Preserved Sheet Juliette Ta'ren

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Jun 13, 2016
Reaction score

Juliette Theme Song
Juliette Ta'ren
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Juliette Ta'ren
  • Age: 22
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Ailor, Ithanian with a bit of New-Regalian in her
  • Main Ambition: Meaning, Love, and Power
  • Special Permission: None

Skill Information

  • School: Turall
  • Level: Warrior
  • Source: She was privately taught Turall by her adoptive father for six years.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Light Brown
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: She keeps her wavy hair lengthy and to her waist most of the time. Other times, done up in a messy bun.
  • Skin Color: Fair and pale.
  • Clothing: She wears a buttoned white shirt beneath a black coat. Along with this, she wears brown slacks with metal-bottomed combat boots.
  • Height: 5'8
  • Body Build: Ripped
  • Weapon of Choice: Two arming swords

Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph: Juliette is often first perceived as a humorous, charming, awkward, and beautiful maiden. Though, to some she may be seen as a cocky and rude girl with a dark sense of humor. She is a confident young lady, some hearing of her tales of mischief and comedic outbursts in public settings. Down in the sewers, she may have be en known as a talented sword-wielder, and a hostile and an overall downright rude person.
  • Second Paragraph: Coming from a rough family from the start, she has always felt the need to be better. She's constantly worried about giving off good impressions to others, usually acting out in embarrassment, dragging others down so that she can look better. Juliette uses humor and the reliance of others to help her through dark times and nervousness, hoping that one witty remark at a time can gradually get her more loved by the public. Julie has always done her best to please others, though she consciously understands when something is too far. She can easily stand up for herself with a fire-y backlash, and she knows it. This is what gives her outside such a confident, charming, yet powerful appearance.
  • Third Paragraph: Around loved ones, Juliette is much more kind and defensive, doing whatever she can to please those who please her. Seeing these people happy is what keeps Julie going, and she's perfectly fine with this. She understands that her friends are there for her, and at any given time, ready to take their helping hand. This is what keeps her morals kind and charming around these people. Although, to strangers whom Juliette understands aren't important to her, she comes off as offensive, bratty, and an overall unkind personality.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Juliette refuses to take away a life. She has no remorse when mutilating, breaking, or stabbing, albeit, she refuses to kill. She's a rather neutral person, her guilt and shimmer of kindness keeping her from doing anything too bad. She understands what overwhelming power can do to a person, and consciously keeps herself in a more humble range. Her intentions are usually good, though her actions could say otherwise.
  • Fifth Paragraph: Juliette does not personally believe in Unionism anymore, given how she was never strictly taught it. And -- given her series of events, she has chosen that there is no Holy Spirit that can lead her down the right path. Though, for her own sake of survival, she chooses to say her 'Spirit Bless'es and fake her way into popularity. Juliette believes that the world in an unfair and cruel place, and no people have any equal amount of worth. Though, she does understand the beauty that comes with life, which has kept her from killing.
  • Aim - Juliette, in addition to her Turall training, has a talent for striking just where she wants. For example, she understands all of the weak points of a target, able to strike a moving opponents kneecap with ease. This could come in handy when against a Blackmark in certain situations.
  • Easy Manipulation - Juliette has learned to lie without a single moment of hesitation. The Ithanian can think up convincing and reasonable stories without showing a single sign of fear. Normally, Juliette uses this to worm her way out of bad situations, through her own silver-tongued ways she can slither out of places that would be considered disadvantageous.
  • Intelligence and Wit - Juliette is an unusually smart girl, having the talent to know when something fishy is up. In addition to this, she's able to respond to insults with quick and witty remarks in certain situations. However, this usually leads her down to anger most of the time.

  • Anger - Juliette is known for having bursts of rage. Insults and attacks can easily set her off, any tactics the young Turall may have had beforehand are flushed down the drain as they hack and slash at their opponent, whether it be with blades or words. This usually leads to Juli getting in fights she clearly can't win.

Life Story

283 - 288 After a relation with a lack of consent with Sonya Ta'ren ( @DaddyBrooke ) and Evan Ta'ren, Sonya's son. the bastard child Juliette was born in a wealthy home. Being cared for by her mother until five years old, she had been abducted multiple times as an infant for money, though every time, safely returned to her family. She was a humble and happy child, clinging to her mother's dresses as she stumbled through early life.

289 - 290 At the age of five, Juliette's mother, Sonya Ta'ren, had gone missing, and was reported surely dead. She had been sent to a friend of the mother, Aiko. Aiko, it seemed, was already diving deep into madness. The one Juliette called 'Auntie Aiko' was surely mentally ill. It was around the time of 290 where she was introduced to Axel, who she had already deemed as a father figure. Despite his comforts to Julie around her young age, he was undoubtedly a sewer dweller and an overall bad influence.

291 - 293 At seven years old, Sonya Ta'ren unexpectedly returned into Juliette's life. However, little the child knew at the time, Sonya was ill. Despite Sonya's efforts to keep Julie away from her, the small girl refused to let her mother leave her again. They decided to go into hiding together, living in a worn down home for three years. This room consisted of two beds, and a balcony. No other rooms, but just the ten-by-ten yard room that they called a house. Sonya kept hidden from the guards, because of Sonya's anxiety about being found. and Julie spent most of her younger years under a roof, playing with the toys she had brought with her from her 'Auntie Aiko's' house. She was rarely allowed outside. And, on the rare occasion that she was, she often caused mischief and trouble.

293 - 297 As the ten-year-old Juliette Ta'ren was wandering in the park as her mother remained at home, she had ran into Maxwell Ta'ren, the girl's uncle at the time, who had oddly recognized her. He scooped her up, and brought her back to the wealthy home where Juliette had once lived as a toddler, where she had told of staying with her mother, Sonya. Now -- Sonya had been thought to be dead at the time. Sonya was brought to the Ta'ren's home, where she explained how she had 'just been through rough times, and was in the process of healing'. This of course, was a lie to keep herself away from the Ta'ren family entirely. Maxwell offered to take Julie in, so she could live properly. Sonya agreed. So there she was, back living at the wealthy Ithanian home for four years, until the family's wealth was lost entirely due do an unfortunate turn of events, and leaving Juliette to abandon her now broken and poor home, beginning to wander the streets.

297 At fourteen, Juliette was taken into a home by Tiatha, a sewer-dwelling Cielothar. However, five others were already seeking shelter at the very same house. Juliette had to adjust to this, learning to make new friends. Juliette, however, yearned for Sonya. In this same year, she ventured out to find her mother. Eventually, they had reunited once more. They moved to the sewers together, where Juliette had found herself a home, where she cared for her sickened and wilting mother. There, she found Axel as well, who began teaching her Turall.

297 - 303 First beginning Turall was a struggle for Juliette, given her frail physique, which she had to build by endlessly jogging in circles around the park, and Axel commonly having Juliette do core exercises like push-ups and such. She rarely begun her training sessions without injuries from simply wandering about the sewers without caution in addition to this, making each day of work a struggle for such a weak girl. However, as she progressed, given her huge ego, she had convinced herself that no challenge was too big, and had pushed herself as she jogged, carried bags of dirt and rocks as she went. It wasn't unusual for Juliette to pull a few muscles now and then. When Juliette received daggers, it was no doubt that she used them for all the wrong reasons, and had returned to training with countless more cuts from the fights she had wormed her way into with her newly found weapons. However, given Juliette's smaller size at her age, she began to learn how to use that to an advantage, normally able to duck and slip past opponents at times.
Around the year of 303, Juliette had arming swords made from a black market within the sewers. She had struggled with balancing the blades, and keeping a firm grasp, though had been able to learn how to build up her reaction times. Axel had practiced parrying with Juliette, and at times, she had gotten cut from missing, as any other would.

303 - 305 Juliette, now the adult she was, had decided to leave her sewer past behind, and that she had had enough of all of the pain this illegal place had given her. Taking her Turall skills, and the personal ones she had picked up on her own, she decided to emerge out to the surface for the first time in years, and begin her new life. Immediately upon doing so, she had made a friend with a cross-dressing Chi', who, upon request, had allowed Juliette to stay at his home temporarily until she mustered up enough regals on her own for her own house. She had begun to search for noble families to work for as a guard, as she believe that with her skill of fighting she would be able to rise in a certain amount of power. As fate would have it, a Quinn had begun to chat with Juliette in the tavern. Juliette was kindly offered a job as a guard by the Quinn, and she quickly applied. Though, for this, she was in need of being a Sellsword, which she had dedicated herself to. Despite all that had happened in her life, she was ready to push her past behind her, and begin herself anew, admittedly sneaking down to the sewers every now and then to check on her old, poor, mad mother.

(edits done in red.)
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Life Story
  • If Juliette is a bastard why do her parents share a surname? I'm wondering if this wasn't supposed to be the case. Additionally, it appears that you are implying that Juliette is a noble bastard which isn't permitted given that the apparent House is not nobility. Please make the appropriate edits for noble mentions.
  • Remove the mothers undeadism as the understanding of undead isn't concrete and any changes could vastly influence the characters relationship with one.
  • I want to see the training in the School of Turall, the whole period, the difficulties and successes, etc. Just to round out the skill instead of it reading as just an insertion for convenience of having a combat school.
Make the above changes and tag myself once completed @DaddyKatie
If Juliette is a bastard why do her parents share a surname? I'm wondering if this wasn't supposed to be the case. Additionally, it appears that you are implying that Juliette is a noble bastard which isn't permitted given that the apparent House is not nobility. Please make the appropriate edits for noble mentions.
Oh! I have an explanation for that! This was all played out by other characters -- not NPCs -- so I unfortunately had no choice on how and why all this stuff happened IC. But, Evan Ta'ren was Sonya Ta'ren's son, and Juliette in no means was meant to be born. But, asides from that, Ta'ren used to be a noble house, but is admittedly not anymore. I can definitely edit where I had mentioned this to make it more clear that she is not a noble anymore, but she was living with the last name of a noble for some time, until the family had dropped. I'm not positive if that means that the noble part would be voided completely if a family was dropped, but if that's the case, I understand.
Remove the mothers undeadism as the understanding of undead isn't concrete and any changes could vastly influence the characters relationship with one.
I don't know how to handle this, because this was played by somebody else. Everything that happened in her life story was played out IC with different characters and such. I spoke with the person who plays Sonya, and we really don't know how to change this one. Wondering if we could get some help on this particular topic.
I want to see the training in the School of Turall, the whole period, the difficulties and successes, etc. Just to round out the skill instead of it reading as just an insertion for convenience of having a combat school.
I imagine that would be putting that into the Life Story. If not, sorry - do correct me.
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  • To address this point, that's perfectly understandable, though with the noble reworking Ta'ren wasn't nobility at all, regardless of the past system, this also extends to several other former noble houses. Ta'ren would have been a wealthy commoner based on the current system. So simply make that edit and that part is all good then.
  • Despite any IC interactions you will have to retcon it I am afraid. Undeadism is not at a good stage to base any interactions off of. Played Undead cannot exist currently and this extends to past interactions with them. There is no concrete lore for Undead and it could change to something completely different when compared to past iterations of the lore. That is the reason for that change.
  • And yes you are correct, it is for the Life Story. Your application was well done so the only issues I saw was in the Life Story section, my title could have been better I will admit.
Make the appropriate changes above. I understand most of this was done IG, but these will have to be retconned or reworked due to system changes/lore incompliance. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

  • To address this point, that's perfectly understandable, though with the noble reworking Ta'ren wasn't nobility at all, regardless of the past system, this also extends to several other former noble houses. Ta'ren would have been a wealthy commoner based on the current system. So simply make that edit and that part is all good then.
  • Despite any IC interactions you will have to retcon it I am afraid. Undeadism is not at a good stage to base any interactions off of. Played Undead cannot exist currently and this extends to past interactions with them. There is no concrete lore for Undead and it could change to something completely different when compared to past iterations of the lore. That is the reason for that change.
  • And yes you are correct, it is for the Life Story. Your application was well done so the only issues I saw was in the Life Story section, my title could have been better I will admit.
Make the appropriate changes above. I understand most of this was done IG, but these will have to be retconned or reworked due to system changes/lore incompliance. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Alright, I'll figure something out for Sonya Ta'ren with the person who played her, and I'll edit out any nobility mentioned. Sounds good, thank you!