Preserved Sheet Kairavi

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liar and milf lover
Staff member
Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score
twinleaf town, sinnoh region


Basic Information
Full Name: Kairavi Raaje
Race: Suvial.
Age: 23.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Eye Color: Brown.


Core Concept
As a child, Kairavi dreamed of being a household name, revered for her wit and prowess. Sarcastic and headstrong, she held herself in the highest regard. A life of extreme poverty has hardened her to such naivete, and instead she fixates on life's material pleasures. Stingy and selfish, the Suvial aspires to a life of ease. She subscribes to many Vadyalocaï values -- the conquest of demons, the mastery of the occult, and the pursuit of wealth.

Kairavi isn't areligious, but is far from pious. Growing up in Suvial lands has ensured her awareness towards Avinla's effect on her life, but the woman is oft too self-absorbed to ever be grateful. She bears the necessary reverence to Sanraan, and to most Suvial religious beliefs, having been raised there.


Proficiency Information
Total Points: 14
Strength | 0
Constitution | 0
Wisdom | 1
+ Barricade Pack | Quick Cover ( Artificer )
Dexterity | 7
+ Purity Pack | Purifying Shot
+ Buster Pack | Piercing Shot
+ Grenadier Pack | Splash Shot
+ Rushdown Pack | Spray and Pray
+ Reflex Pack |Winging Shot
+ Scaling Pack | Hook Shot
+ Suppressant Pack | Covering Fire
+ Parkour Pack
Magic | 0
Charisma | 6
+ Spirit Weapon Pack [ Void | Firearm ]
+ Spirit Hexlord Pack [ Void ]
+ Spirit Anchor Pack
+ Spirit Haunting Pack
+ Spirit Enfeeblement Pack
+ Spirit Parasite Pack

Ability Information
Artificer Patents
Hacking Patent | Mindslave Patent | Chassis Patent
Bidden Summoning Pack
Hosted Summoning Pack
Invaded Spirit Pack
Vested Spirit Pack
Anchored Summoning Pack

+ Common
+ Agasi


The Suvial is lanky and tall, barely hitting 6'2, with a build comprised of lean, sinewy muscle. Various burns and scars dot her hands and arms, from various mishaps whilst engineering. Her hair is a raven black, generally kept short and tied up.


Life Story
Kairavi Raaje is born to a couple of artifact hunters, mages who prided themselves on the strength of their dominated demons. They die early on in her childhood, leaving her to fend for herself.

An orphan on the streets of a big city, the headstrong girl manages to bind a demon to herself, as her parents had. She survives on scraps -- running odd jobs, eating whatever had been thrown away -- anything to keep her alive.

The experience makes her fierce, and callous. While not the strongest or stealthiest, she is fast and small, and it allows her to eke out a meager living in the slums and bazaars.

At the age of nine, she is offered a home by an old woman who calls herself Iliana. Kairavi is initially distrustful, but after months of the woman repeating her intention, the girl obliges.

She is taken far away to Montania, raised amongst the woman's rather.. eccentric family. Years of fending for herself makes fitting in difficult. Fights are frequent, and genuine attempts to connect are met with the tooth and claw.

The only one who can rein her in is her eldest adopted sister, Raffaella, as the only other child there she couldn't trounce in a brawl. This gains her Kairavi's respect, and eventually, she grows to see the odd bunch as real family.

She spends much of her youth there, and after Raffaella leaves the house at 15, much of the life in their rickety house leaves with her. Kairavi leaves the year after, to follow in her parents' footsteps.

The young hunter returns to Suvial lands, tying demons to herself, and becoming a marksman to be reckoned with. To keep herself afloat between expeditions for artifacts, she takes on odd mercenary jobs, pinching pennies and refusing no work.

Hearing about the influx of demonic possessions and artifacts to the Holy City, Kairavi departs for Regalia.
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@booette Hey app looks good, just need you to make a few edits and you will be set. In your core concept section, please add a note about the characters religious beliefs or outlook. Afflicted Packs can only be bought with the commutable points from Afflictions, just swap one of the Spell Packs you've bought with the Vampire commutable points for this and you'll be set.
As a general note, I'd try consider trying to adjust the name/having a longer full Suvial name that's more in line with that race's naming conventions.