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The Two-World Diplomat
Mar 23, 2015
Reaction score
the Void

Kadri Aldahen Haden

"The son lost for the Orcs"


"Do I know you? Yes, I know you! I've never seen you."

Basic Information:

  • Name: Kadri Aldahen Haden
    • Kadric (nickname, often a mistake made spelling his name)
    • Kad
    • Drake
  • Age: 24
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ithanian Ailor (Affected by Vampirism)
  • Main Ambition: Achieve more knowledge and strength.


"I can already smell the blood on my fists.."

Skill Information:
  • Kadri has 14 proficiency points, having attended the School of Graklak:
    • +10 Unarmed Boxing (+10 from School of Graklak)
    • +15 Unarmed Fighting (+10 from School of Graklak, +5 from Points)
    • +10 Medicine (+10 from School of Graklak)
    • +9 Acrobatics (+9 from Points)
  • Cultural Points:
    • +10 Tailoring (+10 from Points)
    • +5 Bodycare (+5 from being an Ithanian Ailor)
  • Known Languages:
    • Common
    • D'Ithanie
    • Vashkulaar (cannot speak nor write it, but is able to grasp some words from when it is spoken by others)


"I've seen you somewhere. I've seen me somewhere."

Visual Information:

  • Eye Color: Dark Green (Changed to red due to vampirism)
  • Hair Color: Balayage Chocolate Brown
  • Hair Style: Unkempt Medium Curly Hair
  • Skin Color: Fair
  • Clothing: Usually simple (maybe confusable with a peasent's)
  • Height: 181cm
  • Body Build: Muscular
  • Weapon of Choice: None (prefers to use his fists)


"Give me.. a tast- D-Don't get close!"

Personality and Abilities:

  • Approaching Kadri:
Kadri's mind is fragmented, due to his split personality: it has two sides. The first, calm, serene, innocent, careful and romantic, does not strive to attack nor to harm others, while the second one, impulsive, lover of gore, battle, drinks and lust, looks for pleasure in the most insane ways. The two will almost like battle for the right to speak in Kadri's mind. This makes the approaching of people considerably difficult, as he can easily be called insane. The incapability of controlling when one or the other side of his personalities speak make him volatile and unpredictable, which usually sets off most strangers to just stay away. In terms of courtesy, half of his mind adapted to the Orc's lack of good impression, while the other half, stuck to its origins, is gentle and kind, showing to have noble courtesy. Most likely, he will say what's wrong or right about someone, since his personalities will often like speak to each other, as if in thinking out loud.
  • Kadri's Ideas:
Describing Kadri's ideas as one simple personality is impossible. Half of Kadri's mind is confident: believes in his strength and ability to put down a foe with just his fists and is quite proud of it. The other half likes to take his time to appreciate and think widely about his decisions, while doubting a lot his capabilities. Besides this, the two personalities often confront each other, uncontrollable. This tends to make both sides or simply one uncomfortable and irritated. The most impulsive side of his mind does not fear, acting careless and overreacting easily. The other half is very cautious and tries to preview the best way into every situation. Needless to say, is that this causes an internal conflict in his mind, at some times. Even if very rarely, there are occasions where he can remain hours with only one of his personalities "active", which might or not be beneficial.
  • Living Around Kadri:
Although his impulsive side can sometimes be very aggressive towards strangers (seen as brutal and heartless) if provoked or lacking trust, both of his sides treasure quite a lot friendships and more serious relationships, especially his calm personality side. This happens also due to the distance created between him and his family, which deprived every possible love he was still to receive. If he likes / loves someone entirely (meaning both personalities like that person), he will be protective and caring – his serious relationships tend to be fuelled by both sides of his personality, in an awkward but helpful balance. His most uncontrollable state can be discovered when a person he values is under danger or being threatened, since it is one of the times the two personalities are alike and can take careless acts togeter. It's important to note, also, that, because of his Ithanian origins, Kadri may see women somewhat superior to men, but his mental disturbance makes it hard for him to focus on such a thing. Moreover, beyond the insane first impressions he gives, he can be a great ally and friend.
  • Kadri's Morality:
The impulsive side of his mind (his impulsive side), mostly supported on the doctrines learned on the School of Graklak, does not care for stranger's well being unless he has a reason to treasure them. He won't fight simply for a morally good act. Instead, he fights for money, survival and/or interest. Like mentioned before, he dislikes any courtesy, and is very linked to the brutal and rudimental nature of Orcs. Also, just like learned amongst them, he prefers to die fighting than to surrender, even if outnumbered, to never stain his glory.

His calm side, however, defends courtesy and Ithanian traditions. Sees that knowledge is the true source of power and strives to enlarge said knowledge. He's very linked to family and thinks he is only strong, unlike the other side of his personality, when surrounded by trusted people.


"I'm a weakness, I must go. Me? I must stay."


  • Mind Conflicts: Kadri's constant switching of personality can be tiring, unbearable for both sides, sometimes making him lose his own chains to reality, lost to just battle inside his head as two sides contradict each other.

  • Hallucinations: Kadri has gone slightly insane after his transformation into a vampire. This can rarely have some side effects, specially when he doesn't feed in a while, or is not mentally stable due to his personality change. These hallucinations include seeing inexistent objects or people and other minor side-effects. Although these occur rarely, they can be enough to affect his mental state.


"I'd give a demonstration, but you'd be dead by the time I was done."

Life Story:

  • Kadri Aldahen Haden was born in Ithania and grew up with its culture. Kadri was born with a minor mental disturbance, that caused him to have a split personality. However, this was never discovered by their parents, as it developed mostly during his puberty.
  • At the age of 10, just like all of his siblings, he was sent to another location in Aloria. For him, it was Daendroc. He was accompanied by an entrusted mentor, that was supposed to teach him medicine.
  • However, with different interests and due to his mental disturbance starting to grow as he discovered more of the world, he starts gaining interest in the local Orc settlement's doctrines and fighting styles, mostly for the brutal and animal nature of it.
  • After one year settled in Daendroc, and after various visits to the jungles by himself, without the acknowledgement of the mentor, he escapes to one of these settlements, where a family of Orcs houses him, thinking he was lost or simply had been left behind.
  • His mentor ends up killed by Orcs, after being caught on a trap while looking for Kadri. Kadri enters the School of Graklak, in which he develops all his fighting abilities, along with some medicine skills to recover from battle. His split personality gets more noticeable, as he had a gory-driven and brutal personality in battle, and a calm and friendly one in his daily life.
  • At the age of 21, Kadri leaves the Orc settlement, ending his trainings on the School, being brought to Regalia by a former School of Graklak's member.
  • While protecting a family for money, Kadri almost gets killed while the entire family dies in a vampire ambush. Kadri survives thanks to the vampirism he develops. However, during the transformation, his mental state is aggravated and his two personalities merge into something volatile and unpredictable.
  • After the incident, Kadri adapts to the vampire lifestyle and keeps living as one, surviving as the insane mind he is.


"I used to read, when I was a kid."
Born an innocent child, Kadri was raised in the Ithanian Cultures, along with his 5 brothers. His family had a determined faith for him and each of his siblings, like done by his ancestors, almost as a family tradition. Each of the children were, at the age of 10, taken with a mentor from their home land to the most distinct places of Aloria, later to be reunited at an older age. With this, his family hoped to bring the Haden's culture to the maximum.

Kadri was set, at said age, to sail to Daendroc and settle on some of the most populated Ailor communities and grow up developing medicine and surgery skills, along with an entrusted mentor from the School of Medicine. Ironically, Kadri did develop some medicine skills, however, not in the way his parents expected.

In other words, Kadri started pursuing a different career and ambition in life, since his first years in Daendroc. As referred to before, he was born an innocent child, but he would later on let go of this characteristic of his. Or at least, part of it. Kad was born with an odd mental disturbance, mostly ignored by his family, but that would soon prove to be an emblematic mark of his personality.

Moreover, Kad was born as normal as other kids, but would, with years and experiences, become more fragmented. His split personality was branching his mind into another facet of his. This was not developed until his departure to Daendroc, however, as his knowledge of the world was really strict and controlled until then.

A year later, Kadri would have gained a passion for the adrenaline of battle, mostly experienced on the jungles of Daendroc. As he unwillingly studied with his mentor, he would often wander off into the dangerous wilderness, against the will and without the knowledge of his mentor, to discover other types of proficiencies that were much more tempting for him than surgery, or medicine. The nearest Orc settlements' doctrines would start to please and seed curiosity on him. Eventually, Kad leaves the Ailor community to find and integrate himself inside the School of Graklak.

It was extremely hard such an integration, as expected, but it was where this new facet of his shined. Beyond his intelligence and cunning, integrant of both parts, and beyond his calm and peaceful side that reigned mostly during his childhood, he seeded an interest for obscure powers and diseases, as well as a "taste" for blood. His fearless state in battle led him to fight his way inside the School, even though he was not at first accepted. Instead of being left to rotten with broken bones under the large jungles of Daendroc, he was taken as if he was lost by a family of Orcs, he luckily not dying with only 11 years.

Uncontrollably, his personality started to split more vividly during his puberty, his mental state changing completely once punched, kicked, or simply provoked. It was on this School's training that he developed the most his muscle mass. His evolution was gradually slow, primarily, forcing him to develop various medicine skills in order to recover from training fights, in the School itself. Countless were the times Kadri reached near death from fighting, but his persistence was admirable.

His family, unhappy to hear from the mentor that their child would have entered such a crude and gross environment, urge to send his mentor to rescue him, however, with no success. Instead, the mentor ended up being killed by Orcs, in the process, after being caught on a trap. His family never again received any information regarding the mentor, or their son.

After reaching the peak of his abilities on the School ten years later, almost completely forgetting his origins and accept the Orc's doctrines as his, Kad is brought back to the Ailor communities. At this time, he managed to grasp the Orc's language, but not enough to speak it. His mental disturbance would develop only during battle, as his gory facet would only show during a fight. The one bringing him back to the Ailor communities was a former Ailor member of the School of Graklak, that had services for him, in Regalia.

As he learned from all those years that money was a precious value worth a fight, he accepted to serve a family on protection, already in Regalia. Yet, it was this protection that brought even further his taste for blood. Once attacked by a vampire's Coven, outnumbered and fighting until he fell, he expected to die instead of surviving the attack, while the family to protect was slaughtered. Instead, his painful transformation into a vampire would break his mind completely and, at a final state, heal all his wounds from the fight. He would have remained at the family's settlement in Regalia for the whole transformation, away from the main city, with no aid nor salvation.

From the transformation, remained his body build and skills, but what separated the two sides of his personality was shattered, leaving him slightly insane. As his taste for blood from the vampirism developed, his whims to draw blood from enemies and slaughter his prey were large. The only thing that stops him from killing beings until his death is his split personality, which contradicts itself, flickers from calm to euphoric, and causes him to occasionally get dazed and lose track of his objectives for some time.

Currently, Kadri lives in Regalia, still enslaved to vampirism, hiding in the shadows as part of him tries to evade battle, and the other seeks for the pleasure of blood and gore.

Last edited:
Made some changes to build, as well as to the life story, so it could fit the School of Graklak better!
Although he can sometimes be very aggressive towards strangers (seen as brutal and heartless), he treasures quite a lot friendships and more serious relationships, especially due to his calm personality side. This happens also due to the distance created between him and his family, which deprived every possible love he was still to receive. If he likes / loves someone entirely (meaning both personalities like that person), he will be protective and caring – his serious relationships tend to be fuelled by both sides of his personality, in an awkward but helpful balance. His most uncontrollable state can be discovered when a person he values is under danger or being threatened, since it is one of the times the two personalities are alike. It's important to note, also, that, because of his Ithanian origins, Kadri may see women somewhat superior to men, but his mental disturbance makes it hard for him to focus on such a thing. Moreover, beyond the insane first impressions he gives, he can be a great ally and friend.
I think it's worth noting how people even get to this point, or how he does as well. Considering his destructive and volatile personality, I'd go into detail regarding how it affects social circles and family.

Make changes in purple and @ me when done.
Made some changes to try and explain how some of those reactions emerge. All changes marked in purple as indicated, @Mooffins
Thank you very much for the review! I'll remove the marking purple if you won't mind ;)