Just A Farm.


I like to draw. Can I has drawing?
Apr 1, 2013
Reaction score
Ya muuum! ...Nah, just kidding. My mum.
its just a farm I made in single player creative. Inspired by Chinese rice patios.


  • 2013-05-25_10.00.41.png
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I love it. Everyone tries to make their farms efficient, but I for one enjoy a beautiful farm.
Any ideas of good farming efficiency? I need to make one for my new faction base and I don't know the best design and efficiency.
I have one idea which I have developed from a friend on another server. It's quick and easy collecting wheat.

Place at 5x7 row of wheat. At the end of the rows, place a blocked off area (by trapdoors) of water. Red wire the trapdoors to a lever.
On the other end, place hoppers with chests below them.

How it works: When you pull the lever, the water is released and pushes the wheat into piles through the rows. Eventually the wheat flows down into the hoppers and into the chests. Re-pull the lever to bring the water to a stop.
And there you have it, a automatic farmer. Who needs people when you have these magical things ;)
You ought to make your farms on flatter ground. The idea is perfectly sound, but the execution is perilous.
Also, you might want to try hiding your water sources or reducing them.

Nice job, though. :)