
The Undying Galean King
May 17, 2014
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So me and another friend of mine that have played massive for a while, and MC in general for far longer, keep having a conversation IRL, that I felt I should bring to everyone else's attention that may actually change the server in a positive way. So before I actually start, I want to say I have absolutely 0 idea of how mods/plug-ins/German computer magic in general works, and that I couldn't find this thought anywhere else (although I may have mentioned it a /long/ time ago)

But, so this thought, is somehow finding a way to add this popular mod, or some massive-mashed up plug-in version that the massive-technomancy team can scrap together, "Tinker's Constructs". For those who don't know what this mod is, it basically adds hundreds of new tools by using new tool parts that can be combined in new ways, the smelting of metals, creating stronger alloys that are stronger than diamond, modding these weapons with custom tinker mods at a certain table to add stuff like auto-smelting, slow auto-regen, its on version of luck etc. so for example you can make a stone pickaxe from actual stone, the handle, tool binding, and head all made from solid stone. which isnt as powerful as a vanilla iron pick, but has a special modifier for being made with a stone pick head "stonebound" which makes it mine faster as it wears down. And you can make a pickaxe the same way with more materials, like a strong but brittle solid obsidian pick, or a heavily modified paper pickaxe (because paper adds an extra mod slot). It also allows for the smelting down of materials in a new and MUCH more lore compliment than a superheating stove. you actually need to make a 5x5 smelter made from clay and sand smelted into singed bricks, and smelting certain amounts of materials together creates new alloys. The whole mod, while not complex is kind of lengthy to explain here...

I think if somehow, anyhow we could add something like this into massivecraft it would open up a metric ton of opportunities for players. Not only for the amazing lore it would add, as well as making crafting stuff much less... monotonous. But it would add more versatile weapons (as it adds daggers, pikes, battle axes, 3 new types of swords that have different perks) which would make combat much less... cut and paste. *drink a pot. spend 30 seconds slamming sword/axe into anything with a pulse. switch to hands to disarm him, then slam sword into him ago* it would add more depth to combat with pikes giving more distance than a sword could achieve, or a battle axe, giving more heft than your standard (reskinned) war axe. Plus adding depth to lore, so if you were to RP as a blacksmith, you're not just a dude with a nice skin, a crafting table, and a wall of furnaces. You actually need a real set up that takes time to learn. And *winks at moderators* a nice smeltery set up could blow any vanilla furnace wall/floor out of the lava that covering it to make it look more realistic (I know how you mods like your "lore compliance" and "laws of physics")

For anyone who actually stuck around through my entire rant, that will be written off because massive doensnt do mods, thank you *takes a bow*