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Played Character Kalden Bel - Shannar, The Mist Wraith

This character is actively played.


Self-Certified Dumbass
Apr 27, 2020
Reaction score

  • Full Name: Kalden Mirazorwyn Bel-Shannar
  • Race / Culture: Solvaan (Delveborn)
  • Age: 18
  • Gender / Pronouns: Male, he/him
  • Occult: Silberfeder Brood, fledgling / Mageborn (Void aligned)
Core Concept
A heavily mutated Delveborn, Kalden is a vampiric brood on his father's side. Going throughout life both shunned, ridiculed, and distrusted, Kalden eventually found himself under the guidance of the Argentum Order after he survived the crushing depths of the ocean. Apathetic and nihilistic, like most his age, Kalden seems to simply go along with whatever he's told to do.

Appearance Information
Height: 6'0"
Skin tone: Charcoal Blue
Eye color: Red
Hair color: Midnight Blue
Other Features: Kalden's right arm is comprised of dark metal, as well as his heart.
  • Blood red tears with faint luminosity
  • Patches of translucent skin (concentrated mostly near hands and feet)
  • Glowing red veins
  • Free-floating hair (as if underwater)
  • Darkened sclera
  • Black bones
  • Horns
  • Claws
  • Webbed fingers/toes
  • Tail
  • Kalden's blood is transmuted to match whatever Mist Form he is in. If not in a Mist Form, it defults to a red vapor.

Vampiric Form: Nodens
Kalden's vampiric form would be best described as his true one, cranked up by 10. His veins become more pronounced as his skin becomes faint and wavery, hands and feet turning to a thick vapor, with his hair lengthening and turning a translucent black, reminiscent of deep-sea vents.

Proficiencies & Fighting Style

Style: Def = Int, Att = Magic

  • Strength: 1
    • Diving Tackle
    • Steady Body (Free, Solvaan)
  • Constitution: 1
    • Rebound
  • Intelligence: 5
    • Tech Auto
    • Tech Exhaust
    • Mimic Pack
    • Oceanic Pack (Magic Variant)
    • Wardrobe Pack (Magic Variant)
  • Magic: 7
    • Magic Bolts (Free, Solvaan)
    • Magic Snare
    • Magic Distort
    • Magic Smog
    • Magic Resist
    • Magic Disengage
    • Magic Warp
    • Magic Shove

Technology Hobby (Steamtech, Dark-Metal)
Magic Talent

Affliction/Solvaan Traits

  • Common Mechanic I: Vampires can use a Court Glamor to hide their Vampire teeth and Red Eyes from anyone but fellow Vampires, except during feeding. This counts as a Disguise, and does not work on those who already know the Vampire is a Vampire.
  • Common Mechanic II: Vampires, if they have Disguising or Shapeshifting Magic, can hide their Vampire teeth and Red Eyes from anyone but fellow Vampires, but all of their Proficiencies are set to 0, and they cannot use Abilities in Combat.
  • Common Mechanic III: Vampires can use a Party Glamor at Server Events/Player Events (not Raids), which acts as a Disguise, until the leave the Event Venue. Cannot ever be used outside of Event Venues.
  • Common Mechanic IV: Vampires can grant immunity to Vampirism to any person willing to bargain with them. In turn, if the bargained person attacks the Vampire or reveals the deal, they take massive damage (discuss in Dm's what this means).
  • Common Mechanic V: Vampires, when applying Curses via Advanced Roleplay Mechanics can apply minor Curses that last for up to 12 Hours max, without needing OOC Consent, which count as having +1 Magic Stat for dispelling considerations.

  • Silberfeder Mechanic I: Silberfeder make death-masks of drank-from victims, which change Proficiencies and Abilities (non-Custom) to their Victim's for 24 hours when worn. Cannot be used if any Abilities are on Cooldown. Single-use per drinking.
  • Silberfeder Mechanic II: Silberfeder Vampires are able to challenge other Vampires to Duel. The winner gains +1 Attack Stat while the loser loses -1 until Server Restart. This does not Stack but can break Cap to 11.
  • Silberfeder Mechanic III: Silberfeder Vampires need only class, grace, and blood to survive. They are immune to heat and cold damage, can walk through fire, do not need to breathe oxygen, and can resist high pressure.

  • Solvaan can use the Mist Form Transformations (found below), which does not count as a Disguise, and uses a variety of weather effects on their appearance.
  • Solvaan can use the Mist Beast Transformations (found below), which allows them to change appearance to that of the classical Mist Beasts, which is a Disguise.
  • Solvaan will not be attacked by wild and non-humanoid creatures, which may prevent them drawing aggression from certain Event Creatures (discuss with Event Dm's).
  • Solvaan are able to sense the mind of wild animals, which allows them to determine if an animal is an animal, or a person disguised as one (for example Body Arkenborn).
  • Solvaan can see through low visibility conditions of any kind (sand storm, blizzard, fog, ash clouds, dust etc), but must still protect from choking hazards.
Common (Fluent)
Altalar (Fluent, Sollerian/Solvaan Dialect)
Katharic (Semi-Proficient)

Plot Hooks

Race Traitor: Being born under an Estelley household in Solleria, Kalden's oath to the Argentum Order puts him at complete odds with the Solvaan identity.

Crushing Depths: Kalden was able to survive being stuck near the bottom of the ocean for a month, due to being trapped under the wreckage of a ship. Once he managed to claw his way back to the surface (and losing his arm in the process), he was found by the Argentum Order.

Unstable Body: Kalden's mutations caused early complications in his life, mainly in his heart. After being "rescued" by the Argentum, it finally gave out from strain. A technician of the Order decided to treat Kalden as an investment and implanted a dark-metal device to act as an artificial heart, as well as granting him a new arm. Although his Solvaan mist forms help to slightly dull the pain, Kalden is constantly raked with it nonetheless and often requires the use of painkillers.

All Talent: Although highly talented in magic, Kalden is not trained in the practice and consequently lacks much-needed awareness.

Meltdown: The augmentations and mutations in Kalden's body cause a painful buildup of energy over time, that he often has to "exhaust" through the use of magic.

Kalden Mirazorwyn was born near the Firemarble Mountains in the Sollerian town of Shannar, 9 months after his mother had a romantic encounter with a supposed merchant. When the delivery was done, it was clear Kalden's father was far from just a simple Solerrian merchent, however; the boy was born with two red eyes, sharp fangs, and an assortment of other mutations, causing the midwife to run out the very door screaming. From then on, Kalden's adolescence was a mix of mild neglect to religiously fervent exclusion, made no easier by his natural talent for void-aligned magic.

Kalden became used to the feeling of files attempting to whittle away his horns, claws, and fangs, though these always tended to grow back. He also grew accustomed to the sun burning his thin skin, and used to it splitting open all too easily in small paper cuts. At around the time he entered school, Kalden had grown complacent in his treatment, from family to peers. He had also learned to practically exist in one of the three Solvaan Mist Forms, as it tended to hide the odd state of his blood whenever he hurt himself. On occasion, he would find himself compulsively casting magic, finding that it helped ease his pain and anxiety.

One day, at around 10 years old, Kalden ran from his house in an attempt to escape his mother's fury after having knocked over a vase with his tail, finding himself at the shores of the island. While rustling around in the nearby brush, he happened to bear witness to Sinnavei waiting by the shore, followed by a man walking out of the brine. He quickly ran back home, ashamed of having almost disturbed such a scene.

For the next five years, Kalden worked as an apprentice technician, studying steamtech for use of the Regalian Empire, with quite the knack for it. On his 16th birthday, however, Kalden was accosted under the assumption he had attacked and fed on another child, despite him being easily proven to be only a brood. This caused him to flee his home in the night, running off to a nearby port, and sneaking aboard a merchant's ship. He was soon found the next morning by the ships crew, and brought to the captain, a delveborn same as Kalden. Through some stretch of fortune, the captain decided to simply put Kalden to work as opposed to throwing him overboard, demonstrating to the rest of the crew he was only a brood by the use of bloodletting.

After a few weeks of work, one storm-strewn night happened to arouse an assortment of events upon the ship. While sneaking out of the cabin for some fresh air, Kalden happened to catch the captain, a vampire, feeding on one of the crew. As if on queue, a bolt of lightning flashed down, causing the main mast to plummet onto the deck, and setting the ship ablaze. In the ensuing panic, the captain had entered a blood-frenzy, attacking the rest of the crew, and Kalden, with a passion. As the ship sank, All that Kalden could truly remember in his wounded state was the feeling of teeth inserting into his neck, before his assailant was wrenched away.

The depths were cold, and crushing, and yet Kalden Bel-Shannar was still alive, despite the hull pinning his arm to the seabed. He lay there, broken, for what felt like forever. He had not been attacked by any rabid sea life, that was a gift from Sinnavei. He had not been turned into a crushed can by the waves, or a statue by the cold, that was a gift from the captain. He managed, through the searing pain of his ravaged arm, to evolve, and escape the ruined hull. That was a gift from the Void and its black-strewn magick.

Another fortune, as he broke the surface of the water- a ship, sailing right his way. The colors she wore were not Regalian, the purples replaced with crimson and burgundy. But in his mind's ruined state, Kalden couldn't think much of it. A surging pain in his chest shot throughout his body, and he blacked out once more as an arm hauled him over the railing.

Knights from another Empire, with a keen interest in growing their ranks against the Regalian Crown. One of them fashioned him a new arm, tainted and crumbling, as well as a pulsing, cruel machine to keep him alive. An investment from the abyss. Kalden trained under their eyes for two years, unwavering in their orders, uncaring in their cause, and when the day came for him to pledge his soul, he chose to give it to the one God whom he had seen before, back at the shores.
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