Preserved Sheet Juélliae Iôbtájj Llaënecìa

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Jan 31, 2016
Reaction score
sucking lestat de lioncourt’s toes

Basic Information

Full Name: Juélliae Iôbtájj Llaënecìa, though she is often nicknamed Julia or Julie.

  • Alias: Nuet'ciae (Meaning Otter in Modern Elvish)

Age: Fifty-five

Gender: Female.

Race: Cielotharic Nelfin, possessed by a Prosperity Existling.

Main Ambition: To spread worship of Estel and terminate worship of Behaesal; to protect nature and lead a simple life.

Special Permission: N/A


Visual Information

Eye Color: Sky blue, with darkened eye sockets.

Hair Color: Naturally a shade of light brown, dyed a burgundy colour.

Hair Style: Short and wavy, shaved on one side.

Skin Color: Sickly pale, due to her Existling infestation.

Clothing: Simple and practical clothing, often favouring the colours green and brown.

Height: 5'8

Body Build: Lanky.

Weapon of Choice: Magic.

  • Caster in all forms of Ellon Magic
    • Her Ellon is an otter.
  • Alma Magic.

Visual Information (Expansion)

• Juélliae has a rather rounded off face, with fairly average-looking feaures. Her eyes are round and large, though not comically so, and her eyebrows are round and angle-less. She has small mouth and down-turned nose, with short, wavy hair that falls just below her chin, shaved on one side and dyed a shade of wine red. Her ears have two silver piercings in them, and her hair is often decorated with flowers. In addition she has a green tattoo on her forehead of two crescents intersecting each other, forming an oval with an iris in the center representing the Virtue, Justice. To top it off, Juélliae's skin is unnaturally pale from her possession, her eye sockets are darkened, causing her to constantly look sleep-deprived, and antler-like horns grow from her head, often adorned with flowers.

• Juélliae is quite thin and small, with barely any muscle, fat, or body hair. A tattoo of a Celtic-style tree on her left bicep.

• Juélliae prefers loose, green and brown dresses. She typically wears more practical clothing such as a green tunic and leggings when doing rougher business.

• Juélliae speaks with an elvish accent, rarely stuttering at all. Her normal tone of voice is warm and calm, though when speaking to a Shendar, Blood Mage, or other heavily void-affiliated person, she sounds much more apathetic and cold. Julie fluently speaks Faraddi, Common, and Modern Elvish.


Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits

Devoted [+] Juélliae is extremely devoted- To Estel, to her ideals, to her friends… The list goes on. Juélliae would never just quit on anything, and she follows through with everything. She spends large amounts of time aiding her allies, and practicing her Ellon Magic. This came about due to her close relationships with her family, and her faith and determination were strengthened due to the amount of time she spent praying to Estel and the Virtues and for survival and aid when her home was burnt down.

Generous [+] Partially due to her Prosperity possession, and partially due to her nature, Juélliae is very generous. She frequently gives to the poor, albeit not from her own savings; she frequently pickpockets wealthier looking people for this purpose. While this could be seen as negative due to her frequently stealing from others, Juélliae can be genuinely kind and giving, provided that she has something to give. This often earns the Cielothar friends and allies, though the people she pickpockets are never quite so happy with her.

Aware [+] Juélliae has a tendency to be very merciful and caring towards others. She would never maim or act unnecessarily cruel towards another person without decent reason. When faced with a situation where she has to punish another, the Cielothar will normally decide against it, or if the act committed was serious enough, she would only punish them with something like a stab wound to a non-vital area. However much she forgives wrongs against herself, wrongs against her friends and family are usually not met with the same mercy. This is due to her awareness of other people's feelings, and her worse nightmare is becoming as awful a person as Shendar that burnt her village.

Pessimistic [-] Due to her rough past, Juélliae tends to look straight at the bad things in a situation. With a "glass-half-empty" outlook on life, the Cielothar has a tendency to point out flaws in every situation. This often causes her to come off as a bit gloomy, and people usually can't stand her constant downer attitude. She can also be a bit cynical about Shendar or Void Mages at times, despite her open-mindedness. She considers this "realism", and thinks it to be helpful, even if it is rarely appreciated.

Indecisive [-] Juélliae tends to have a difficult time making decisions, often contradicting herself, or constantly switching opinions. While not traitorous, this trait often causes annoyance to others which is often met with a shrug from the Ellon Mage. She has a strong tendency to switch between ideas and answers, changing from one thing to the next within moments, or sometimes days. For example, if someone asked Julie what her favorite animal was, she'd likely respond with something along the lines of "Hmm.. Probably cats.. No, wait. Ferrets! Actually.. Dogs, definitely dogs..".

Theif [-] Due to her Possession, Juélliae has a compulsive need to steal from those with wealth and give to those without it. She is easily classified as a pickpocket, often stealing peoples' belongings when they turn their backs. While this fuels her generosity, giving her wealth to gift others with, this trait is far from likable. People often avoid and distrust Julie due to this fact, both despite and because of the fact that she can't exactly stop herself. This is mainly due to her increased hatred of the fact that wealthy people have more than the starving, and are unwilling to share it. As such, she believes that money must be taken.


Magical Expertise: With knowledge lying in all forms of Ellon and Alma Magic, Juélliae is able to utilize both forms rather well. She is able to use Ellon Supreme Form, and her Alma Magic has proved a viable asset. Though, she often has a difficult time obtaining Almatars, meaning her Alma Magic is used rather infrequently.

Determined: Despite her indecisive nature, when Juélliae actually does set her mind on something, she will definitely follow through. Simple threats are often not enough to skew this mage away from her ideals and goals. Juélliae is highly passionate about the Faith of Estel, and she is driven to help her friends, sometimes at her own peril. Despite this, smaller goals are occasionally given up on.

Open-Minded: Juélliae is rather open-minded about most things, and even if she does not agree with an idea, she will give it a chance. While she has a strong distaste for most Void-based magics, she has come to see the usefulness of certain offensive forms. Even though there are certain belief systems she absolutely cannot and will not accept, such as Void Worship, most of the time she does not judge other people, and will give their ideas a chance. This often makes her an excellent friend, and she keeps allies easily due to this.


Inept at combat: Juélliae's build is extremely geared towards magic usage, to the point that even if she stopped practicing magic to work on physical combat, this weakness would stay. She has litle-to-no muscle or fat on her body whatsoever, and she has a difficult time fighting outside of her garden. On top of all this, during a fight with some Shendar, the Cielothar's right arm was messed up pretty badly; both broken and burnt. While the elder Light Mage of her Cielothar community did his best to heal her arm, it still proves an additional sensitive point in combat. Julie's arm is easily broken due to the previous fracturing. Due to her agricultural and peaceful lifestyle, Juélliae has an extremely low pain tolerance. Even a simple cut or bite could potentially have this Cielothar unable to cast, and there is no way she could continue a fight after being stabbed by a sword. She is almost fully dependent upon fighting in her Ellon Form, which has only small claws to defend itself.

Awkward: Juélliae is highly absent-minded, often spacing out and rarely paying attention to her surroundings. This can easily be taken advantage of. She is typically in her own little world, daydreaming. Large crowds of people make Juélliae nervous, as she has trouble communicating with others at times. While she does in fact enjoy the company of friends and family, the Mage is highly introverted and hates large, crowded places.

Prosperity Possession: Resulting from Possession, Julie has many features that drive people away. She desires constantly to steal from the rich and give to the poor, and the poor don't often thank her as much as the rich wish to harm her. In addition, she is forced to stay below ground due to the physical changes brought on by it.

Pyrophobia: Due to an incident with Shendar Fire Mages in her past, where Juélliae's arm was severely injured and a few trees were burnt down, the Cielothar has developed a fear of fire. If faced with even a fireplace, she will normally flee to a different area. This proves a weakness in both daily life and combat, since a fire mage that knew of this could cause her to panic with only a small flame

Personality and Abilities (Expansion)


Animals, Plants, Estel, Family/Friends, Cielothar, Yanar

Void Worship, Cruelty, Defecation of Nature, Slavery, Vampirism

Person: tba

Food: Salad

Drink: Tea

Activity: Gardening

Animal: Niloom

Flower: Rose

Least Favorites

Person: tba

Food: Anything bland in flavor.

Drink: Beer, and other things containing alcohol

Activity: Singing

Animal: Snake

Flower: Lily

Extra stuff

Optimist or pessimist?: Realist

Introvert or extrovert?: Introvert

Daredevil or cautious?: Cautious

Logical or emotional?: Emotional

Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Methodical and Neat

Prefers working or relaxing?: Relaxing

Confident or unsure of himself/herself?: Slightly Insecure

Animal lover?: Yes

For or against the queen?: Against

Religion: Faith of Estel

MBTI Personality type: INFJ

mainly stolen from WildRoze save for the last four question-things but I don't wanna give her a notification


Life Story


Was born to two Cielothar parents, with no siblings.

•Lived in a small farming community with Cielothar in Daendroc.

•Grew up with the typical morals of peace and mercy, raised in the Faith of Estel and honouring Serenity and Prosperity.

•Began helping out on her parents' farm and caring for the animals by age 10.

•Showed interest in Ellon Magic by age 12, a Yanar named Sylnaelyth agreeing to teach her when she was fourteen.

Teenage years:

•Kept working on the farm, this slowing her learning a small bit.

•At the age of 18, her twin sisters were born.

•Cared for her younger siblings, yet another minor distraction from magic.


•Lead a relatively peaceful life, becoming very strong in her worship of Estel.

•At the age of 20, her village was attacked by a group of Void-worshipping Shendar Fire and Corruption Mages lead by Sophie Baver. While the local Cielothar and Avanthar were able to fight some off the Shendar succeeded in burning down most of the town and surrounding forest.

•During this event, Juélliae's arm was broken by a Corruption beast, and burnt by a Fire Mage. She quickly rushed to a local healer after the battle but the arm remained permanently weak.

•This event fueled her hatred of Void Worship, and three of her cousins were killed, along with her father, leaving her in a small depression for the next 4 years.

•Her family took care of the farm now that her younger siblings were now old enough to help, leaving the Cielothar to help rebuild the town and replant the forest. A good portion of her relatives, including her sister, moved to Regalia during this time.

Taking an interest in Alma Magic, she ventured out to a village of Qadir to find a mentor at the age of 24.

Spent the next 30 years training with her newfound mentor; the first ten dedicated to gaining his trust.

•Moved to Regalia at the age of 55 looking for business opportunities and a bit of change.

•Became prosperity possessed upon settling down, the physical changes startling and bothering her, though she came to a begrudging acceptance.

•Wanders around the sewers to this day, pick pocketing the occasional wealthy-looking passerby and giving to the other poor sewer dwellers.

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I will be reviewing this character sheet!

Determined: Despite her indecisive nature, when Nithenoel actually does set her mind on something, she will definitely follow through. Simple threats are often not enough to skew Nith away from her ideals and goals. Despite this, smaller goals are occasionally given up on.

Expand on this listed Strength. What exactly encourages her to drive on? Is there anything specific that really encourages her, or something she's very passionate about?

Oh, dear. While I commend making such a detailed list, remember that this section really only needs at least three points. What I'd recommend is finding a way to list all of these sub-points into the main one. i.e. "Inept" and state clearly that it's a combatant and/or physical weakness.

Make any and all changes in blue, then tag me when you've completed the above! @triggeredtaco

@MantaRey Thank you for reviewing this char app! I have made the edits in blue.
  • Added a sentence to the strength Determined.
  • Combined it all into four weaknesses, Inept at Combat, Awkward, Lack of Judgement, and Pyrophobic. The description on Inept at combat is still really long, though I could not figure out how to shorten it without losing crucial information.
It's always the strengths and weaknesses that I have a problem with...
Been rewriting my old shelved characters, and Nith was no exception.
To summarize:
  • Changed her race to Avanthar.
  • Changed her name.
  • Added in Prosperity Possession.
  • Removed and replaced all mentions of pacifism and naivety.
  • Edited abilities to be compliant with the new lore.
  • Edited life story to be more compliant with the new lore, however there might still be issues as this was done at 12am on an iPhone and I was half asleep.
I think this requires a re-review.

also @Eternal_Wrath still a tree lovin' hippie <3
I will be re-reviewing this character sheet.:

I find that the only thing that I'm iffy about, though can't quite put a finger on it as to why, is the "Thief" trait. I suppose it might cause a bit of friction with the "Forgiving" trait and slightly contradict it. To explain, if she dislikes the fact that the wealthy have more than those of commonplace or even those in poverty, maybe she's more-so inclined to be "(+) Aware" instead of forgiving.

So! Change "Forgiving" to "Aware" and give it a good description. Afterwards:

Make sure to make the changes in blue, then tag me when you're done! @hetalianpasta

boop boop
Did a large rewrite on Juelliae.
  • Changed her race to Cielothar due to the Avanthar rewrites.
  • Decided that her Evergrowth Magic was not really being used in rp, and while I loved the concept of Evergrowth Magic, I didn't think it was very useful for this character. As such, it has been replaced with Alma Magic and Ellon Magic.
People who should know about these rewrites: @DockedRelic @Eccetra @Eternal_Wrath @The Unknown
Did a thread cleaning for you. I've also looked over the changes and they look fine. Re-approved