Preserved Sheet Kaalo Allssana

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Jan 30, 2016
Reaction score

Kaalo Allssana

Basic Information
  • Full Name: Kaalo Szallun Allssana 'Ksza' or 'Kaal'
  • Age: 50
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Al-Allar
  • Sexuality: Lizardo
  • Preferred Weapon: Alchemy or fellow Allar
Skill Information

Race Boosts

  • +10 Alchemy Sciences
  • +10 Medical Sciences
Body Proficiencies
  • +10 Bodycare Training
Science Proficiencies
  • +20 Alchemy Sciences
  • +15 Food and Drink Sciences
  • +5 Nature Care Sciences
Body Shape
  • 5 Body State, Toned Body Shape, Very Low Body Fat.
  • Common (10/10)Learned due to exposure.
  • Zasta (10/10) Native Language.
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Yellow
  • Horn Color: Ivory
  • Horn Style: Uncut
  • Scale Color: Blue
  • Clothing Style: Simple garbs, with accents complimenting the colors of his body.
  • Height: Five feet, four inches.
Personality Section
  • Alignment: Lawful Good - Due to typical Allar anxiety, Kaalo would not break the law for non-Allar unless he was threatened by death to do so. He would however breach the law in non-malicious ways for his fellow lizards. He genuinely wants to help people with his skills and enjoys seeing people benefiting from work he has done, especially other Allar.
  • Personality Type: ISFJ The Defender - Kaalo has a friendly and protective personality, and he sees his skills as protecting other Allar from harm in the same way a Mu or Sa-Allar would. He takes thing from his work personally, if he fails, to him it's likely his fault, if a client isn't satisfied, he likely messed up. He is loyal, supportive, and patient, but a great flaw is his repression of his emotions, keeping them inside and trying to supress them, to much private anguish.
  • Religion: As of now, Kaalo believes that all religions have to have some degree of truth to them, but that may change as Regalia influences him.
Life Story
  • (0-10) Early Childhood: Kaalo was born from a batch of thirteen eggs in Osstissa, in the year 257 AC, which were all moved around the region to be with groups of their respective subraces. Kaalo was no exception, being moved to a small house of Al-Allar. He picked up cooking during this age, and it would remain an important hobby for him throughout the rest of his life.
  • (10-20) Becoming a Grown Lizard: In his teen years, he grew a habit of trying to keep himself as well groomed as he can, leading him to explore the world of bodycare, he also began gardening for fun, he enjoyed caring for the plants during a period where he couldn't care for others as well. At nineteen he began an apprenticeship with a local alchemist, who was a great friend and mentor to Kaalo.
  • (20-30) Displacement: That went well for a while, as Kaalo spent the next nine years learning of different ingredients and what they do when mixed together and how to mix them together, accumulating some capital and the good stuff like that, while developing his culinary skill in his freetime, but did you notice how I said 'A while', it was for only a while, as in 286 the Regalian Empire came in and attacked. Awoken in the middle of the night by the sound of shells, he scrambled to the alchemist's shop to only find him dead, and then he fled into the jungle, bringing some alchemical supplies with him to try and start a new life.
  • (30-40) Tribe Time: Kaalo had joined up with some other Allar, forming a hidden community where he acted as their only doctor of sorts in that jungle, until the day they had gotten word from a passing trader that the war had ended, and then Kaalo decided to make his way to Uesston to do work there.
  • (40-50) Making the Way to Regalia: Kaalo took up work at a restaurant in Uesston, learning of many flavors from different parts of the world due to the influence of traders there. While Kaalo was working here he often sold some alchemical products as a side hustle but it didn't amount to much. In 307, the restaurant went bankrupt, and he saw a notice inviting Allar to come to Regalia and serve the Digmaan there @Jupiter6700 , so he took the remainder of his coin and travelled there, quickly finding work at the Talon and Claw.