Preserved Sheet Kaixia

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liar and milf lover
Staff member
Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score
twinleaf town, sinnoh region

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When I was young, I wanted to be a conqueror. Instead, I became mortal.

art | pinterest | mood

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Full Name: Liyang Kaixia Yuan.
Race: Sihai.
Age: 26.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Eye Color: Jade green.


Kaixia's upbringing was very religious. Her father hails from a long line of warriors and priests from Huo-Chang, and her mother from a well-respected temple in Beian. Despite her insistence of not formally taking over as their successor, she is pious and fervent enough to do so. She respects Liu-xing as her patron, but observes many of her mother's practices towards worshiping Ao-jin.

As the daughter of two prolific clans of clerics and warriors, Kaixia was slated for a life of duty. Unwilling to cede all of her future and agency to her parents, she slips out through Dexai, headed for Regalia to defy her fate.


Total Points: 14

Strength | 3
+ Blades Pack | Technique Parry
+ Hunter Pack | Concussive Strike
+ Blunt Pack | Force Smash

Constitution | 3
+ Heavy Shielding Pack | Perfect Cover
+ Bruteforce Pack
+ Ironheart Pack

Wisdom | 0

Dexterity | 3
+ Pistol Pack | Quick Cover
+ Donderbus Pack | Belt Shot
+ Thunderlance Pack | Piercing Shot

Magic [ Void ] | 3
+ Disruption | Link Disrupt
+ Displacing | Arcane Knockback
+ Breaking | Break Enchant

Charisma | 2
+ Bidding Demonology [ Void ]
+ Merging Demonology [ Void ] | Demon Alter Pack


Demon Form
Kaixia's altered form is reminiscent of the very Akula that was dealt with during the last siege, five years ago. It is a towering beast of stone and jade, its chest, skull, spine, and arms heavily armored for ramming and crushing anything in its path. What it lacks in speed it more than makes up for in strength, endurance, and cruelty. A core of jade thrums with light from the center of its chest, lighting up pathways throughout the body and into the maw.

Prison Break / Chain Break / Surfwalking
Water Element / Wind Element / Metal Element
Dream Element / Smoke Element / Cold Immune


+ Common
+ Wai-lan


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Your smile is never an invitation,
for conversation, no. It is a hush, ushering the silence.
You dissect strangers before they have a chance
to defend themselves.

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The Sihai stands at average height, around 5'6, with a lithe muscular builds that reflects an emphasis on dexterity rather than endurance or strength. Scars adorn her hands, arms, and torso. Her hair is raven-black, tending towards two long braids.


  • Liyang Yuan is born to two extremely devout parents -- her mother, a Divine Dreamer from Beian, and her father the head of a clan of River Guards, based in Huo-Chang.
  • Her childhood is exacting, with no shortage of education and training from both parents. Her father's clan had defended the wall for generations, sword-testers and warriors all. Her mother was trusted to interpret highly convoluted Loong Dreams.
  • The girl takes to their teachings with middling interest, but dreams of a life outside of the scope of their duties. She is exactly what they want in a successor; dutiful, respectful, diligent, yet Liyang remains unconvinced that such a future is for her.
  • She stages small "rebellions" as she grows. Evading curfews, sneaking out into the night to enjoy festivals in the town, little freedoms that are only allowed to her outside of her parents' watchful gaze.
  • It's with the cooks and craftsman that the girl finds her people. She sneaks out late into the night to learn their trade, taking quickly to butchery and cuisine.
  • Her eighteenth birthday brings her a prophetic dream of her future, confirming her worst suspicions -- and leaving her with the courtesy name of "Kaixia".
  • By the age of twenty, she's learned everything her father has to teach, even manned the wall for a few of the Akula sieges. It's at this point that her mother insists on a further emphasis on her half of Kaixia's heritage, which would take the two into Beian, where she was expected to spend the next two decades learning how to be a Divine Dreamer.
  • Kaixia could barely handle half of that. Six years into her arduous training, she staged her escape, fleeing through Dexai for the lands west.
  • The woman arrives in Regalia, finding work as a chef, desperate to prove the dragons and her dream wrong. She refuses to be involved with matters of her past, instead hoping to carve out a different future.
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Hello @booette love the aesthetics you used on this application. Please list a single planar alignment of either Void or Exist in parentheses next to your Magic and Demonology. Rest looks good, so just tag me when this is done.