Preserved Sheet Eomaric Of Mórra

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Level 20 Collector
Aug 12, 2017
Reaction score
Eomaric Mac Aeqën Uí Er'elaithus

Basic Information
  • Full Name: Eomaric Mac Aeqën Uí Er'elaithus.
    • Goes by: Eomaric of Mórra or Emerick.
  • Age: 30.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Ériunin Ailor.
  • Preferred Weapon: Ériunin Shortsword.
Skill Information
  • Base Proficiency Points: 30.
  • Body:
    • +20 Blades Combat Skill. (+20 from Points)
    • +5 Athletic Training. (+5 from Points)
  • Knowledge:
    • +12 Linguistics Knowledge. (+12 from Racial Boost)
    • +5 Magical Knowledge. (+5 from Points)
  • Body Shape:
    • Physical Stat: 20 + 2 x 5 = 30.
    • Body Build: Muscular.
    • Body Fat: Average.
  • Languages:
    • Ériunnach.
    • Common.
    • Modern Elven.
    • Alt-Regalisch Dialect.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Sky blue.
  • Hair Color: Golden blonde.
  • Hair Style: Short.
  • Skin Color: Fair.
  • Clothing: Favors light attire.
  • Height: 6'6".
Personality and Abilities
  • Alignment:
    • Eomaric's alignment is closest to Chaotic Good. He usually acts with contempt for the government but doesn't blatantly break any legislation. He is always working in the interests of himself and those close to him, and the methods he uses are often unorthodox.
  • Personality Type:
    • Eomaric's personality type is The Commander. He embodies charisma and confidence. He is a natural born leader with great drive and determination to achieve his goals.
  • Religion:
    • The Draoidh Feya. (8/10 Devout)
Life Story

277 AC: Eomaric is born to a family of decent wealth in Ériu-Innis, on the island of Mórra. He goes on to become the eldest of three siblings. His dedicated parents strive to raise him to be humble and good-natured.

289 AC: Eomaric shows an early interest in masculine activities such as fighting. His family finds time to play fight with him and keep him active.

291 AC: Eomaric's mother begins to teach him all about The Draoidh Feya.

295 AC: Eomaric begins exhausting physical training with his father. His uncle educates him on the fundamentals of sword fighting.

299 AC: Eomaric improves his swordsmanship with the help of his uncle and other hired tutors.

300 AC: Eomaric travels to Regalia to join his father.

302 AC: Eomaric voyages to Ériu-Innis to visit his extended family and claim his childless uncle's inheritance of emeralds.

304 AC: Eomaric returns to Regalia.

305 AC: Eomaric watches as his father is slain by a gang.

307 AC: Eomaric dies on the battlefield.
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Here's my review:

Basic Information:
  • By 'Full Ailor' born in Anglia I assume you mean Anglian Ailor. Anglians get a free +10 Heavy Bow Combat Skill OR +10 Food & Drink Sciences if you wish to use it.
  • You're going to need to reflect his knowledge of Modern Elven with at least +6 Linguistics.
Make your edits in blue and tag me when you've finished.


Thank you for reviewing this application.

Basic Information:
  • I replaced 'Full Ailor' with 'Anglian Ailor' for his listed race.
  • I opted against adding a racial proficiency as neither of them applies to this character.
  • I added +6 Linguistics to his proficiencies to reflect his knowledge of Modern Elven.
Will do!

Body Shape:
  • Racial boosts do not count towards your body stat calculations, readjust this accordingly
  • In the answer you've given to the second question, you describe how Emerick simply ignores stress. Putting stress aside and disregarding it for long periods of time can eventually lead to bad/unhealthy implications. How does Emerick go about ignoring this stress and how does he deal with it when it's been bottled up too long?
  • In the answer to the third question, be more specific about how your character expresses the emotion of happiness rather than saying it is 'rarely displayed publicly'. What about among close friends and family? Will Emerick smile then? Will he still keep to himself or will he attempt to make those friends happy as well? If Emerick prefers not to show his happiness physically, does it affect his behavior/actions or the decisions he makes on the inside?
Make your edits in blue and tag me when you've finished.

  • You describe Emerick's casual interest in the Arcane and Magical, specifically, the Exist and Void. Does this brew inner conflict within him due to his religion, or does he believe knowing what Unionism stands against is vital for his faith? Something for you to explore there.

I've done some major revamping to this character once more, and I'm thus requesting a re-review. This app will certainly be expanded upon once I roleplay with the character more. Additionally, I'd like to request that you clean this thread. It would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Although the Life Story is bordering minimum details, your re-review is finished and your character is reapproved. Next time you edit your application I expect to see some expansions on his past and his current state of affairs.

I don't usually clear out the review logs from staff, however, I've cleaned out all of Suicidiums old ones and left mine.
