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Work in Progress Kaen, A Thorn in the Side

This sheet is a work in progress and should not be considered accurate or used actively in roleplay.
Jan 23, 2020
Reaction score
Still in progress, but here in case of random CRP.

Character Information
  • Full Name: Kaen
  • Race / Culture: Yanar/Dulon
  • Age: Bro who knows
  • Gender / Pronouns: They/them, female physical features.
  • Occult: Void, Sanguine.
Core Concept
Kaen Is aggressively controlling over nature, going so far as to start a full blown argument over a leaf that was knocked 'askew' in their eyes. They actively gravitate toward sanguinism and sanguine in general for the allure of power that the curse gives them and the feeling of a 'social' circle to belong to, despite their borderline hostile attitude when it comes to something most would see as minor such as the shape of a shrub.

Appearance Information
Kaen is covered in green moss and often has vines replacing their fingers to toy with, their 'hair' is more akin to wheat than actual hair, even in coloration. A single patch of raspberries is left in their hair as a 'decoration'. Their clothing is mostly burlap and leather stitched together in a near 'dress' based off what they have seen as 'fashion' that isn't offensive. Eyes are a shade of pink and height is six foot even in their more common shift. This is a disguise worn by Kaen to hide their 'true form' which is their Vampiric form. Even without the sanguine infection, the vampiric form is Kaen's true form- without the tell-tale sanguine red irises.

Vampire form (Active) : Kaen's usual greens and lighter shades turn more dark, though keep their 'friendlier' color schemes. Their arms turn to a more deep red color, clothing is replaced by actual fabrics of deep crimson shades, eyes take the red coloration of vampires, hair changes from it's usual wheat color to a more sun soaked orange/blonde color, the raspberry patch in their hair is replaced by a rose, their usually mossy green face is shifted to a more angular structure instead of the typical 'soft' nature of their normal shift and replaced with red bogmoss blending down the the more pale greens that they usually have. Nearly every plant on their body either changes to something more 'ivy' or a paler version of what once was. Overall it is very difficult to tell that this is the same Yanar as their other shift, they take up the name Elwa in this form.

Religion Evolism, specifically Ventra worship.


Magic: 14
Shapeshift Pack
Magic Bolts Pack
Magic Snare Pack (Yanar Free Mage pack)
Magic Trip Pack
Magic Distor Pack
Magic Smog Pack
Magic Bolster Pack

Yanar free Chem Point Buy
Technique parry pack

(The rest to be learned with training, if applicable.)

Attack 7
Def 5

Bemnevel bloodline

Bemnevel mechanic I
Bemnevel mechanic II
Bemnevel mechanic III

Common (Free)
Modern Altalar (Native)
Saan (Native)

Life Story / Plot Hooks
This is still under work in progress. Please don't look, I just needed a sheet up in case they get ganked in the incredibly bloodthirsty streets of Regalia.

Born in Parthanaar, hid away for most of the Dread War, lost a feeling of control over their life and it became a need to control nature around them, blah blah, Regalia?

PLEASE feel free to comment with help, ideas, any proff stuff I did wrong. Literally anything.