Preserved Sheet Judah Hayes

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The G0atfather
Aug 3, 2013
Reaction score
a hole in the ground
a hole in the ground
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Judah Hayes
  • Age: 45
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Nautilaan Ailor
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Regalian Navy Cutlass
Inventory Information
  • Regalian Navy Cutlass - 200 regals
  • Compass - 20 regals
  • Steel Dagger -40 regals
  • Telescope - 20 regals
Skill Information
Total Points: 50 (age +5)
  • 20 Captain Tactic Skill
  • 10 Maritime Knowledge (+5 Nautilaan Lineage)
  • 20 Thin Blade Combat Skill
  • 5 Dexterous Rogue Skill
Hobby Points: 10
  • 5 Musical Arts
  • 3 Dance Arts
  • 2 Literary Arts
Body Shape
  • 10 Maritime Knowledge + 20 Thin Blade Combat Skill = 30 Physical Stat
  • Muscular Body Shape
  • Low Body Shape
  • Common
Ailor Lineage Abilities
  • Infallible Navigator
  • Iron Gut
  • Favored by the Sea
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: Long and with dreads in it
  • Skin Color: Slight tan
  • Clothing: Dirty white ruffled shirt, brown pants, a long blue coat and a hat
  • Height: 5'10
  • Voice: Bill Nighy
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Chaotic Neutral
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • The Executive
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • 3/10 Unionist
Life Story
  • Judah Hayes was born in Narlas on the 3rd of November, 283 AC. His parents were moderately wealthy merchants who traded up and down the Schön river.
  • Judah was sent to the State Academy for Officers in Regalia at 14, his parents wanting their son to enter into the Regalian Navy. During his education there, he was taught discipline along with the skills of a ship captain. Unfortunately, Judah was stubborn and didn't like being told what to do, leading to disciplinary issues during his education.
  • While his discipline left something to be desired, Judah was naturally very good at maintaining a ship and captaining. Despite his disciplinary problems, Judah graduated from the academy when he was 19.
  • Judah entered into the navy immediately after his graduation and started to captain his own, albeit small, vessel. During the first five years of his captaincy, he also learned how to wield a cutlass as many naval officers did. In this he also found himself rather gifted at, despite rarely needing to utilize the skill during his time as a captain.
  • Judah's disciplinary problems only became worse as he grew older. Alcohol became a vice and he was disciplined repeatedly through his career. Lashings were amongst these but the final punishment was the loss of command of his vessel. Once he was relieved of command, he abandoned the navy.
  • Judah returned to Narlas, being little more than a homeless drunkard with a fancy sword at his belt. Eventually he joined a crew of pirates to fuel his alcoholism, but found that he loved the thrill of plundering and raiding. After five years of being a part of the crew, he hosted a successful mutiny that led to him becoming the captain of The Poison Grail, a Frigate.
  • Judah found success being a pirate captain, and began making frequent stops at crookback in Regalia to socialize with the local scum and villainy, something he continues to do to this day.