Preserved Sheet Jushur

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Scribma Male
Staff member
Sep 4, 2013
Reaction score
where the elf things are
Character Information
Full Name: Jushur
Race: Eronidas
Culture: Polon
Age: 33 years.
Sex: Male.
Eye Colour: Pale yellow with grey sclerae.

Core Concept

Jushur follows the Call of Vakgar and Makosh closely, revering the concept of personal excellence, worthiness, and honour.

Jushur is an Eronidas scholar-general who upholds the traditional Polon tenets of honour, self-elevation, and perseverance, while seeking out knowledge that might further equip his people against the depredations of the extraplanar world.

Strength: 3 + 1 (Physical Prowess)

Constitution: 3 + 1 (Physical Prowess)
Light Shielding
Heavy Shielding
Earthenware Craft
Wisdom: 2
Affliction Wisdom
Dimenthist Wisdom
Dexterity: 0
Magic: 0
Charisma: 6

State General
State Commander
West Linguist
Ancient Speech
Mount Husbandry (Advanced)

Ability Information

Summon Wall (Racial)
Altered Power (Racial)
Physical Prowess (Special)
Lyceum Debate (Special)
Gymnasium Training (Special)
Makosh's Shamans (Special)
Eronidas Organs (Special)
Polearm Leap (Mundane Technique)
Unarmed Dodge (Mundane Technique)
Barrier Smash (Mundane Technique)
Shield Block (Mundane Technique)
Perfect Cover (Mundane Technique
Mount Husbandry (Advanced) (Special)


Vasar (Native)
Common (Free)
West Linguist

Fluent in Altalar, Ithanian, Ibeth.

Appearance Information
Jushur has no mutations.

Jushur is a 7' broadly built Eronidas, with sandy blonde hair and pale yellow eyes. He dresses in darker Regal-esque fashions, with a pair of decorative bronze-plated embossed bracers on his forearms.

Life Story
Birth & Childhood

Jushur was born in a Polon in Daen; as a Polon child, he went through mandatory schooling, learning to read and write, as well as how to speak Common.
Jushur's education continued through his teenage years, where he developed a great fascination with Magic, insofar as wishing to understand how it functioned, how it harmed those around it, and how it might be supplanted by physical labour.
He took an interest in sculpting in the particular Eronidas style, developing a considerable talent for it.
Early Adulthood
Jushur served his mandatory military service in his 20s, developing a keen interest in military tactics. He enlisted with the Lykon Command Polon, learning the Eronidas way of war; this included how to siege, as well as how to survive a siege. He learned much about architecture here.
After graduating, he served under a number of Eronidas generals as an officer and adviser, making frequent run-ins with Kathar and Altalar forces, both of whom used Magic. Although the resistance of the Eronidas made it generally useless, he still wished to combat it further, educating himself with local shamans on how to protect himself from monsters from beyond, how to detect them, and how to remove marks of corruption from others.
Jushur sold his services as an officer and commander in the Regalian Empire, learning Ithanian, Ibeth, and Altalar out of necessity for communicating with Regalian soldiers.
Present Day & Regalia
Caught outside of the Polons when the Allorn Empire resurrected, he found himself keenly aware that he could no longer go home. Instead, he headed towards the Regalian capital in search of martial glory and knowledge.
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