Preserved Sheet Judith Hale

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Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
team sad






"Just 'cause trouble comes visitin' doesn't
mean you have to offer it a place to sit down."


「♞」《 Character Information
✗ Full Name: Judith 'Judy' Hale
✗ Race: Cearden Ailor
✗ Age: 23
✗ Gender: Female
✗ Eye Color: Blue
「♞」Core Concept
A blustering young woman, Judy is continually found dampening her short-temper and rowdiness in an effort to unquestioningly stay in line with the select Tenets she struggles to obey as she was raised a Dogmatic Unionist. She has a soft spot for her family, and animals, but outside of these groups it's an endeavor to get particularly close to her.


"Snakes like you usually die of their own poison"
Strength: 3
Technique Parry Pack
Concussive Blow Pack
Diving Tackle Pack
Unarmed Expert Pack (Free, Ailor)
Constitution: 4
Rage Counter Pack
Shield Block Pack
Shield Slam Pack
Shield Wall Pack
✗ Wisdom: 0

Dexterity: 7

Dagger Expert Pack
Agonizing Shot Pack
Critical Hit Pack
Hook Shot Pack
Puretek Sanction Pack
Puretek Barrage Pack
Sharp Reflexes
Magic: 0

Faith: 0
Common (Native)



「♞」Appearance Information
No Mutations
Judith stands at a towering 5'11" for a girl of her origin. Her skin tone should be very fair but with all the time spent in the sun, it's often dotted with tan lines, freckles, and sunburn. She has light brown hair, with two dyed blonde strips at the front, which she jokes is for standing out on 'Wanted Posters'. Her structure is somewhere between wiry and athletic, and her facial features are slim. She often believes her smile is ruined due to the fact her two front teeth are so prominent when she flashes her disorderly pearly-whites.


"You can be the sweetest peach on the tree,
but some people just don't like peaches."


「♞」Life Story
The eldest child by mere minutes, Judith Hale was born alongside her twin brother Thomas to George and Lucy Hale in the small town of Henford-upon-Frent. A few years later her youngest sister Marian came along, and their parents were thusly unable to conceive any more children.

Growing up in Henford, Steerland, was a dream for as much as Judy could remember, but shortlived as her parents passed away. The three children were sent to her Uncle Gregory's Celerie to live with him and his wife, the Celate dutifully raising them under strict household rules.

As a teen, Judy opted to help thoroughly on the Celerie, particularly when it came to tending to the cattle they owned. As the eldest, her responsibility burden felt the largest after the untimely demise of their late mother and father, and Judy stepped up to try to fill the shoes of her lost mother for her siblings, whilst also adapting to the worker's life she'd ended up with. As an adult, her life continued with the same recurring chores, although she'd taken to being a courier on occasion, coming to enjoy the little adventures she had on empty roads between towns, as an escape from monotony.

With both her siblings having moved away from her in recent years, Judy made the tough decision to finally leave the farm life. She wanted something vaguely familiar yet different enough to warrant the move, thus, Regalia was picked, and she packed up and headed out for (perhaps) bigger and better things.
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Hey there definitely not Ezalb (@Erzly ). Quick review.

Heartland Ceardian Ailor
She should be a Cearden cultured Ailor now, with the Ailor culture consolidation.
A blustering young woman, Judy is continually found dampening her short-temper and rowdiness in an effort to unquestioningly stay in line with the select Tenets she struggles to obey. She has a soft spot for her family, and animals, but outside of these groups it's an endeavor to get particularly close to her.
I assume she is a Unionist, but just make sure to mention which schism (Dogmatic, Evintarian, or Emended) she is. Otherwise, this sheet is looking good.

Mark changes in blue and @Tag me when all set!
Looks good to me. Approved.
Strength: 4
Technique Parry
Leaping Charge
Battle Flurry
Conscussive Strike
Constitution: 2
Wood Craft Pack
Thread Craft Pack
Wisdom: 1
Medical Pack - HallowtechDexterity: 5
Belt Shot
Winging Shot
Spray and Pray
Trick Shot
Just for clarity's sake, I would list the Pack names here, not the abilities they provide. Ie, Technique Parry becomes Duelist Pack, etcetera. You can list the names of the abilities in a spoiler down below though if you wish.

@Tag me when you're all set.
Just for clarity's sake, I would list the Pack names here, not the abilities they provide. Ie, Technique Parry becomes Duelist Pack, etcetera. You can list the names of the abilities in a spoiler down below though if you wish.

@Tag me when you're all set.
oh, doy, thats me being an idiot. i dont usually do this, i mustve rushed it like a FOOL. fixed it. @ezalB
tombstone emoji (it's ok)

@ezalB with it's removal, i took out recurve pack. didn't replace it with anything bc none of the other firearms packs took my fancy. left the point in dex, in anticipation of using my points on the custom kit anyhow!
@Caelamus sorry, 2 things in a row, just swapped Prepared pack for Sniper Pack at fergus's suggestion.