Preserved Sheet Kagan Dak-hammovich

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Terry Seattle
Aug 29, 2017
Reaction score

Kagan Dak-ℍammovich

Basic Informantion
Full Name: Kagan Dak-Hammovich(Clan given Surname) 'The Bloody'
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Race: Green Baq Orc
Sexuality: Undiscovered (But most likely Heterosexual)
Religion: Unionism, but not strong | Tries to believe in his own cultural religion, The Call of Vakgar

Skill Information

Proficiency points: 45
Combat Proficiency Category

+40 Unarmed Fighting (+30 Proficiency Points +10 Racial Boost)
+5 Extra Heavy Combat Skill (+5 Proficiency Points)
+ 10 Perception Training (+ Proficiency Points)


Body Shape: Strongman Body Shape (This can change)
Body Fat: Average Body Fat

Common - From his time spent in the illegal fighting pits for most of his time in Regalia, though is illiterate.
Vashkularr - Fully Understands the language, and was taught as a child by fellow pit fighter (illiterate)



Visual Information
Eye Color: Dark brown iris with light grey sclera
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Semi Bald, with scruffy beard
Skin Color: Green
Clothing: Usually leather body piece, with fur pelt on back / Imperial clothing in public
Height: 6'9 , but can change due to the Orc Goor.



(Kagan Dak-Hammovich's appearance)

ℙersonality & Abilities
To others, Kagan is seen as an uneducated brute, which is true in a sense. But underneath the hard callas of a body is a kind, but unmerciful soul. If he was just walking on the street they would keep their distance and eyes to themselves, he does't have the best manners and etiquette when it comes down to others of a different race. He usually is bruised up and bloody because of his time winning, and loosing pit fights, he does this with his own consent.

Kagan might see himself as someone of great physical power, and stare but never realizes how it might scare off others, he is ashamed and embarrassed of his past of being a fighting slave. He feels a little more comfortable with other Orcs within Regalia because it makes him feel more secure, and in place. If he met someone, he usually wouldn't tell them his true past, his past of being a fighting slave embarrasses him a lot, he see sees it as being weak, he was taken from his home and family to become someones slave. Kagan looks as a brute and someone very strong, he doesn't want to tarnish his name if he told someone so. He usually doesn't tell anyone of his past, but when he does he trusts them with his life, and would do anything for this person. But when someone does bring "Slave" up he flips out and gets quite upset. Kagan knows he is seen as a big husky orc, who doesn't know from right or wrong, but this really impacts Kagan, when around these people he tends to act smarter and more knowledgeable then they might see him. He hasn't experienced love, but has experienced a lot of hate, this really scared Kagans future as he is buried in hate, not a lot of room for love. He usually has an hard or stony expression, and rarely gives a toothy smile, but underneath all the hate is a loving Orc who uncondidiantly loves his fellow Orcs, and even views them as family.

Kagan does have friends, mostly Orc but others of other race, he loves his Orcish brothers and sister and get along with them very well. He never knew his family as he was taken at birth to be sold into slavery, but often thinks of his parents, not even knowing their faces, or name, he replaces those thoughts with looking up to the elders in his clan, using them as a parental figure. When around his Orc brotheren, he usually puts on a cold expression, trying to not let the love spill out, he does this to act hard to prove to them that he is a difficult opponent to beat.

Kagan views his authority with great respect, when it comes down to guards, nobles, or anyone who might be stronger than Kagan. He despises slavery with a passion, and does things on his own terms, not just because someone owns him. Kagan is in a mercenary group so does what ever he has to do to get the job done, but tries not to kill anyone. Kagan actually loves the Empire, Regalia was the only place where he was accepted with open arms, for this he respects it immensely. He doesn't have a set religion, so doesn't believe in anything in particular, only trust and honor is his code.


Life Story
Kagan was born the Son of a male and female Orcs, the origins of his parents are unknown. He did know that he was born in the The Green Baq Tribe, in the year 261 AC.

His mothers pregnancy was in the middle of the night, where someone gave a tip to a slave caravan of the whereabouts of the birth, which was right out of the clan village. His mother and father had a secret pregnancy because his father was already married and had a son, but took love into another orc woman, Kagan was a bastard son. The slave caravan guards, found the screaming little Kagan with his unsuspecting parents, and took him right out of their hands. (He doesn't know this.)

Kagan was sold to owner to owner, cleaning floors and building structures, until he reached the age of six, where he was sold to a wealthy Allar man, who owned a illegal pit fighting business. Him and the other children would put in the worse conditions, and only received water and food if they won each fight. He was trained, tortured, humiliated and beaten to become a strong fighting orc.

At the age of only ten Kagan was the main fight of the night, winning all of his matches. He was known for his intense signature war-cry. Through those years he and other Orc fighters would speak Vashkularr, and would teach Kagan his own mother tongue. He and the other fighters would learn Common by listening to the yells from the crowd, or his owner and older house slaves. Kagan and other fighters would sneak into the food storage and steal what they could, but if caught they usually were beaten to the point of death, so this was a big deal to the children.
Now at the age of 20 he would be given the name, 'Kagan The Bloody', because of all of his nights and days getting pummeled and bloodied. His hate grows more for his owner, and for those who place bets on him.

Kagan would be slow and sluggish more often, and would loose fights on purpose so he could rest. He was locked into a cell for 3 years, just to learn his lesson and fight on, no matter the hurt you are in. For this Kagan was usually starved and dehydrated, but did leave some time to think over his life. He thought if he could break free, he would have nowhere to go, so decided to stay and fight until he ultimately died.

The years go by, fighting and punching was a daily routine for Kagan, until the fighting pit was busted by local city guards, who broke into the place, raiding it. Kagan would be set free at the age of 29.

Not knowing where to go, or what to do, he decides to travel to local bars and taverns, starting organized fights in the ally ways behind them, placing bets on himself most of the time, this happened for a good 10 years. He then got word of Regalia and of the wonders that were apparently there.
Kagan would pack his bag, and would move off towards Regalia, he travels for 5 years, not knowing which direction to go, ending up in the Holy City where he found a group of Orcs, who happily accepted him and treated him like a brother.
He would be given a surname, finally becoming part of a brotherhood. He joins his brothers in The Broken Tusks mercenary group, and would fight
till the death for his brother and sisters in arms.


(Kagan Dak-Hammovich, and other Orcs doing a raid.)
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Here is my review:

Skill Information

  • You have only used 35 out of the 45 total Proficiency Points you have at your disposal.
  • Remember Racial Proficiency Boosts do not count in the Body Stat calculations. This would mean he would not be at Strongman form at present.
Personality and Abilities
  • Elaborate on your second paragraph. Discuss how his anxieties, insecurities, worries etc. may affect his behavior around other people. Think about when he is most susceptible to their effects. Consider adding another sentence to give us a sense of Kagan's inner self; in the first paragraph, we are told on the inside he is someone else entirely. Elaborate on it.
  • Elaborate on your third paragraph. Even if he doesn't have his actual family present, what about those he thinks of as family? How does his behavior switch when around friends, family-like company or lovers? Remember this is to detail how his behavior differs from his usual outward personality.
  • Elaborate on your fourth paragraph. Include more details on his views of authority, corrupted authority, the Empire, etc. Think broad and where he might draw the line on things. How does he view criminal activity?
Life Story
  • Include one or two personal experiences somewhere in these sections that would have a long-lasting impact on his character. Sure, we see he fights frequently and gains his nickname through that, but include other situations that could be applied to flesh out his character.
Make your edits in a legible red then tag me when you've completed them. @Yuest