Altalar to extract. Once extracted, the memory can be deposited into a bowl of water or a small pond (frequently found in Estel Temples) where the memory can be replayed for others to be watched. Only Altalar can see these replays however, and they are also produced without sound. The arcane liquid representing the memory cannot be stored and dries up in about half an hour. Additionally, extracting and playing memories does not alter the mind of the subject nor does it erase any memories, it purely produces a copy of what is present in the mind of the subject. If the memory was tampered with or altered by magical means, the tampered memory is still played on the liquid surface, but the Altalar can diagnose that it has been tampered with through disruptions of the water surface during replay, even if they cannot tell by who or why or what.

This sense has also caused them to be able to detect the presence of Sorcery and Magic inside a person if using the Spell of Powermancy. While activating this spell, their eyes will start to glow of a particular color, with lines spreading out from the eyes onto the rest of the face fading out the further they draw away from the eyes. Any Sorcerer or Mage in visual range when the Altalar activates this Ability will immediately sense that they are being scryed upon and that someone is attempting to determine their magical prowess, and can leave the range before they are detected, should they wish. While in this appearance, their eyes are capable of perceiving Magical and Sorcery powers inside a person, the more spells of either or both they have, the brighter the visual flame inside of them, 3 spells being a small flame, 5 spells being a large flame, 7 spells being an intense flame, 10 being a massive flame, and Orc Mages being an almost blindingly intense flame. This visual effect is only present while in Emote Range. Altalar Will Sorcery Spells do not count towards this and do not trigger any detection mechanism.

Pagan Ritualism



"A memory is a song, and when it plays, you'll find yourself trapped in its rhythm."


(^face claim^)

Eye Color
Dark Green

Natural Hair Color
Midnight Black

Hair Style
Straight and preferably long. Usually tied into a rather messy ponytail, with a few strands at the side of his face

Skin Color

Light Brown

Normally he tends to wear attire that is rather comfortable; usually, a simple long sleeve shirt and loose pants. If he were performing some heist, he'd normally wear a trench coat with a slightly worn-out fedora, and a bandana to conceal his face.



-Though they are mostly for show, he usually wears rounded eyeglasses.
-Around his neck is a necklace with a defaced coin with a carving of a rose on both sides
-In between his rib area is a medium-sized scar from a khoptar


"Curiosity often leads to trouble. And I am very curious."


Chaotic Good

Personality Type
ENFP-A (Campaigner)

Old Gods (7/10)

Irene Chaenath: The leader of the first gang he officially joined in Regalia, the Disappearances. He sees Irene as a great leader, and the first one he has had in a while. Though there is still much he needs to learn about her, he finds some similarities between him and Irene, and has given her his respect at that.

Merlara Reevali: A Cielothar sorceress and medic of some sort. Kane met her when she was tending to his wounds after a spar with Irene, though after further interactions and conversations with her, he found himself having some fond feelings for Lara, leading to his first relationship. He continues to look out and protect her, despite his own criminal background.

Lucien Reynaud: A fellow member of the Disappearances and one of the first few that Kane could call a friend. They met when Kane first joined the gang, as well as when it was discovered they can both speak d'Ithanie. He knows not much of him, but he still promises to look out for him.

Arcana Reevali: TBA

Silvyr Fakrana: TBA

Asterlea Flutre: TBA

Connak: TBA



"Life is a book. Going through it too quickly will not provide you a happy ending."


Early Youth
When he was young, Kan'emar spent his days roaming the streets of an old Ithanian town with his mother, Lena. He had no image or memory of his father, and Lena gave no info of him other than him being a cruel man, but none more. They ran a small library, where Kane found a joy for reading at the age of five. In some books, Kane discovered various pieces of music that he found himself wanting to play; Lena was more than happy to help. She taught him how to play songs on her lute, which was later gifted to him. After having learned most of every song he found in their library, Kane decided to piece together his own music, which he normally played for those that passed by near the docks. He did this for about a year, though still supporting the library when he was able to. Such a deed managed to earn him some coin, and along with work at the library, profit was rather easy to scrounge up.

Age 8 - 12
When Kane turned eight, he had pretty much collected a rather small handful of fans due to his street performances, but such joy was short-lived. Late at night, someone broke into their home; not to steal any coin or property, but Kane. His abductor later woke him up; they were moving in a cart. The man, who Kane later found out to be a rogue and retired duelist named Kiran, told him that he was seeking an apprentice of some sort; a partner in crime. And Kane's slender appearance would likely make him a nimble and decent rogue. Not wanting to find out what would happen if he refused, Kane agreed, and his rogue training had begun, starting as simple as just simple eavesdropping, to eventually pickpocketing. For the most part, however, Kiran just made Kane distract crowds and shopkeepers with his lute while he snuck in and looted a shop or two.

A year passed since Kane's abduction. After having caused many crimes and robberies with Kiran, Kane soon started to enjoy this roguish lifestyle. On his eleventh birthday, Kiran gifted him a rapier, surprisingly bought, and forged to fit Kane's size. He had opted to train Kane on how to fight and defend himself if the situation called for it, as well as have someone to duel. When Kane turned twelve, he had learned various forms of fighting with his rapier, along with using a dagger in his offhand. He soon practiced throwing knives to give him some form of ranged advantage. Kiran won their duels most of the time, but Kane still enjoyed them. He never went beyond pickpocketing, even after years of performing heists with Kiran, but he still found a habit of sneaking into places.

Age 30 - 80
By age thirty, the two have done various heists in Ithania, leaving a rose as a calling card wherever they stopped. Due to their actions, they were often on the move quite a lot, as word had gone out about the two Altalar rogues. That aside, Kiran was still a bit of a mystery to Kane, despite having known him for a while now. By the time Kane was in his sixties, Kane approached him, seeking more info of the man. Upon showing Kane an old portrait, Kiran revealed to have been his father, and the real reason he kidnapped him was not just so he could have a partner in crime, but someone who he could call a son. Kane was taken aback by this, and of course, didn't believe it at first, but after looking at Kiran's features, there were obvious similar features between the two. Though he was offered his freedom after this, Kane chose to remain, and they continued to perform heists from then on. But unfortunately, Kane's time with his father soon would come to an end.

Age 81 - Present
When Kane was 81, he and Kiran were performing a heist on a simple jewel store. It was around dusk, so not that many people were around. However, the owner of the store, along with a few employees, were early risers, leading to the rogue duo to be caught. Weapons were drawn on both sides, but the duo chose to flee, eventually making it to the docks where Kane managed to board a ship that was just about to set sail. When he looked back, what he saw had been put into his mind like a branding; Kiran had been caught by their pursuers and was dragged away. Kane could only watch while the ship sailed to a land that would be entirely new to the rogue bard; Regalia

Three years had gone by since Kane was separated from Kiran, and had found most of his time in Regalia spent either in some tavern or in the sewers, occasionally playing his lute for those that passed him. He still kept his combat skills sharp, lending them to those that needed them, mostly to fellow rogues, as heists help distract him from the memory of his lost parents.
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