Archived Jousting

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The Trilogy
Apr 22, 2013
Reaction score
So I keep on hearing talks about horses coming out. I dont know if they are, but if they are... How about adding jousting? I think it was a sport in medieval times. It looked something like this. Basically, there are two men on horses. Each of them has long poles, made out of wood (It is called a Lance). Then they run straight foward and attempt to knock off the opponent from his horse. This was slightly risky in medieval times, since I think it caused some deaths. I think this might be fun for massivecraft and tournaments should be held for challengers.

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Once the lances broke, the knights were free to draw their other weapon, sword or axe, and continue the fight in the bloodier battles.
The knockback sticks will not work, because
1. It does not knock the player OFF the horse, it just smacks them
2. The horse is the real balance of the 2 players, but hitting each others horses would seem somewhat weird because the horse is getting knocked back, with the player still balanced.
Otherwise, this is a REALLY good idea! Perhaps just one more game to gamble towards!
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