Preserved Sheet Jumann Felix Lispector

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Sep 4, 2013
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Jumann Felix Lispector

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Jumann Felix Lispector.
  • Age: Twenty-seven years of age.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Ailor human, of Alt-Regalisch heritage.
  • Main Ambition: To act as a functional, progressive and successful patriarch of his family, once the time comes. Jumann's loyalty and desire for the Lispectors to become powerful and ever richer has been, and will continue to be, his life goal.
Skill Information
  • School: School of Mariposa.
  • Level: Warrior.
  • Source: Trained initially in shortsword combat by his father, Claus, before being trained by a hired Mariposa tutor and eventually finishing his training in the Fonseca estate.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Grey-blue.
  • Hair Color: Dark blonde.
  • Hair Style: Short and free-flowing, but easily moved.
  • Skin Color: Fair.
  • Clothing: Largely formal-wear, usually in monochrome tones with little colouration.
  • Height: 6 foot 4 inches.
  • Body Build: Ripped.
  • Weapon of Choice: A simple longsword.
Personality and Abilities
  • Jumann, much like his younger sister, is easily described as an honourable man with an affinity for posture and reputation. Jumann makes no attempt to hide his intents, though his words and actions easily lend themselves to aristocracy. Not quite so persuasive as his sister, nor as gifted in speech, Jumann still maintains chastity and a healthy acknowledgement of those around him. However, attempts to bend his will are met with fierce resistance; only a very good reason would redirect him from his goals. Jumann's loyalty lies, dutifully, with his family. Preferring to remain at least civil with acquaintances and the people surrounding him, Jumann has been known to assume a loud, commanding tone when faced with heated argument or physical conflict; as a trained warrior, his last goal is to engage in a tavern brawl. When stressed, Jumann often steps back to think about how exactly his father would deal with the situation, in some attempt to adopt Claus Lispector's ability to keep integrity under great duress.

  • Raised with the goal of becoming the Lispector heir, Jumann is a dominant man with very few doubts towards his own potential and ability. Fearful of few and respectful of few more, Jumann displays a certain sense of reverence for those he places above himself, and a desire to impress them. Even still, this group of people remains small, on account of Jumann's high image of self. Although willing to listen to the support and criticisms of others, Jumann is unlikely to act on it; he simply values his opinion above those of most others. Physically, Jumann is prone to overestimating himself, built up by the idea that his combat school is capable of outclassing most others. With an eagerness to act as his family heir, Jumann simply waits on his opportunity to take his title. Although educated to a respectable degree in literacy, mathematics, and business, Jumann is by no means as intelligent as some of his better-learned siblings. In fact, he often prefers to have them talk about most things intellectual.
  • Dominance and disregard characterise Jumann's home life. In his domain, Jumann is king, with little care for the people he lives with beyond sources of idle conversation and deliverers of his wants and needs. Although he doesn't treat his friends with such a harsh attitude, they still see further into his true, more relaxed personality; a reserved, self-assured man. Conversation comes naturally to him with companions, though any emotional meaning in this is lost, most likely by deliberate efforts by Jumann. Put simply, as a man with an intent to lead a family and its business, he sees no need to form emotional connections that he may later have to break. Jumann has never kept a lover; he believes strongly in sanctity of marriage, and would only pursue a partner with intent to marry.
  • Jumann maintains what could be called a 'good' morality, in regards to his religion. A devout follower of Sancellist Unionism, heresy, blasphemy, non-humans and mages are all held in a state of near-disgust, viewed as less than worthless unless proven useful. Justice and achieving it are large parts of his moral code; he blames non-humans for allowing themselves to lower themselves from humanity. Similarly, Jumann maintains a certain level of sexism, viewing men as physically and mentally superior to women. Economic differences are no concern for Jumann, with a certain respect for the requirement of people both rich and poor in a functioning society.
  • Combat Training.
    • Trained to the level of Warrior in the School of Mariposa, Jumann's combative ability allows him to be very capable in fights, with frequent maintenance enacted by spars with friends and other trained acquaintances. Jumann's affinity for offensive combat further compliments this, enabling a much more aggressive style of fighting.
  • Driven.
    • With a will of iron, Jumann's intent to achieve his goals is nearly unbreakable. Oddly enough, his drive to gain was never truly taught to him, simply something that made his education as the heir of the Lispector family all the easier. Simply put, Jumann has an uncanny ability to put his mind to something and will rarely ever give in.
Life Story

Birth & Childhood
  • Born on the 17th of May, 278AC as the first son of Claus and Joanna Lispector, Jumann entered Aloria in the Kingdom of Lusits, specifically in Portimao.

  • Despite their position and basing in Lusits, the Alt-Regalisch morals of the Lispectors were maintained and passed down to their children, beginning with Jumann.

  • Graced with affluence from a young age, Jumann's childhood was largely funded by logging from Lispector-owned lands, as well as the sale of dyes from said areas.

  • Resultantly, Jumann's upbringing revolved around manners and etiquette, with a private tuition and a focus on leadership skills, especially regarding business ownership and politics.
  • As soon as Jumann could comprehend respect, it was all he had for his father. Constant reminders of sacrifice led to him idolizing Claus, taking an even stronger interest in the running of his family once his father passed or gave him the mantle.
  • Even as a young boy, Jumann recognised the immense stress that accompanied his father's business and its many deals. Further yet, Jumann found his father's ability to maintain integrity as a person hugely inspirational, often attempting to adopt that quality.

  • Around the age of fifteen, Claus began teaching Jumann the basics of shortsword combat. For the next two years, Jumann would learn how to fight with said weapon, eventually amassing knowledge enough to warrant private tutoring by a trained Mariposa.

  • Near Jumann's nineteenth birthday, his father managed to organise an export trade deal which filled Lispector coffers massively. Coincidentally, around this time, his education as a Mariposa fighter began to excel, to the point where his tutor encouraged him to enroll in the Fonseca Halls for further education.

  • Jumann left for Daenshore, with full intent to become a properly trained Mariposa, and then to return home and assist in running the family alongside his father.
  • The next five years were largely uneventful for Jumann, in that his Mariposa education continued as usual. At the age of twenty-three, he graduated from the combat school, though chose to stay for another year, so as to learn yet more.

  • Aged twenty-four, Jumann began his return to Portimao, though extraordinary circumstances waylaid him for over two years; the Regalian war against Thellassia and Medlem Talar had begun. Although eager to partake in the conflict, Jumann decided against it; his loyalty was with his family, and he would not, by any means, allow it to go heirless. Even still, troop mobilisation and skirmishes in the area meant that travel became difficult enough that it was 304AC before he could begin movement once more.

  • By the time Jumann returned home, aged twenty-six, he found himself somewhat shocked, finding that his youngest brother and only sister had been sent to the Holy City of Regalia. Further still, Jumann's shock was reinforced by news that Adelinda had become the Lispector titleholder.

  • With slight disgust, Jumann stayed in Portimao to assist his father for a further year before departing for Regalia.
  • After organising a departure to the Holy City, Jumann set out in pursuit, intent to prove himself as the proper title-bearer of the Lispector family as its true heir, and to be the one to show Gerolt the way, rather than the spineless sister he knew from his childhood.

  • Present.
Last edited:
  • In your first paragraph, you state that Jumann is considerate of others. Throughout the rest of your paragraphs however, you characterise him as rather cold and uncaring towards others, and as a man who uses others to his own gain. Please fix this inconsistency.
  • Why does Jumann on purpose hide his feelings as you suggested in your third paragraph? How does this help him and why does he do it?
  • Is he generally an angry man with a temper, or more soft spoken? You haven't really mentioned how he reacts to pressure or upsetting situations.
  • Why did Jumann respect his father since he was very young? Was it part of the taught morals, or did his father do something to gain Jumann's respect?
  • Please mention some place how intelligent Jumann is. Is he tactical? Booksmart? Brash and uncaring about literature and the like?
Please make these changes in pink and tag me upon their completion.
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