Preserved Sheet Juzolias Kra'zzla

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Student of Hydration
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Asha gang(TM), Maraya gang(TM)

Basic Information
  • Full Name: Juzolias Casslloa
  • Age: 30 (Born April 12th, 277 A.C.)
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Varran: Warran
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Juzolias arrived in Regalia recently, the Varran having just been able to escape from an Avanthar tribe on the borderlands of the reformed Elven Empire. Juzolias knew that he for Regalia, having saved him from his slaving masters, owed something to them. Additionally, he knew his former crewmates often stopped there, and thus aside from home, this was where he should head if he wished to get somewhere in the world. As of current, Juzolias owns a small house nearby the Golden Willow Tavern, however it is simply that. Inside, there are no belongings, or furnishings, aside from a bedroll and an oil lamp. This is due to his already stated new arrival, and lack of a steady job as of current.
  • Juzolias was born to two Warran Varran in a small settlement, by the names of Ceuna Casslloa and Lazje Kra'zzla. His father comes from a large family in Daen, however Lazje himself had split off at a young age to follow his childhood love of Ceuna. Juzolias grew up somewhat well off, he was the youngest of his litter, and thus received much less assistance in his early life. Juzolias was never one to particularly stick to the intricacies of Varran culture, yet it does not mean he was acutely aware of them. He stuck with his family of birth for a decade, until around the age of ten he found himself to a school in Lusits, far past the desert, where he studied history. He here had his first interactions with the Regalian Empire, however at this point in his life he felt he owed no loyalty to them, and instead his family who had taken him in as their own.
  • Although Juzolias may want to return to his homeland eventually, he also wishes to find his way in Regalia. This generally means a stable job, a home to call his own, and a family to surround him. The familial role his newfound Kra'zzla frieplay is what he has wanted, due to him as a young child having only his parents and siblings. He also wishes, on some subconscious level, to find at least some more about his own race's past, which currently he knows only snippets about from his time in the School of History.

Skill Information
  • Proficiency points: Total points: (30/30)
    • +14 Athletic training (+10 from being Varran, +4 from points)
    • +11 Unarmed combat skill (+10 from being Varran, +1 from points)
    • +10 Perception training (+10 from being Varran)
    • +10 Historical knowledge (+10 from points)
    • +9 Thin blades combat skill (+9 from points)
    • +6 Sailing knowledge (+6 from points)
  • Body shape:
    • Physical stat: 31
    • Body shape: Muscular
    • Body fat: Average
  • Languages:
    • Zcorr (Native language.)
    • Daendroquin (Spoken in Lusits.)
    • Common (Partially spoken in Lusits, learned to read in School of History, becoming fluent in Regalia.)
  • Special traits: N/A
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Jade-green.
  • Fur Color: Brown and beige highlights.
  • Head Fur Style: Juzolias supports a Fu-Manchu mustache, and has three prominent braids of hair on his mane, each one held together with a gold-painted iron ring.
  • Clothing: Juzolias wears a indigo-colored robe coat tailored for Varran, in combination of a Varran-styled sash consisting of muted colors. He generally avoids shoes.
  • Height: Juzolais stands at 6'1 ft (185.5 cm).
Personality and Abilities
  • Outside perception: When one meets Juzolias, they would first and foremost hear his thick Lusitian accent from, naturally, Lusits, which most likely would lead them to believe him foreign. His accent does however contain traces of an accent of Varran sailors, and someone from Daen which comes from both his father and mother. Moving past his outward appearances and accent, after talking briefly with him they would immediately notice his odd sense of personal honor. His 'personal honor' most likely originates from the loss of his siblings at a young age, and the wish to protect the rest of his family, even as a child. If one were to simply hear about Juzolias, it would not be apparent immediately that he held himself to these values. His personal honor system specifically puts into his head that failure is because of a flaw in himself, or a lack of knowledge, and thus at various points in his life it is easy to see how and why he reacted the way he did. However, when he fails, it is not simply he accepts that he has, but instead takes a great deal of shame along with it. His 'honor' in this way, is not so much honor to the world, as it is realism to the self at an extreme level. One would most likely figure out that he holds these beliefs after a failing of his. A person who at all knew Juzolias however would very well know that at heart the Varran is a deeply compassionate and hardworking individual, even if he may not seem it in the moment. Someone who had the unfortunate experience to hear about his past experiences may simply believe that Juzolias was someone out-of-place.
  • Internal thoughts: Juzolias remarkably is a somewhat calm and thoughtful individual, often taking the time to work out a situation before he truly would delve into it in an attempt to solve it, unless it interferes with his honor complex. This partly comes from his education in the histories, and his knowing and workings of carpentry and sailing. This does not however mean that he is not a quick-thinking when needed, nor will the Varran occasionally make mistakes, which again, impact his self-honor complex. Juzolias is a faithful, and semi-optimistic person on the inside, and views himself in a positive light. He does however, feel ashamed of the lack of half of his tail. Juzolias additionally, while believing he is much more skilled than most, will always admit the flaws in his ability. This does not interfere with his honor complex, and instead, actually supports it due to the fact that in his ideas of self-realism mean that he takes along with it play directly into his confidence in his abilities.
  • Family action: Juzolias's interactions with family open him even further to his more attached, and oddly evasise side when dealing with family, however when it comes to those dealing with his family, he would come off as far more closed off than most. One would often see Juzolias treasuring any and all moments with the Kra'zzla or other family-type figures in his life. Juzolias also occasionally attempts to be humorous, however most likely fail in these attempts as the Varran may instead come off as sarcastic. In the event Juzolias ever had a lover, he would , while at first possibly trusting them as much as he does a distant friend, in time they would grow to be something along the lines of a fellow Casslloa, or Kra'zzla.
  • Morals: Juzolias generally comes off as fairly unpredictable to most in terms of his alignment to any certain moral philosophy, minus his ideas of freedom mentioned below. To Juzolias, you do what must be done in order to further yourself and whom you align with, no matter what it may be. While remaining square out of the realm of a full Machiavellian, Juzolias would definitely fit within his scope of some of his ideas. Juzolias, while believing that there are some people who are naturally above him and his family, believes that most everyone should have a fair and free shot at what they can do in life. Juzolias however, views defiance in an interesting light. While he himself was a pirate for many years, meaning he turned his back on the lawfulness of the world, it does not mean he served himself by a code of his own. Because of this, Juzolias sees those who betray what they originally believe in in a somewhat negative light.
  • Worldview: Although originally in life, Juzolias had no true religion, after joining the crew of Shakir's Watch he became fiercely loyal to his resurrected cat-goddess Baskarr. He will often be seen offering various things he can spare to her, and knows to himself that it will bring good things. Juzolias, while acknowledging the supernatural power of the Emperor with the recent dragon crisis, he does not follow Unionism of any sort. Juzolias instead as stated above, believes in a form of freedom and say for all, possibly leading back to his time as a corsair many years ago. Because of this, his view of commoners and nobles of birthright is wavy. He supports the religious figures of the priestesses of Baskarr, however aside from this, hereditary advantage is not something he supports. He does however, view the gaining of power due to skill as a good thing, similar to military rank and the Corsair Warlords.
  • Half-tail: Juzolias has a singular physical weakness that has only recently arisen, however has seriously dampened his ability to communicate with other Varran, and has been a serious blow to his morale. Juzolias's tail is only half of what it was. This throws off much of the balance he once had during combat, and if he used it during then, his near third arm. This is not even to mention that it disallows communication between other Varran in the classic Varran way. Juzolias lost the end of his tail during his brief time he was in the Ularean Wastes, because of a failed escape and subsequent punishment. Because of this failure, Juzolias holds a near permanent sense of shame when it comes to his leadership abilities due to his self-realism, combined with a great deal of sorrow for his loss of connection to his own race.
Life Story
  • Juzolias was born on April 12th, 277 A.C. to Ceuna, his mother, and Lazje, his father in a solely Varran community on the edge of the La Cour de Ciècle (Great Ithanian desert), heavily populated with Sarran. Juzolias was the third born of his seven siblings, and one of only three Warran-born including himself.
  • Ceuna was a ship's surgeon, while his father Lazje was an ex-corsair who had left Daen as his life goals began to differ from that of the rest of the Kra'zzla grouping.
  • Juzolias practiced with some of the other Varran children, with both his acrobatic skill when climbing makeshift desert dwellings, and his carpentry skill, when building them himself.
  • His early childhood was marred by famine, due to the region they lived in, the Regalian Pessimism and lack of trade within the Empire, thus cutting off most of the food supplies for the isolated community.
  • Juzolias's four Yarran siblings, and much of the settlement soon began to vanish due to exodus or starvation. Juzolias during this time became fiercely protective of his family, even if he was only a single digit old.
  • Because of the sudden vanishing of half of the town's populace, it was once again able to survive the famine, however it's viability as something that could survive in the long term.
  • When Juzolias was eight, he and the two Warran-born Varran siblings he had remaining ventured into the nearby desert, where they would come across the ruins of an old Elven outpost. This marked the beginning of the Varran's interest in the histories.
  • At age nine, the young Juzolias and family finally fled the failing settlement, and immigrated to Lusits. Juzolias's father joined with the crew of Corsairs, some of which were Kra'zzla. His mother and two siblings were left alone to make their own way in Lusits.
  • The fractured family of now only four climbed the ladder in Lusits, Unionism having not made it's full swing around yet. Ceuna worked as a surgeon in a local clinic, and supported the family in a lower-middle class existence. Juzolias during his period began becoming adept as speaking quickly and with power due to his needing to fend for himself much of the time, this leading to the occasional skirmish as well.
  • In 286 A.C., after the outbreak of the Chrysant War and a year after having left, their father returned with a plethora of looted items and currency. Most of which had been stolen from the now devastated Chrysant Kingdom of Osstissa. The strange Allar artifacts again reinforced an intrigue of foreign history for the young Varran, as well as a mild acceptance towards piracy as a way of living.
  • Juzolias, due to his already sparked interest was pushed into the School of History in 289 A.C., and attended a small academy in the capital of Lusits using the newfound wealth. The school taught him what he knew of Common initially. He did however, not learn Daendroqiun as he instead more often conversed with the Nelfin of the city rather than the Ailor.
  • Juzolias finished his studies in 293 A.C. Juzolias wishes to at this point settle down, seeing as most Varran do around this age. He heads south towards Osso in Andalon in the early months of 295 A.C.
  • Juzolias is assaulted in the streets of Ssil while attempting to pass through because of his 'Regal' demeanor compared to most. He is saved by a crewman of the Shakir's Watch, a corsair ship largely crewed by the Kra'zzla family of his true birth. The crewman was Shakir himself.
  • Out of Juzolias's sense of honor and yearn to learn, he joins them on their voyage in 295 A.C. and begins to learn the modern culture of Varran which he had not yet been fully exposed to. He was taken under the wing of the ship's carpenter, as although Juzolias knew partially how to fight, it was not his forte.
  • Over time, Juzolias becomes more and more engaged in the Varran religion, and begins to worship Baskarr. He also becomes adept with a cutlass, as well as being able to climb with ease (as he was often up on the rigging). The already onboard carpenter assisted in his teaching as well.
  • Juzolias, during various stops into a heavily Qadir-immigrant city in Daen, met with a Qadir whom he had a relationship with that lasted over the number of years he served a carpenter. This Qadir briefly was brought as a passenger aboard the ship, before Juzolias and his mentor-carpenter decide that they together would take shore leave back home in Lusits. Due to Shakir's Watch continuing it's raiding of Hadarian coasts along with other Varran corsairs, they were taken aboard a cargo ship to Lusits.
  • Juzolias's transport was intercepted outside of Therín'valwë, and the crew were enslaved and sold off in the ex-Allar city, and shipped off across Daen to various Elven holds. Juzolias attempted to woo the fight in favor of the Varran by rousing the crew members to retreat while they had the chance, however failed. He went unpunished.
  • Juzolias is sent into the Ularen Wastes in 304 A.C., where he is found to have been sold to a tribe of Avanthar, losing track of his long time mentor. Here he works as a carpenter, due to his experience on vessels of the sea, and having apprenticed as a carpenter on board.
  • Juzolias, along with other Zcorr speaking Varran who happened to be enslaved attempt an escape about a year after he arrived at the camp. The rebellion fails, and all surviving Varran have half their tails removed. Juzolias suffers massively, and his ability to function for a short period is stopped, as the Casslloa falls into a brief depression. He is instead assigned to farms outside of the settlement.
  • In 306 A.C., advancing Regalian soldiers that had been chasing the Avanthar Horde off after the successful attack on the Avanthar leadership liberate the area, and free Juzolias.
  • Juzolias, having been inspired by the soldiers of Regalia heads to the Holy City himself on what little money he owns.
  • Juzolias at this point discovers Fawzi Kra'zzla, and many other members of the Kra'zzla family that had served aboard his first vessel. Juzolias finally decides to rejoin with the Kra'zzla in truth, as he learns his father Lazje and the rest of his family are still safe enough back in Lusits.
  • Juzolias at this point discovers the rest of the Kra'zzla grouping in Regalia, that had served aboard his first vessel. Juzolias decides to however, not stick with them, realizing that his goals differ from their own. He does however, continually contact his family back in Lusits, and still engage with the Kra'zzla.
  • As of June 25th, 307 A.C., he has returned to Regalia from an extended trip to Lusits to visit with his family.


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Unsure if this is allowed now that you have claimed it, however I have changed around some of the proficiency points to better fit how I wish the character played. After toying with him in roleplay, I believe the set up now to be appropriate with how I wish the character to be. Otherwise, no changes except some fat-trimming in the life story.
  • +12 Nelfin History (+2 From points, +10 From School of History)
  • +11 Pre-Cataclysm History (+1 From points, +10 From School of History)
  • +10 Post-Cataclysm History (+10 From School of History)

A Varran Historian is actually adorable and you've made my day.

(31/31) Spent, (-10 to School of History)
31-10 from the school is 21 points left to spend, but you spent 22. Just omit one of your points to fix.

His personal honor most likely originates from the loss of his siblings at a young age, and the wish to protect the rest of his family, even as a child.
Dictate more of how he exemplifies this personal honour. Is he all-around nice? Does he participate in charity? Explain more what this means to the people he encounters.

Juzolais remarkably is a somewhat calm and thoughtful individual, often taking the time to work out a situation before he truly would delve into it in an attempt to solve it, unless it interferes with his honor complex. This partly comes from his education in the histories, and his knowing and workings of carpentry and sailing. This does not however mean that he is not a quick-thinking when needed, nor will the Varran occasionally make mistakes, which again, impact his self-honor complex. Juzolias is a faithful, and semi-optimistic person on the inside, and views himself in a positive light. He does however, feel ashamed of the lack of half of his tail.
Talk about his confidences in his own abilities.

I don't believe he'd be neutral evil due to his time as a pirate. Being a pirate is indicative of stealing, raiding, and generally a lot of anti-law acts. You're better off simply not classifying him as anything and keeping with what you have, so there isn't a confliction.

Make changes in purple and tag me when done. @ezalB
Purple! Such a regal color.

Oh yes, history. I saw the exploration thread Marty posted a few months back and saw it contained the possible exploration of Varran ruins and I figured that any Varran that cared about anything more than his or her current self would want to delve into their history. Plus I've never had a history character before, nor a Varran or a fighter in a long time.

Also, I believe I have correctly changed everything. I'm 99.999% sure. So, here we go! @Mooffins
I don't believe he'd be neutral evil due to his time as a pirate. Being a pirate is indicative of stealing, raiding, and generally a lot of anti-law acts. You're better off simply not classifying him as anything and keeping with what you have, so there isn't a confliction.
I don't know if it matters but- Fawzi was on the same ship as Juzolias. Fawzi was a pirate as well and is now the captain of their ship. Fawzi's morality is Lawful-Neutral. Considering their main focus was raiding elves, I'd believe that in their eyes, they would see that they're justified in raiding elven ships and settlements. Due to their long history of most elven races mistreating them as well and that they'd likely be freeing other varan slaves in their raids (and many of Varran on the crew are former slaves), I'd think they'd feel like they're in the right.
I don't know if it matters but- Fawzi was on the same ship as Juzolias. Fawzi was a pirate as well and is now the captain of their ship. Fawzi's morality is Lawful-Neutral. Considering their main focus was raiding elves, I'd believe that in their eyes, they would see that they're justified in raiding elven ships and settlements. Due to their long history of most elven races mistreating them as well and that they'd likely be freeing other varan slaves in their raids (and many of Varran on the crew are former slaves), I'd think they'd feel like they're in the right.

While I agree with it (also I think I might have touched on that under relationships), I decided to go with a more Machiavellian sort of feel, where you do what must be done in order to ensure your power and the powers of those you wish to have it. In his eyes, they aren't freeing those slaves out of the kindness of his heart, but freeing them because the ship needs more crew members and people who like them. Although, outwardly he would say it's because of his pity for them, internally it'd be that. Machiavellian sorta feel I suppose. Lawful-Neutral to the world as a cover, Machiavellian in his actions and himself. Honestly that mentality probably comes from his study of rulers in history, and his experiences with the two crews. Not even to mention his bit as a slave, where again, he did what he must in order to secure himself.
Pirates are pirates, and I don't change my stance on the edit I requested for him.
Updated to fit new proficiency system. Updated to fit new character application. Updated to fit Kra'zzla family updates. Minor fixes to life story, age reduced to more viable age in conjunction with family. Application status updated to require new reviewer.

  • You have one too many languages for his age. Common is no longer a free age, so either bump him up a year or drop one of the languages.
Tag me when you've made this change, please and thank you!
Oh lordy, I had thought I fixed that when I learned that! Or-- I did-- I suppose I had just figured that he wouldn't instantly learn a new language once he reached the age of thirty without quite thinking that the whole age thing was again for balance. But... such is balance. Should be good!

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