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Justice Shall Sing


Who knows, maybe she is mabyelline
Jan 7, 2022
Reaction score
United States
Roleplay Guilds
The Pale Flame Lounge

A piece of parchment found itself pinned to every conceivable board within Regalia - even within the Purity District.


"Lord-Protector" Riftan of House Vaedra; Alleged Purger-Knight of the Lothar Order has disgraced himself before the honorable citizens of Regalia and House Abasnaddi. I write as a fierce champion of the citizens of Regalia as well as a guard of House Abasnaddi, as the Lothar Knight has learned. I write in order to make the public aware of the dishonorable actions this "Lord-Protector" has managed to procure. As it stands, the Knight has two active offenses against his name to add to the pile of shameful actions he has already produced. These two new offenses are as follows:
  • Firstly, "Lord-Protector" Riftan of House Vaedra has insulted Lord Tanith Abasnaddi by accusing him of being afflicted. Such an accusation is a damning one to make to any member of the peerage, as House Belrose may account for as I made an appearance within their estate to confront "Lord-Protector" Riftan Vaedra. Further, at the time of the accusation, the man even dared to call on Heishan, wasting her time in the process, to confirm whether these accusations are true. Let it be known that the Knight's accusations were found to be false. A sick waste of the time of those blessed by the Dragons and of House Abasnaddi. It should be duly noted that a Conjurer of Zanobi, myself, serves under House Abasnaddi. There are no afflicted to be found in the house that an Archon works in– such would never occur. The "Lord-Protector" should have been aware of such as we had a discussion outside of the once Metropolitan Castle with Countirh Akurgal Abasnaddi present. There should have been no doubts that I worked for House Abasnaddi. Therefore, the Vaedra's accusation is a double-edged sword in insult. I have addressed my end dealing with my honor, but there will be no rest until respect is restored to Lord Tanith Abasnaddi– I will ensure such.

  • Secondly, "Lord-Protector" Riftan of House Vaedra has maimed Honorable Zolo Baker Vovznak. I will not waste the space on this parchment to explain the relationship between the two, as the Knight has squandered any hope in the realm of brotherhood. However, I will note that this is the second time that "Lord-Protector" Riftan Vaedra has maimed his biological brother– this time severing Honorable Zolo Baker Vovznak's hand within the Regalian Park in front of peerage and those who are close to Honorable Zolo Baker Vovznak. Thankfully, as it should be known, Honorable Zolo Baker Vovznak has been taken care of and is well healed, though I cannot attest to his mental state. I can only state that the Lothar Knight is as backwards as they come and will meet justice for his actions. Such will not befall from my hands, as I have no position to play in ensuring such. Instead, it is with hope that I write that the Viridian Order sees to their duties. Still, as Honorable Zolo Baker Vovznak is a great family friend to House Abasnaddi, it is my duty to protect his honor and ensure his safety.
Justice shall sing, Whether his own hand falls from his arm in return, he stands before another Honor Trial, or is publicly slandered will be dictated by the currents of the winds. Lord-Protector Riftan of House Vaedra, do not test the will of the citizens of Regalia. Do not test the will of this Conjurer of Zanobi.

Glory to the Empire,

Aaliyah Al-Hakim

Conjurer of Zanobi, Loyal Servant to the Empire

A response was swiftly placed under parchment

Do not waste ink to fight for Baker. Anyone who knows the man is more than aware that he is friend of afflicted. I have witnessed him cooking a meal for a vampire, calling him "fluffy". He is friends with Death cultists too, priestess of Lantern Imani not barred entry to his restaurant.

Wulf Eikiskjaldi Grofsmid, commander of Deathbane militia
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A note finds itself only on the most seen board this notice has been posted on. Only one of its kind exist, the parchment isn't fine but the penmanship is well enough. Scrawled in charcoal, and perhaps the font was meant to elude to menacing intent, despite the general cordiality of the words:


Do not forget your duty to the dragons, even more so, to Zanobi.


All magic is an affliction on this world. A DISEASE inflicted by the very first invasions 70,000 years ago.

Tanith Abasnaddi is a mage. Tanith Abasnaddi is afflicted. Tanith Abasnaddi is INFECTION.

Do your duty, both an an Archon of Zanobi, and as a loyal house guard. CLEANSE THE MAGE FOR HIS OWN PROTECTION.


Sun Heishan
A note finds itself only on the most seen board this notice has been posted on. Only one of its kind exist, the parchment isn't fine but the penmanship is well enough. Scrawled in charcoal, and perhaps the font was meant to elude to menacing intent, despite the general cordiality of the words:


Do not forget your duty to the dragons, even more so, to Zanobi.


All magic is an affliction on this world. A DISEASE inflicted by the very first invasions 70,000 years ago.

Tanith Abasnaddi is a mage. Tanith Abasnaddi is afflicted. Tanith Abasnaddi is INFECTION.

Do your duty, both an an Archon of Zanobi, and as a loyal house guard. CLEANSE THE MAGE FOR HIS OWN PROTECTION.


Sun Heishan

The note would be taken home by the fellow Archon, Aaliyah. A note would be directly sent to Heishan through the means of Dragon Magic, a shimmering purple piece of parchement that would vanish upon its reading. It read the following:

Sun Heishan,

I have not forgotten my duty, let alone my duty to Zanobi. As Zanobi champions, I approach conversion with love and do not force upon those who are unwilling. Even though I stand with the Eternal Tower and seek to have every Mage of another dimension converted, I cannot and will not make this decision for them. Have heart, my fellow Archon. You saw as I had converted, now have hope that the rest may do the same.

Convert or die is not to far from the words of the Lothar who wait eagerly to destroy our kind next. At any cost. By any means.

Lord-Protector Riftan is a fine example, as he had me held in his state by the point of his sword.

Aaliyah Al-Hakim
The Lothar knight that had aided the Lord Protector in the maiming, protecting him in the act, huffs out a sigh of relief as he puts the papers down.
"It appears not being known well enough has its perks..."