Preserved Sheet Julius Eitri Grofsmid (the Dwarven Linquist)

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Dec 16, 2019
Reaction score
Full Name: Julius Eitri Grofsmid
Age: 47
Gender: Male
Race: Aldor
Sexuality: Straight
Preferred Weapon: Dagger

Total Points: 52 (47+5)

  • Linquist (15pts)
  • Society Knowledge (9pts)
    • Pagan (3pt)
    • Wildlands (3pt)
    • Western culture (3pts)
  • Sorcery (12pts)
    • Spirit Sorcery
      • Construct of Tranquility
      • Beastly Connection
    • Arcane
      • Quarrelsome Quill
  • Literary Arts (10 hobby points)
  • Fast Blades (9pts)
  • Magical Knowledge (4pts)
    • Artifactism
  • History Knowledge (3pts)
    • Wildland history
Body Shape
Physical stat: 9 [fast blades (9 times 1)]
Body Shape: Averge
Body Fat: Average

  • Ériunnach (Mother's Cultural Language)
  • Common (Free language)
  • Dwarven (Father's Cultural Language)
  • Vashkularr (Cultural Studies)
  • Zcorr (Travels)
  • Zasta (Cultural Studies)
Mythic Pack
(choosen at 12th point level)
  • Dragon Script (12th point language)
    • Language commonly associated with Dragons. Dragon Script is a form of writing commonly believed to be an invention of the Dragons themselves, though how or when it is totally unknown. It adorns their ancient and often lost temples across Aloria, and also dots the oldest areas of the temples of the Loong Dragons found on Dexai.
  • Meraic Alphabet (15 point language)
    • Based on no IRL Language, and was the Language of the Meraic people. In the modern-day, the Maraya have lost much in the way of understanding this ancient tongue, and thus it is rarely spoken. Instead, they strive to translate the rare written examples of their old tongue.
The Dwarven Souls

Soul of Halsörn (Health)
The Soul of Halsörn allows a Dwarf to soldier through wounds that would fell most others. This ability allows a Dwarf to focus their willpower to such an extent that they are briefly, for 15 seconds, completely impervious to all pain. While still traditionally hardy, this does not make them immune to the physical harm that will follow, nor the pain from wounds that will be felt after the 15 seconds have gone by. In addition, after the 15 seconds have elapsed, the Dwarf will become unable to engage in further combat from exhaustion and requires a full night's sleep to fully recover.

Soul of Bråverk (Truth)
Those who believe in any of the Dragon related faiths are able to use the Will of Denial to create an area of effect in which Void or Exist based Magic simply does not work. This is done by crushing a bone-bangle on a traditional Dragon Worship armband (which may have up to 3 bone bangles on it at any given time for balance). When such a bone bangle is crushed, it quickly spreads out white Soul Essence dust in a radius of 10x10 blocks around the Dragon Worshiper, in which Magic cannot be cast from, or cast into for at least 10 minutes. However, it has no effect on already cast Magic or Magic that has already taken hold inside the area. The area also cannot move post-cast.

Soul of Hämnd (Revenge)
The Soul of Hämnd is seen as something of a taboo in Dwarven society and is very rarely used as a result. The Soul of Hämnd allows a Dwarf to brand an enemy as a "Gravemarked", which, upon physical contact, will mark the individual in the eyes of all Dwarves as such, resulting in a dark, smokey aura that can only be seen by other Dwarves, indicating the person is not to be trusted. This is only ever done against an individual who commits a grievous slight or atrocity against the Dwarven people and can only be lifted by the Dwarf who marked them, or if a full month has passed since the marking. If the Dwarf who marked them is to die, the Gravemark will be lifted. The Gravemarked will feel or perceive nothing at all.


Sorcery: Beastly Connection [Constant Passive] {Sharpened Canines}
Animal: Anglican Laster
Sharpened Canines
  • The second component is a [Sorcery Spell] that allows the Sorcerer to summon a Familiar of their chosen animal that is the size of a domestic dog. This Familiar is tangible and can interact with the world around it (carrying items), but is relatively fragile, and can only take one solid blow before it dissipates. It will also dissipate if it leaves the visual range of the Sorcerer. It responds to the vocal commands of the Sorcerer, and if ordered to attack, will only be mildly distracting at best. If the familiar dissipates, it can be re-summoned by the Sorcerer 24 hours later.
Sorcery: Construct of Tranquility [Trigger Passive]
Object: Carved Necklace charm of the Family Name

As a representation of their cleared mind, the Sorcerer is able to construct a talisman or physical totem that guards them against Mind Illusions and Target Curses used on them without their consent. \When the Sorcerer would be affected by a Mind Illusion or Target Curse, the construct will break and prevent them from being affected in that single instance by that single ability. Once the construct is broken, they are not protected from any subsequent abilities or repeated attempts to use the same ability. Albeit they will be aware that someone is trying to cast a Mind Illusion or Target Curse on them, and may attempt to flee before a second takes hold. The breaking of the construct does not give the Sorcerer any indication as to who or what attempted to use an Ability on them, only that one was attempted, and was thwarted. Once a construct is broken, the Sorcerer cannot craft another for 24 hours. Should the construct be stolen from their person, it will no longer protect the Sorcerer and it will become a mundane item, where the same rules for re-crafting it apply as if it were broken.

Sorcery: Quarrelsome Quill [Linked Channel]
The Sorcerer can animate a quill or writing implement to record the audible dialogue of anyone in the same room as themselves. The implement will record in a journal if provided one, however, if no writing supplement is provided, it will begin to write and scrawl against the closest surface. The implement will not record the names of who said what, it will instead only record the words that are said. This can only be done if the individuals are within eyesight and audible range of the Sorcerer. The Sorcerer must remain within a 5 block distance of the Quill in order for it to continue writing. Holding or otherwise disrupting the Quill will momentarily halt it until it is free to move again. Only the Sorcerer can end the Channel and deactivate the Quarrelsome Quill permanently.[/SPOILER]

Dwarf Racial
  • Dwarven Lungs: They're capable of breathing smoke with only minor discomfort, and poison gasses have dramatically reduced effects on them. For example, gas potent enough to knock out an Ailor will only make a Dwarf feel very fatigued. (No Effect on Alchemy)
  • Dwarven poison resistance: entering their bodies through other means as well, taking roughly thrice the dosage of the other Races for any effects to begin to show.
  • Dwarven healing: Dwarf will spend half as much time in a healing house than an Ailor will with identical injuries, and their bones will be twice as unlikely to break. A Dwarf's wounds will clot fairly quickly, blood forming into thick, protective scabs to shelter open injuries.
Physical Traits
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: black
Hair Style: Usual hair, with a chest length Beard
Skin Color: lighter tan
Clothing: Simple clothes of a traveler
Height: 4'9

Choose your Character Alignment (Chaotic Good)
He fights for what he thinks is right, his hunger for stories and his travels have taught him to be open, but his feelings for Isldar and similar races which inflicted pain upon Dwarves remain colder. He has no warmth or liking for Isldar.

Choose your Character Personality Type
(Adventurer) Julius wandered much of his life and enjoys stories and tales. He always is seeking out the next story and the next person who may be in need of one. He will always be open to talk with most people and to share/learn when he can.

Character's Religion
(6/10) The Yellow Dancing Dragon
(He believes in it and practices the beliefs but he has never quite fully accepted people like Isldar)
(3/10) Druiden (He believes in Drudien and takes pride in the figure of the Dwarven God)
(1/10) Dreyda (He knows the gods and will work them into small things in honor to his mother)

Life Story
Julius was born to a Anglican father and a Eurien Mother, though his family functioned much as many did in Anglia. His mother taught him of the Dreyda and told him of pagan cultures beyond her homeland with rich stories and tales. These tales inspired him to learn more to write and record her tales.

From his Great Aunt, he learned of Anglican witch crafts and found a witch to teach him Arcane and Spirit sorcery but he never advanced much as he soon took up work as a scribe. From this work he began to learn of other lands and cultures, so he began to save his money and prepare himself by studying the basics of other cultures. Before setting out for his adventures.

He began in Gallovia, travelling deep into the highlands where he studied their faith and the languages of the Ancient Ceardians. From there he was pointed to the North and the Velheim where he learned of the Old Fayth, and so on he traveled until he had learned of the Pagan Faiths and their rich stories. Which he happily recorded before turning to the lesser known races, beginning his study of the Gorr Races.

He spent many years among various people, from the Varran, the orcs, the Slizzar, the maraya. Within these people he found many of his own staying for parts with the Dwarf Diasporas all across the archipelago and beyond. Throughout these studies he heard of another language, tied to the faith he had been taught by his family and which he had held to all that time. He studied further and further until he learned Draconic Script among their temples. Then his thoughts turned to Ellador, of the history and the lives lost to it's take over by the Isldar. He began to long to see the Holds retaken and their history revived, so he began to turn his studies toward this aim. Studying artifacts in the hope of finding one which might help the Dwarves rise again. He began to study the Nelfin Races and their cultures specifically the Isldar, and along the way he searched for any clue in Dwarven history as to what might be done to undo past failures.
Throughout his travels he learned much and desired more, the road did not hold as much longing for him. Then he learned that his cousin Wulf had found a place in Regalia a city of diverse peoples where his language skills might grow along with his stories. He seeks to settle down and help his fellow dwarves with his knowledge and carve out a place for himself in the Regalian economy and the clans of his fellow Dwarves, but he also seeks to finish the shared dream of the dwarf's. So he might begin to help rebuild the centuries of past knowledge and achievement lost to the Isldar.
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Please specify the dwarven subrace your character belongs to.

  • Ériunnach (Mother's Cultural Language)
  • Common (Free language)
  • Dwarven (Racial)
  • Anglican (Father's cultural language
Your character cannot know this many languages for free. Please remove one.
In addition, please remove your Linguistics Knowledge languages from spoilers, as with your spells. These should be very clearly present on the app, and be easily accessed by anyone.

Make these edits and tag me when complete!
@bwmwags3 You have selected too many languages through your Linguistic Knowledge. I ask that you read over this page, and rearrange them. Make these edits in Purple and tag me when complete.
@Mollymock do the packs give you all the languages within them of just one of them. I ticketed it before but I'm still confused on that.
@Mollymock submitting for re-review due to the proficiency changes. Also I noticed when I re-read the society proficiency cost it was actually three points per pack and not four so I corrected that as well. Those points are now in fast blades while the refunded ten have been redistributed.