Preserved Sheet Kailu Frisque

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The Worst
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score

"Sea or land, my rule will be felt with golden claws."


Basic Information
  • Full Name: Kailu Frisque
  • Age: 35
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Anub-Khaad Varran (Fenrran)
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Claws


Skill Information

Points - 35
  • +20 Unarmed Combat (+10 from Racial)
  • +10 Front-line Combat (+10 from Racial)
  • +15 Admiral Knowledge
  • +15 Athletic Training (+10 from Racial)
  • +5 Perception Training
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat
    • +10 unarmed points x2 + 10 racial body stat + 5 athletics x2 = 40
  • Body Build
    • Muscular
  • Body Fat
    • Low Body Fat
  • Zcorr - Father's tongue
  • D'Ithanie - Mother's tongue
  • Common - Learned in adolescence


Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Golden-yellow
  • Fur Color: Solid black
  • Clothing: Various fabrics, Satoor, and lots of gold jewelry, rarely decorative armor pieces.
  • Height: 5'8"


Personality and Abilities
  • Alignment
    • Chaotic Neutral - "My people will thrive but I will sit atop the throne."
  • Personality Type
    • The Champion - "My methods are odd, I know this, but largely effective."
  • Religion
    • The Faces of Baskarr - 10/10 - "I do not doubt the validity of other religions but she lights the way for me."


Life Story

  • Kailu Frisque was born in 272 AC.
  • He was the first born son of his generation into a relatively large Varran noble house, in terms of family members, and went on to be close with his family as a whole.
  • Early on he was tutored on basic subjects, taught to speak Zcorr from his father and D'Ithanie from his mother, and generally brought up well as a noble Varran.
  • The young Fenrran was introduced early to the family's trade of mercenary work, beginning learning to fight not only solo but with a group as well.
  • Along with combat, his mother taught him of the religion of Baskarr and other necessities of life as a Varran noble.
  • As he grew older, he traveled alongside his father and the main mercenary company under the Frisque name, where he began learning to command as was his duty as the eldest born.
  • He stuck with the company for a few years before moving on to further his general experience in the world and to take to the family's war fleets.
The Vast World
  • Kailu visited Regalia only a few times simply to see the popular city and get a lay of the land.
  • His focus mainly remained with exploring the world, namely the archipelago, Daendroc, and Ithania.
  • Between the roaming, he studied amongst the Frisque fleets, being molded into a Corsair.
  • As the years went on, he grew to dislike the state of his race at large and became ambitious to not only change that but to spread his family's name beyond the edges of the Empire.
  • After years in Regalia, he gained the following of the Regalian Varran and grew relatively prominent within the city and took up his father's mantle as Lord of the house.
  • Now, the Corsair Lord primarily remains within the city of Regalia, moving back and forth between the Frisque lands and the holy city when necessary.
  • He has gained several positions amongst the Imperial Court and Regalian government and continues to build his house up, albeit with resistance being non-Ailor and having questionable methods.
Last edited:
Sorry for the wait. Love the application, came out great! Approved.
Update time! @Carlit0o
  • Aged him up to 25
  • Redistributed prof points
  • Adjusted build to ripped
  • Changed first muter to Crystal
  • Added fur color to visual info instead of all the hair, skin, etc. options
  • Added a line or two to first, second, and fourth personality paragraphs
  • Adjusted his life story, only the Birth and Present sections
Update @Carlit0o
  • Aged up to 30
  • +5 added to perception training
  • Added Changeling muter
Changed muters to the Middlegod tree and removed boost from Crystal muter.
@Carlit0o Removed all mentions of Silvenism, changed nothing else but will likely be tweaking the app in the near future.
Approved - and I'm on standby for those changes whenever
Finally got around to that update @Carlit0o
  • Aged up to 31
  • Skill points changed
  • Height changed
  • Personality paragraphs updated
  • Life story rewritten
Overall needs an entire re-review!
Small age up and upped build to muscular. Also added preferred weapon @Carlit0o
Update after Varran expansion @Carlit0o
  • Changed subrace
  • Adjusted proficiency points
  • Adjusted visual info
  • Changed personality section to new template
  • Reworked life story entirely