Just An Average Day At Plaza... Or Is It?

found what i see nothing ?
I took a picture as well.
Saddam Hussein, Hitler and Osama bin Laden. Escourted by two diamond-plated guards.

Sounds about right for a medieval rp server. :)[DOUBLEPOST=1357323371][/DOUBLEPOST]Actually, strike that Hussein reference, they're both wearing swastikas. That's young and old hitler. BFFs.
LOL massivecraft is so good, that even the terrorists faked their death so they could play on it!
I am calling on all people who hate bad haircuts to join together with me in NATO (North Allorian Treaty Organization) to take Hitler with his iconical mustache , osama bin laden with his overgrown beard, and some Nazi officer down.
I remember there was a time when it was encouraged to use a medieval skin... Now I see it is accepting all types xD I even saw a nude skin at spawn earlier today
Its still encouraged to use mediaval skins, no change. It's not that easy to hunt them down....
So u want admins to spend our time standing and looking at spawn all day?
I remember I wore around a girl skin for a while... Yeah