Preserved Sheet Juliette Vauclain

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haeksen van regalia
Jun 22, 2016
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Roleplay Guilds
Thank you @Aespair for the adorable art!
"Vous êtes stupide!"

Basic Information

Full name: Juliette Alosïa Vauclain
  • Julie (Most common nickname)
  • Juli (By her closer friends)
  • Jules (By Loic Laine, her closest friend)
  • Remy Lesui (An alias)
Religion: Unionism


Gender: Female

Race: Ithanian/Alt-Anglian Ailor

Main Ambition: To learn about and explore the world around her


Visual Information

Eye color: Turquoise blue

Hair color: Dark brown

Hair style: Her hair is current cut short, going past her shoulders by only around an inch or two

Skin color: Light skin

Clothing: A violet and white dress

Height: 5'3

Weight: 110 lbs

Body build:Athletic build
Weapon of choice: Sword and Shield


Personality and Abilities

Personality traits

(+)Keen- Juliette is a very happy and excited person. She's often seen following around people who are off to do important things (or so she calls 'adventures'). It's nearly impossible to get Julie to be quiet once she's discovered some event that is to happen or if she has an idea. The girl is also rather impatient when it comes to this, so when she has to sit through boring lessons or chats, concentration is not her skill.

(+)Confident- Julie always believes she can do something, even if there is only a same chance that it is true. If she has an idea she believes she can pull it off no matter what, as well as she always thinks she's right. As well as this she has no care for noble titles, finding them a simple name and is not afraid to speak her mind to who ever she believes deserves it.

(-)Naive- Juliette is rather young, and has yet to see must of the world except for her home. She also has not been around long enough to know many things. With this, Julie thinks things such as; war, sanguines, and magic are not as dangerous as many make them out to be and actually..who knows maybe her family is just trying to keep her away from doing something fun?

(+)Adventurous- Julie is very adventurous. She loves finding new places or things in Regalia (and outside of it, when she leaves). Many times she disappears and no one has any real concern because they all know she'll return when she's had her fill of adventuring for the day. Most of the time, though this does not happen for a while and Juliette has been known to vanish for several days and suddenly return as if she was never gone.

(-)Dishonest- Juliette has a few secrets, most about where she's been when off on her adventures. She often finds herself exploring the poorer sections of the city and, on one or two occasions, the girl has been down into the sewers. As well as this she always tends to lie about where missing things have gone, such as jewelry of her family members sometimes disappearing and of course little Julie has nothing to do with it. It's rare for Julie to ever fess up to her lies and most likely she never will.

(-)Fastidious- Julie is a stickler for detail. Whether she is drawing a picture or doing her hair, it has to be perfect. This is often quite annoying to other people because sometimes she'll make them redo, or make them wait for her while she redos, whatever it is until it is perfect in her eyes. When something isn't just right, Juliette has been known, at least with drawings, to just throw the whole page into a fire, no matter how much time she's put into the work on it.


Artist- Juliette is an artist, she loves to draw. The girl has filled up several sketchbooks with her pieces. Most are random people or her family or places that she finds on her explorations. Of course, she has an eye for detail and, as previously, mentioned will destroy a drawing if it's not perfect to her.

Intelligent- Julie may not have been around long enough to know everything, but she is certainly advanced for her age. The girl sucks up information like a sponge and loves to research things she does not understand. As well as this she is easy to pick up on languages, of course she isn't fluent in a day but she normally can memorize a phrase or two not long after first hearing it. Juliette is also an extremely good reader and writer, which is something she likes to show off knowing that a lot of people in Regalia can't read and/or write.

Enthusiastic- Juliette is a very enthusiastic person. She constantly will try to do what she can to be of help to others or learn new things. She is willing to spent time learning new things, as long as it will benefit her or her friends. Currently, she is being taught Alt-Regalian by her friend, Elizabeth Black, though in the beginning she saw no reason to learn it, she is now all for learning so that Christopher and Dianne Black will like her better and allow Elizabeth to be her friend (Juliette didn't make a very good first impression on them so now she is trying to make up for it).


Bad at directions- Julie may be an explorer, but that doesn't mean she's any good at actually finding her way around. Usually, the girl just wanders, taking random twists and turns through the maze of Regalia and soon enough she often finds herself lost. This is one of the reasons Julie disappears for so long, she often can't find her way back and is too confident that she will to ask for help.

Picky- Juliette is not just picky about details, as previously mentioned, but also many other things. The girl is very fussy about which color goes with which and what foods she is going to eat. Julie often will only eat half her plate of food as the other half is 'inedible', for example the girl still refuses to eat most things that are green despite it being one of her family's colors.

Emotional/Anger Issues - Despite the fact that Juliette is a fairly nice person - or at least she tries - she sometimes (most of the time) has a hard time getting a grip on her emotions when someone pulls her into a stressful or sad situation. She very easily broken into tears or engulf in rage at the smallest or simplest of things. These behavioral problems have caused her to lose close friends and drive people away as well as even causing tension between family members of her own house.

Nerve damage (Right Hand)
- After a sharp fall on a wine glass that severely damaged her hand, Juliette dealt with several years of consistent pain and twitching in her hand. Recently, however, the twitching has ceased, but with it most of the feeling and use of her already fairly useless hand. Juliette isn't too bothered as she's perfected using her left hand as a dominant and she can still use her right arm, most of the time the use is for holding a shield.


Marianne Vauclain- Juliette's older sister, and the Head of her House. Julie loves her older sister but tends to annoy the poor woman. @Nesstro

Darcie Vauclain- Juliette's other older sister, and Marianne's twin. Julie also enjoys annoying Darcie, but unlike Marianne, Darcie tends to be the one that scolds her. @WalnutNinja

Jocelyn Vauclain- Juliette's cousin, she tends to purposely bother him whenever she has the chance, but more thinks of him as a brother rather than a cousin. @Dekuras

Susanna Bonette- Jocelyn's lover, who Juliette already considers family and is waiting impatiently for Jocelyn to engage. @Betel_

Jamie Rosendahl
- Marianne's ex-husband, who Juliette loves dearly as a family member. He trained her to fight and kept her company in Rothburg while the rest of her family had returned to Regalia, she'll never hate Jamie despite him and her sister's divorce. @Nudibronch

Loic Laine- Julie's best and closest friend, they've known each other since Fort Kronau. As well as being best friends, he is her love interest. Juliette would protect Loic with her life, and she's fairly certain he would do the same for her. @SK8T10

Elizabeth Black- A girl that Juliette has sparred on multiple times, and won. As well as being good, practically best friends, they survived together in Rothburg along with the other children of the fort. @Miss_Confined

Eric Touth- A Slizzar who Julie has grown fond of and considers one of her closest friends, him having been her only friend before she met Loic, Elizabeth, and Tanoro. Eric was also at Rothburg and despite Juliette's talent in sparring, the Slizzar has managed to beat her during their rare spars. @Ghirko

Tanoro Viduggla- An annoying boy who Juliette befriended for the sake of Elizabeth. She finds him rather bossy occasionally but has gotten used to the boy's strange nature to the point where she'd easily call him her friend. @WrongChat

Veridan Daevarr- The famous Daevarr, Juliette met him at Rothburg, where they shared a conversation about their plans after the defeat of Freya Lo. After returning to Regalia, Juliette has attended meetings with her dear friend and kept him company, in return the Drowdar protects the girl from creepy tavern-dwellers and mischief. @deadfoe51

Aeron Cullas- Someone who Julie has only come to consider a friend, she met him after a gyspy, named Athena, read her palm. The two aren't very close but after Aeron's considerate offer to beat the man that bothered her, Juliette has deemed him a friend. @ChensSpaghetti

Ztril Merrit- An Allar that taught Juliette that basics of medicine and has been around since Kronau in her life, she doesn't know much about him but knows, or at least hopes, that he is a good person. @Eyrok

William Coen- The man that Juliette referred to as 'Lord Commander' for two months and fought under in Freya Lo's occupation, she looks up to him and respects him greatly despite hardly knowing him. She's also quite thankful that he has been kind enough to consider ideas that she's thrown at him for repairing Regalia. @BillyTheScroofy

Warren Coen- The brother of the Lord Commander and one of the few that has sparred Juliette, though it was brief and easily won by the Coen. Juliette can look back at that lose with a grin because instead of bragging about the easy win, Warren offered her advice on how to better herself which she has taken to heart. @Brycea111

Emeric Laine- The brother of Loic Laine and someone Juliette has only spoken to a handful of times, she doesn't know him very well but still likes him considering how kind he has been to her unlike the other Laines, besides Loic of course, who either ignored her or disliked her. @Seidou

Nathaniel Bigge- One of the few people that Juliette truly dislikes, he's strict and has tried on several occasions to destroy her friendship with Loic. Juliette, not being the type to take such a thing kindly, has a rather large dislking for the Count. @Stark_Trek

Leonzio Vanetti- Her sister's fiance and one she doesn't care for very much. She thinks he's annoying and impossible to like, but in all honesty the girl has hardly given the man a chance to prove himself. @Timisc

Noxx- A strange man that Juliette met in the tavern, he spoke to her with a rather...sinister or mocking tone, to which Veridan (who was present) didn't take kindly and in response kicked the man down the stairs. As of now, Noxx seems to dislike the girl as much as she dislikes him.

Life Story

  • Juliette Alosïa Vauclain was born as one of the last children of the Vauclain family's main line, being the younger sister of Marianne and Darcie Vauclain.

  • Starting from a young age it was quite obvious that Juliette was a smart child, she began speaking and walking earlier than most as well as she often picked up on new things fairly quickly.

  • Around the age of five, Julie began showing a fascination with drawing pencils and paper. She often drew little flowers and stick figure animals that would evolve into much more detailed and interesting pieces as she grew up.

  • Juliette began her adventuring days when she was six. Often exploring her home and yards around it, of course being so young she never left sight of the house. (Yet)

  • She began to learn and practice archery.

  • Age seven was a strange year for Juliette. She began to pay less attention to her studies and, instead, began sneaking out when she could. Looking around until she found something interesting to draw. She started to draw maps to her adventures around this time as well, but seeing as she never left the view of her house the maps weren't too much of importance to her.

  • At age ten, Julie had come to a competent ability with a bow. As well as she began sketching people in her free time instead of just scenery.

  • Juliette began to lie at the age of eleven, breaking one of her family values; Honesty. For the most part Julie was just scared of getting punished for how far she had (now started) to travel on her adventures.

  • A minor panic happened when Juliette was twelve and vanished from the house for two days. When she returned she admitted to have traveled away and had gotten lost, lucky finding her way home after two days of searching.

  • A major event of Juliette's life happened when she was fourteen. She had been messing around, pretending to be hosting a party. The girl had taken a wine glass from the kitchen and while she was running back to her room to to throw her party, she tripped over her skirts and fell. The glass shattered on the floor and her right hand slammed down onto the broken pieces, slicing it open deeply. After she had her hand taken care of and some months have passed for it to heal she began t to notice that it had a tendency to twitch uncontrollable and hurt. This made her ability with a bow worsen and her drawings were beginning to look worse and worse as she could not hold a pencil still long enough to draw a good picture. Slowly, though, Juliette trained herself to use her left hand instead. It was a long year, but by the time she was fifteen she was able to use her left hand with just as much ease as she had used her right before she had injured it.

  • A few months after she had began using her left hand with ease, Julie discovered the sewers and began adventuring there often, becoming lost a few times.

The Dark Queen takes over

  • After Freya Lo took over the City of Regalia, Juliette fled to the country side and to Castle Black.
  • Julie left Castle Black the next day upon discovering no one in her family was at the castle and began making her way towards Fort Kronau.
  • She manages to find Fort Kronau and her family.
  • Witnesses the Siege on Fort Kronau by Freya Lo, realizing just how dangerous she is after watching the death of so many in front of her eyes. (She still remains naive about most other things, though)
  • Her family abandons the Kronau Resistance, offering her to come which she refuses.
  • Moves to Rothburg with the Resistance, under the care of her cousin, Jamie Rosendahl. This was where she became true friends with Loic Laine, Elizabeth Black, and Eric Touth.
  • Took part in the wall assault on Regalia.
  • Rejoined her family in Regalia after the fall of Freya Lo, becoming friends with Veridan Daevarr, Aeron Cullas, and many others.
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Claiming this application. Expect a full review within 48 hours.
This is a very well written application and I think you will be a great addition to the family!

The only real issue here is the logical incongruency between an archery skill and an injured hand. Both hands are equally required to fire a hand drawn bow. Usually the choice between left handed or right handed bow firing has a lot more to do with whether the left or right eye is dominant rather than which hand is dominant. If your character has an injured hand then it is unavoidable that there will be implications when she is doing archery. It is also not logical she would switch hands due to this because no matter what hand she uses, she will still have the same problems.

I think since it is nerve damage with intermittent twitches, you could reconcile this by creating a roll system for arrow firing where each time she shoots an arrow you roll 1-5 and if you land on 1 then your hand twitches and you miss horribly. Then you can still be an above average archer for your age most times but still account for the hand injury. If you don't want to decrease her archery will in this way, I would choose a different physical weakness.

Tag me once this has been reconciled @TheOverseer__
I decided instead of removing her damaged hand, I would replace the Archery skill in her strengths and instead replaced it with Enthusiastic. I make edits in Blue. @TheOverseer__
Made a few edits and, mostly changing her name/weight and adding to life story! All edits are made in blue!
No salt in intended, just letting you know for future reference~ daily bumps are excessive and only clutter our already very busy notifications. It will always take at least 1-3 days to do any re-review. Gimme a week minimum for bumps out of courtesy.

That being said, the changes are approved.
No salt in intended, just letting you know for future reference~ daily bumps are excessive and only clutter our already very busy notifications. It will always take at least 1-3 days to do any re-review. Gimme a week minimum for bumps out of courtesy.

That being said, the changes are approved.
Oh sorry! I only did a bump because it moved to the next page, but thank you!
Made some minor edits to her application, none of which I believe need a re-review~

Edits to;

  • Religion
  • Nicknames
  • Race (Changed Ithanian to Ithanian/Alt-Anglian mix)
  • Hair color
  • Hair style
  • Relationships
Edited her character application to include a weakness that I tend to play in her. I added Emotional/Anger Issues to Juliette as it seemed I played her to have them (which most of the Vauclains agreed) with this I edited the Nerve Damage in her hand to be less severe has I kept forgetting to play it out besides her simply avoiding the use of her hand. All edits were made in green!